//Hi all just switching from c++ to c#.Can anyone  help,with the question i have:
//this is a peace of code from c++ banking aplication
int ShowMenu(void);

void AddAccount(vector<CAccount*>& list);
void DisplayAccount (vector<CAccount*>& list);
void Lodgement (vector<CAccount*>& list);
void Withdroawal (vector<CAccount*>& list);
void InterestRate (vector<CAccount*>& list);

CAccount* findAccount (vector<CAccount*>string );

bool quit = false;

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
    vector<CAccount*> list;

    int option = 0;

        quit =false;
        option =ShowMenu();
        switch ( option )
        case 1:
        case 2:
        case 3:
        case 4:
        case 5:
        case 6:
            quit = true;
            cout << "Invalid Entry, Please Try Again";

        return 0;
//How to change c++ vector to c# and what #include should be?Thank you.

A List<T> in c# is the same as a vector<T> in C++.
cout would become Console.Write or WriteLine in C#.

I am also stuck on this line of code vector<CAccount*> list; How to make vector List<T> as you mentioned to be able to store pointer to base class?

If you have a CAccount class, you don't need a pointer to that class just use List<CAcount>. In C# you seldom use pointers. The compiler does it for you. You still can use pointers but then, you have to mark the code with the unsafe keyword.

In C# you can think of all classes as references (pointers)

Like ddanbe said above, if you really want the pointer, you can use the unsafe keyword and then use it like C++. A more safe way is to marshall it out into an IntPtr object, but this is generally reserved for interop (Win32 API) code.

Given that your code looks to be self-contained you don't need the actual pointer reference.

Quick overview:

Nearly all objects are of two basic types; value and reference. A reference type can be treated almost identically to the pointer type in C++ and value types are the same as normal definitions and primitives (such as int, float, long CMyClass)
A quick easy rule as to whether something is a value type or reference type;
structs are value types and classes are reference types.

You can also say that anything that inherits Object is also a reference type but there are special rules around this too (such as boxing and unboxing).

To make it relevant to your code:

List<CAccount> list = new List<CAccount>(); in C# is the equivalent of
std::vector<CAccount*> list; in C++

commented: Could not have explained it better. +15
//How do i transfer this code in to c#:
#include "stdafx.h"

using namespace std;

int ShowMenu(void);

void AddAccount(vector<CAccount*>& list);
void DisplayAccount (vector<CAccount*>& list);
void Lodgement (vector<CAccount*>& list);
void Withdroawal (vector<CAccount*>& list);
void InterestRate (vector<CAccount*>& list);

CAccount* findAccount (vector<CAccount*>string );

bool quit = false;

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
    vector<CAccount*> list;

    int option = 0;

        quit =false;
        option =ShowMenu();
        switch ( option )
        case 1:
        case 2:
        case 3:
        case 4:
        case 5:
        case 6:
            quit = true;
            cout << "Invalid Entry, Please Try Again";

        return 0;

int ShowMenu(void)
    cout << " Welcome to account App" << endl;

    int option;
    cout << "\t\t1. Add New Account" << endl;
    cout << "\t\t2. Show Account list" << endl;
    cout << "\t\t3. Do Lodge" << endl;
    cout << "\t\t4. Do Withdrawal" << endl;
    cout << "\t\t5. Set Interest Rate" << endl;
    cout << "\t\t6. Exit" << endl;
    cout << "\n";
    cout << "\t\tEnter Option Here: ";

    cin >> option;
    return option;


void AddAccount(vector<CAccount*>& list)
    CAccount* ptr;

    ptr = new CCurrentAccount ("ca1234", 100, 500);

    ptr = new CDepositAccount ("da1234", 500, 10);

    ptr = new CSSIAAccount ("sa1234", 100, 20);


void DisplayAccount (vector<CAccount*>& list)
    cout <<list.size() << endl;
    CAccount* ptr;

    for(int i = 0; i < list.size(); i ++)
        ptr = list[i];
     ptr-> ShowDetails();

