33 Topics

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Member Avatar for miketurpin

Hi, I'd need a function where an optional argument takes on the value of another argument when it's not specified. I'd like to be able to write: function some_fun ($a, $b, $c, $d=$b) { ... However, this is not correct PHP syntax. I'd really like it to be, and may …

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Member Avatar for DJSAN10

If the main() takes 3 arguments i.e. int argc,char * argv[],char *env[] and SINCE C DOES NOT SUPPORT FUNCTION OVERLOADING ,y does the c compiler does not give error for simply void main() //that is no arguments at all OR void main(int argc,char *argv[]) //2 arguments

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Member Avatar for Obsidian_496

Hello. I have a problem with one part of my homework. I'm not exactly sure how to say this in English. I want the constructor to build an object and assign string values to attribute1 and attribute2. I'm only posting the relevant part of my code. My class can be …

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The End.