eresh.leo -4 Newbie Poster

I have a situation in xsl where I had a param value that will be assigned some where in xslt transformation. But I get that param as a String , that param may contains a node a unbounded[0 or more repetitions] . How can I use param in for each as just any other xml content as used by any xpath expression.

Here is my sample xmls: RetreiveData.xml

<!--0 or more repetitions>-->


This is my sample file which will be sent as param to xsl

xsl file:

<xsl style>
<param name ="retrieve"></param>
<xsl:for-each ="$retreive/return/data">
----do strufff

This was throwing an error . How can i travese to a node if it is param ?
I know this can be done using variable which is assigned to the path in a xml file . But that method is suggested in my scenario.

Can any one help me in solving this

Thanks in advance,

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