CAccount* findAccount(vector<CAccount*>list, string idIn){
    for (int i = 0 ; i < list.size(); i ++)
        if (list[i]->GetID() == idIn)
    return list[i];
return NULL;

void Lodgement (vector<CAccount*>& list)

    string AccId;
    CAccount* p =NULL;
    float lodgementAmount =0;
    cout << "Process Lodgement" << endl;
    cout<< "Enter account ID:" << endl;
    cin >> AccId;
    cout << "Enter lodgement account =" << endl;
    cin >> lodgementAmount;

    ///call method to return pointer on vector on vector that matches id
    p = findAccount(list,AccId);
    if ( p == NULL)
     cout << "Error account can not be found" << endl;
        cout << "new balance details "<< endl;

void Withdroawal (vector<CAccount*>& list)
    string AccId;
    CAccount* p =NULL;
    float withDrawalAmount =0;
    cout << "Process Withdraw" << endl;
    cout<< "Enter account ID:" << endl;
    cin >> AccId;
    cout << "Enter withdrawal account =" << endl;
    cin >> withDrawalAmount;

    ///call method to return pointer on vector on vector that matches id
    p= findAccount(list,AccId);
    if ( p == NULL)
     cout << "Error account can not be found" << endl;
        cout << "new balance details "<< endl;

void InterestRate (vector<CAccount*>& list)
    for(int i =0;i <list.size();i++)
        CDepositAccount *devptr = dynamic_cast<CDepositAccount*>(list[i]);
        if(devptr != 0)

        cout << "interest rate" << endl;

///I have so far this ,what i managed :
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace UseInheritance
    class Program

        static void Main(string[] args)
            List<Account> list = new List<Account>();

             bool quit = false;

             SavingsAccount sa = new SavingsAccount("Freda Smith", 100.00, 25);

             //sa.ChangeName("Freda Jones");
             //Console.WriteLine("Bank charge: ${0}",
             CurrentAccount ca = new CurrentAccount("ca1234", 200, 20);
             DepositAccount da = new DepositAccount("da2345", 500, 10);
             CSSIAAccount cssia = new CSSIAAccount("sa0023", 100, 20);

           int option = 0;

        quit =false;
          option = ShowMenu();
        switch ( option )
        case 1:
        case 2:
        case 3:
        case 4:
        case 5:
        case 6:
            quit = true;
            Console.WriteLine  ("Invalid Entry, Please Try Again");

     public static  int ShowMenu()
    Console.WriteLine(" Welcome to account App");

    int option;
    Console.WriteLine("\t\t1. Add New Account");
    Console.WriteLine("\t\t2. Show Account list");
    Console.WriteLine("\t\t3. Do Lodge");
    Console.WriteLine("\t\t4. Do Withdrawal");
    Console.WriteLine("\t\t5. Set Interest Rate");
    Console.WriteLine("\t\t6. Exit");
    Console.WriteLine("\t\tEnter Option Here: ");

    option = (int)Console.Read();
    return option;

        public static void AddAccount(List<Account> list)


        public static void DisplayAccount(List<Account> list)


        public static void Lodgement(List<Account> list)
        { }
        public static void Withdroawal(List<Account> list)
        { }
        public static void InterestRate(List<Account> list)
        { }


//// the hard coded output works,but how do i fill in functions,like add Account //and those with the pointers  convert to c#?

Perhaps you could specify everyting by function(method in C# talk) at the time. We (at least I) don't see all the things going on, please explain them.
Your AddAccount function seems rather easy this would be something like list.Add(AnAcount);

// function adAccount
 public static void AddAccount(List<Account> list)

            CurrentAccount ca = new CurrentAccount("ca1234", 200, 20);

            DepositAccount da = new DepositAccount("da2345", 500, 10);
            CSSIAAccount cssia = new CSSIAAccount("sa0023", 100, 20);


///function display next,do i need to declare assignement again 
  CurrentAccount ca = new CurrentAccount("ca1234", 200, 20);
  //this Display in base class:
   public virtual void Display()
            Console.WriteLine("Name={0}, balance={1}",
            this.name, this.balance);
        //next functions like:
         public static void Lodgement(List<Account> list)
        { }
        public static void Withdroawal(List<Account> list)
        { }
        public static void InterestRate(List<Account> list)

        //No idea how to do,as in c# no pointers,classes works as a references ,but,i never came across with a syntax,like c++
        //this is my first convertion from c++ to c#,that's why asking too many questions
        //Whant to see how it works in c#, because syntax a bit different.Regards

On line 207 of your previous post you have List<Account> list = new List<Account>();
If CurrentAcount is another class you have to make a new List unless CurrentAcount is of type Account and you overloaded the consturtor in the Account class. Have to say goodnight now, see you in the morning. :)

Could you post the code of your account class please?

