Determining the value of a point by bicubic interpolation Programming Software Development by alastair1008 I'm trying to write a mothod in C# that will find the value of a point by bicubic interpolation. basically I have an array of 16 (4x4) float values that are either 1.0f or 0.0f and i am trying to get the float value of a single point by interpolating from the 16 points. Problem in Java Programming Software Development by Anuradha Mandal …Scale Up", "Scale Down", "Scale Up : Bicubic", "Convolve : LowPass", "Convolve : Sharpen"…); break; case 3: /* scale up using transform Op and BICUBIC interpolation */ AffineTransform at = AffineTransform.getScaleInstance(1.5, 1.5);… Help with CSS Digital Media UI / UX Design by queendaedra …;submit"], input[type="image"], button { cursor: pointer; } /* Bicubic resizing for non-native sized IMG:…-things-client-side-image-resizing/ */ .ie7 img { -ms-interpolation-mode: bicubic; } /*… Matlab code using Genetic Algorithm for a digital images correlation Programming Software Development by rick_miller82 … end end mesh(f);pause; % %Using Interpolation (Can use 'bilinear', 'bicubic' or 'nearest') % xa=1:1:10; ya=1:1:10… CSS rescaling a image Digital Media UI / UX Design by shuka79 …%; position:absolute; z-index:1; } #page IMG {-ms-interpolation-mode:bicubic;} #page img#main { z-index:0; width:100%; height:100… Image in Frame with Tkinter Programming Software Development by Ismatus3 …/nvprojet/Info1.jpg") imageinfo=imageinfo.resize((60,60),Image.BICUBIC) photoinfo = ImageTk.PhotoImage(imageinfo) canvas = tk.Canvas(interf0 , width = imageinfo… Make Text Go To Bottom Of Page? Digital Media UI / UX Design by Spencer_2 …-index: -1; } .vegas-background { image-rendering: optimizeQuality; -ms-interpolation-mode: bicubic; z-index: -2; } .alignleft { float: left; } .alignright { float: right; } I… Hover over image on home page to open new page Digital Media UI / UX Design by mldardy …-color: #000; vertical-align: middle; border: 0; -ms-interpolation-mode: bicubic } .center { display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width… Algorithm: Bicubic interpolation with irregular mesh Programming Computer Science by Colezy Hi all, Ok, a little bit of background before I start. I am working on some 2D visualisation software to show a cross-section of a magnet yoke with colour coded sections showing the force. The diagram has 10 discrete colour sections, not a continuous blend of colour. The data I get from the experiment is formatted awkwardly and unfortunately this… Re: upload image get corupted after move Programming Web Development by eltonpiko …;bicubic_resample=true; // [OPTIONAL] set resample algorithm to bicubic $thumb->img_watermark='watermark.png'; // [OPTIONAL] set…*@access public *@var bool [OPTIONAL] set resample algorithm to bicubic **/ var $bicubic_resample=false; /** *@access public *@var string … Re: FILE UPLOAD - Is there a way to compress file size on upload? Programming Web Development by cwarn23 Another thing you can do to reduce the space used is to use bicubic resize the make the images half the height and half the width but for large images this technique can use a lot of cpu when resizing them back with a bicubic resize unless you just use html to pixel resize to the original size. Re: algorithm for parametric surfaces design in 3d. Programming Computer Science by mike_2000_17 … applications that require smooth interpolations. For surfaces, you use a [bicubic interpolation]( - [B-Splines](http…/wiki/De_Boor_algorithm). Again, for surfaces, you do a kind of bicubic generalization of it, as in [here](http://www.cs.mtu… Re: Blurry Images Digital Media UI / UX Design by HI2Japan …. I use Photoshop and tend to leave the default of Bicubic. That has worked fine for all of the images I… Re: Wordpress theme affecting the style of the post Digital Media UI / UX Design by kako13 …:none; line-height:0; vertical-align:top; -ms-interpolation-mode:bicubic} #fancybox-frame{ position:relative; width:100%; height:100%; border:none… Re: image rotation Programming Software Development by arielbernal … resampling, use bilinear interpolation it just fine and fast, using bicubic will get you deal