Smith5646 24 Junior Poster in Training

I am trying to build a webpage that has a list of topics on the left side of the page and then when the user points to them (request has been made for hover and not click), the details of that topic show on the right side of the page.

I have a little experience with HTML from about 10 years ago and am less than a beginner with javascript and CSS. For this adventure, I have fought with the CSS hover function, iframes, and several other ideas but keep running into walls. I'd offer some source to show where I am (I hate posters that want me to do their work for them) but I am still at the how do I do this part. Can someone get me pointed in a good direction on how to do this and give me some sample source or at least keywords to search on to get me started?

As I am typing this I had another thought/question. Does anyone know how "hovering" works on devices like iPads? Is there "hovering" on these types of devices or am I trying to build a page that they won't be able to use?

Thanks in advance.