crooksb 0 Newbie Poster

I'm having a devil of a time figuring out what I'm doing wrong. I get the message "Arguments are of the wrong type, are out of acceptable range, or are in conflict with one another" at the line. I've searched for a reason behind it but none I've found seem to be relative.
Code is posted below: Provider has MSDATASHAPE in it. All fields are spelled correctly and all are Unbound in the report

 sSql = "SHAPE {SELECT PrCalc.EmpId, Employees.EmpNum, Employees.EmpName, PrCalc.Gross, PrCalc.TotDeds, PrCalc.NetPay,   PrCalc.Checknum FROM PrCalc, Employees " 
sSql = sSql & "WHERE PrCalc.EmpId = Employees.ID}  APPEND "
sSql = sSql & "({SELECT PrTrx.EmpId, PrTrx.Hrs, PrTrx.EAmount, PrTrx.DAmount, AdjCodes.Description AS Expr1, AdjCodes1.Description AS Expr2 FROM PrTrx, AdjCodes, AdjCodes AdjCodes1 "
sSql = sSql & "WHERE PrTrx.DAdjCodeId = AdjCodes.ID OR PrTrx.EAdjCodeId = AdjCodes1.ID}  AS Command2 RELATE EmpId TO EmpId)"

rs.Open sSql, Open_Conn, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic

Set ChkReg.DataSource = rs
With ChkReg.Sections(3).Controls
    .Item("txtEmpNum").DataMember = ""
    .Item("txtEmpNum").DataField = "EmpNum"
    .Item("txtEmpName").DataMember = ""
    .Item("txtEmpName").DataField = "EmpName"
    .Item("txtGross").DataMember = ""
    .Item("txtGross").DataField = "Gross"
    .Item("txtTotDeds").DataMember = ""
    .Item("txtTotDeds").DataField = "TotDeds"
    .Item("txtNetPay").DataMember = ""
    .Item("txtNetPay").DataField = "NetPay"
    .Item("txtCheckNum").DataMember = ""
    .Item("txtCheckNum").DataField = "CheckNum"
End With
With ChkReg.Sections(4).Controls
    .Item("txtDAmount").DataMember = "Command2"
    .Item("txtDAmount").DataField = "DAmount"
    .Item("txtEAmount").DataMember = "Command2"
    .Item("txtEAmount").DataField = "EAmount"
    .Item("txtHrs").DataMember = "Command2"
    .Item("txtHrs").DataField = "Hrs"
    .Item("txtDDesc").DataMember = "Command2"
    .Item("txtDDesc").DataField = "Expr1"
    .Item("txtEDesc").DataMember = "Command2"
    .Item("txtEDesc").DataField = "Expr2"
End With

ChkReg.Show ''' ERROR HERE """
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