with splines. I'll try to… Re: Problem in reading .png file in C Programming Software Development by Efficience … , which is not so desirable.I'm trying to do bicubic interpolation of image for which I'm supposed to read… Re: Problem in Java Programming Software Development by verruckt24 What is the name of the file you have written this code into ? It should be named exactly what the public class in it is named which is [B]ImageDrawingApplet[/B]. The compiler clearly tells you the error and also marks the line in error: [I][B]\src\javaapplication19\ class ImageDrawingApplet is public, should be declared in a file … Re: Problem in Java Programming Software Development by verruckt24 What is the name of the file you have written this code into ? It should be named exactly what the public class in it is named which is [B]ImageDrawingApplet[/B]. The compiler clearly tells you the error and also marks the line in error: [QUOTE]\src\javaapplication19\ class ImageDrawingApplet is public, should be declared in a … Re: Problem in Java Programming Software Development by varshakite_21 Hi, I have a suggestion: The directory/folder, 'tools' and the file, '' should be in the same directory/folder. I'd like to know what errors you are getting. Thanks! Varsha. Re: Problem in Java Programming Software Development by varshakite_21 [QUOTE=varshakite_21;1467796]Hi, I have a suggestion: The directory/folder, 'tools' and the file, '' should be in the same directory/folder. I'd like to know what errors you are getting. Thanks! Varsha.[/QUOTE] Ohh.. I am extremely sorry. This is not the answer for this question. Re: Help with CSS Digital Media UI / UX Design by hericles It looks like you just need to change the float of the menu as it is currently set to float: right; I'd follow the advice at the top of the CSS file and add a new CSS file after this one that has the new CSS rules in it. That way it will overwrite the rules you need to but leave your original CSS untouched. By doing it this way you can also play … Re: Help with CSS Digital Media UI / UX Design by queendaedra Awesome thanks so which tag was it the one below? > header nav { float: right; margin: 15px 0 0; } Re: Help with CSS Digital Media UI / UX Design by queendaedra That did it! Thank you so much!! Re: CSS rescaling a image Digital Media UI / UX Design by kidwon Well you can apply [CODE] html{overflow:hidden;}[/CODE] Re: CSS rescaling a image Digital Media UI / UX Design by shuka79 thanks kidwon, thats done the trick. your a legend!! Re: CSS rescaling a image Digital Media UI / UX Design by BSkiLLs That shouldnt be doing that anyways if done right plus cause if you have it set as the actual page background it wouldnt either. That really actually needs to be fixed or will end up with problems as you go on different browsers conflicting with it and other things if not coded in or content'ed correctly. When it comes to correctly sizing … Re: Image in Frame with Tkinter Programming Software Development by woooee The best you can do AFAIK is to bind the canvas to a button click and get the coordinates. You then check to see if the click was within the boundaries of the image. If you bind the Canvas object to a button click that calls the function clicked, the following will print the x,y coordinates. Also, the obvious, you can also attach an image to a … Re: Image in Frame with Tkinter Programming Software Development by Ismatus3 Hello woooee , Since yesterday i'm trying to execute my python scripts from the IDLE , it show : > IDLE's subprocess didn't make connection . Either IDLE can't start a subprocess or personal firewall software is blocking the connection Re: Image in Frame with Tkinter Programming Software Development by Lucaci Andrew That means that you saved in your python folder (when using the ide) a file which is named or a file which name is the same with some original python file. Try looking into your python folder (i.e. `C:\\Python273` or `C:\\Python3.3`) and find that file, and change its name. Re: Image in Frame with Tkinter Programming Software Development by Ismatus3 Thank you for your answer Lucaci , but i don't understand what do you mean , and where to find the file ?