//Here is account class:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace UseInheritance
    public abstract class Account
        private string name;
        protected double balance;

        public string Name
        {  get

            return name;
                name = value;


        public double Balance
            get {
                return balance;
                    balance = value;


        public Account(string nm, double bal)
            this.name = nm;
            this.balance = bal;

        public virtual void Credit(double amount)
            this.balance += amount;
        public virtual void Debit(double amount)
            this.balance -= amount;
        public virtual void Display()
            Console.WriteLine("Name={0}, balance={1}",
            this.name, this.balance);
        public void ChangeName(string newName)
            this.name = newName;
        //public virtual double CalculateBankCharge()



Let's concentrate on AddAcount for the moment.
You are creating 3 new classes there and add them to the Account list. In C# this won't work unless you use an ArrayList, but I would not recommend that.
Couldyou not turn these classes into an Account class also?

//Can you give me an example,please.To see how it works. And even to display all them,looks like need some kind of ref,but need to know how does it work in c#
/////This what i tried to do for addAccount:
 SavingsAccount sa = new SavingsAccount("Freda Smith", 100.00, 25);

            CurrentAccount ca = new CurrentAccount("ca1234", 200, 20);

            DepositAccount da = new DepositAccount("da2345", 500, 10);

            CSSIAAccount cssia = new CSSIAAccount("sa0023", 100, 20);

// but if try to do display function,like :

        public static void DisplayAccount(List<Account> list)
            foreach (Account value in list)


//it doesn't work

C# is very picky about types, in fact as it should be. One of the reasons I like the language so much. IMO you should have only one account class. I'll come back with a listing of what I mean. Meanwhile, you could read this.

OK if you consider it solved. But here is my first version of an account class.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace Banking
    enum AccountKind
        CSSIAAccount, Deposit, whatever 

    class Account
        public string name { get; set; }       
        public double balance { get; set; }
        public AccountKind Kind { get; set; }

        public Account(string name, double balance, AccountKind Kind)
            this.name = name;
            this.balance = balance;
            this.Kind = Kind;

        public virtual void Credit(double amount)
            this.balance += amount;

        public virtual void Debit(double amount)
            this.balance -= amount;

        public override string ToString()
             return String.Format("Name = {0}, Balance = {1}",this.name, this.balance);

//Just somehow pressed solved,sorry

the Display stays the same?
 public virtual void Display()
            Console.WriteLine("Name={0}, balance={1}",
            this.name, this.balance);
//This is my deposit acc,is it correct?
 class DepositAccount:Account
        protected double IntRate;
        public double intRate
                return IntRate;

                IntRate = value;



        public override void Display()
            Console.WriteLine("Name={0}, balance={1}, balance={2}",
                 this.name, this.balance, this.IntRate);

        public DepositAccount(string nm, double bal, double IRate)
            : base(nm, bal)
           IntRate = IRate;


        public void AddQtrInterest()
            balance += balance * IntRate / 100 / 4;

        public override void Debit(double amount)
            if (amount <= (balance ))
                balance -= amount;

                Console.WriteLine("Not allowed as amount exeeds balance\n");



You don't need the Display method (that is soo C++ I guess)
Because depositAccount is an Account you can use the ToString method of Account. You could remove my enum as you apparantly are going to derive other accounts from Account.

//Tahnks.Why when i try to do thid in depostAccount
class DepositAccount : Account


//it complains now for Account ,i change it to public abstract(the Account)to be it base
//In your example variables declared public,should i redefine the as protected?

Should not worry too much about abstract and protected.
Concentrate on the translation until you got a working project, then start the refinements.

Is it possible somehow to send you whole app,to check,what i got so far?

Could you send it in zip format?
Perhaps also include the C++ listing.

yes,i can,just need destination

//Here 2 copies,one from c++ to be converted to c#

can you see files,i uploaded 2,but can't see them

I see nothing. Did you clicked on the paperclip in thearea above the post?

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