Re: RayCasting: why i get a more width vertical lines on square grid size? Programming Software Development by rproffitt When I work such an issue I set the breakpoint where the trouble is and examine variables. There's some variable that controls the output so that's what you look at. You've posted a lot about ray-tracing and that's all good but setting breakpoints to see what's going on seems to be the challenge. Re: Creating breakpoint in C Programming Software Development by WaltP Think about how you want your breakpoint to work. What happens when the breakpoint is activated? What does the user get to do… when your breakpoint is activated? How do you want to continue from the… out all the ins and outs of your breakpoint concept. Once you have that designed, then you are ready … Debugging and Breakpoint not working for Angular in VS Code Programming Web Development by priyamtheone …debug through **Run > Start Debugging**, the breakpoint becomes unbound. Once debugging starts, nothing happens afterwards.… Neither does it hit the breakpoint, nor do the buttons (Step Over, Step …this thread]( But nothing solved my… Still breaking after breakpoint removed Programming Databases by ChrisPadgham … at the moment. I set a breakpoint in the code to debug. I remove the breakpoint after I am finished but the… need to work out how to get rid of the breakpoint completely. Creating breakpoint in C Programming Software Development by Perry31 Hi geeks, I'm using visual studio to write and execute programs. I want to create breakpoint not like software breakpoints(F9 for debugging). I want to build the project in release mode and want to have breakpoint. I heard something like _asm int 3 to create breakpoint. Can anyone explain _asm int 3 will do??? Thanks in advance. Windows has triggered a breakpoint Programming Software Development by tomtetlaw …, I get this runtime error: [code] Windows has triggered a breakpoint in quarantine.exe. This may be due to a corruption… Address specified to RtlValidateHeap( 01330000, 01333A80 ) Windows has triggered a breakpoint in quarantine.exe. [/code] How could I fix this problem? Re: Windows has triggered a breakpoint Programming Software Development by tomtetlaw When the breakpoint is triggered, m->numverts is 2, and mvertex_t is defined like this: [code] typedef struct { float x, y, z; } mvertex_t; [/code] Freeing memory causing Windows to trigger a breakpoint? Programming Software Development by spursfan2110 …) second line from the bottom saying Windows has inserted a breakpoint possibly due to heap corruption and a few other technical… Re: Freeing memory causing Windows to trigger a breakpoint? Programming Software Development by spursfan2110 …) second line from the bottom saying Windows has inserted a breakpoint possibly due to heap corruption and a few other technical… Windows triggered breakpoint Programming Software Development by rapids79 … I debug gives the following error: Windows has triggered a breakpoint in Test_1.exe. This may be due to a corruption… Best way to debug step-by-step/breakpoint Javascript? Programming Web Development by riahc3 Hello By the way Javascript works Im not sure if this is possible but I would like to debug Javascript much like debugging C# or/and Java; I put a breakpoint in a line and press (for example) F5 so it goes to the next line/function and pauses and keeps going each time I press a key. Is there any way how to do this? Re: HardWare breakpoint chaining? Programming Software Development by Nowayz That library has nothing to do with breakpoint chaining, and it only works if you're doing your hardware breakpoints internally. He could be debugging a remote process. To be completely honest it looks like you googled "Hardware Breakpoint" and pasted the first link to a library that you found. Re: HardWare breakpoint chaining? Programming Software Development by alexchen [URL=""]This [/URL]might help. upvote my post if they helped. Re: Debugging and Breakpoint not working for Angular in VS Code Programming Web Development by rproffitt It could be you need the full Visual Studio and not the free VS Code. Visual Studio Code is an open source, free code editor that can be used with different programming languages like Angular, NodeJS, Java, JavaScript, C#, etc. VS Code can be integrated with git. Try it with the full Visual Studio next time. Re: Debugging and Breakpoint not working for Angular in VS Code Programming Web Development by priyamtheone @rproffitt: For developing Node JS and Angular apps, VS Code is enough instead of downloading and installing the full Visual Studio, that takes a hell ream of time and memory. I am using VS Code for my application that is running Angular and Node JS only. The debugger of VS Code is supposed to work in this simple scenario, which it isn't. Re: Debugging and Breakpoint not working for Angular in VS Code Programming Web Development by rproffitt I've used Visual Studio since about 1995. I took a look at VS Code and it fell short of the full Visio Studio so let's say you're right. Next stop is Microsoft themselves. But here's an idea. Sometimes I found I had to set the default associations of say html, htm and more back to stock. Didn't get to use Chrome. It had to be just as … Re: Creating breakpoint in C Programming Software Development by Ancient Dragon > As for int 3, forget it. Yes, because the operating system won't let your program execute interrupts. The processors on Intel based computers do not allow normal programs to use int instructions. [Here]( is more info about int 3 if you are really interested. Re: Freeing memory causing Windows to trigger a breakpoint? Programming Software Development by spursfan2110 Actually, to be more specific, it appears to happen immediately before the free(cur) would be executed...which seems even odder to me. Re: Freeing memory causing Windows to trigger a breakpoint? Programming Software Development by mitrmkar [QUOTE=spursfan2110;1175597]Actually, to be more specific, it appears to happen immediately before the free(cur) would be executed...which seems even odder to me.[/QUOTE] Likely you are [I]writing to already freed memory[/I], outside this [ICODE]delete_from_list()[/ICODE] function. The debug memory management facilities kick in upon the attempt to… Re: Windows triggered breakpoint Programming Software Development by Ancient Dragon Your question is like calling up the auto repairman and saying "my car is broke. Do you know what's wrong with it?" We need a lot more information, such as the source code for the program. Re: Windows triggered breakpoint Programming Software Development by rapids79 Hi..thanks for the reply..I've attached the code with the respecitve header files included.... Re: Windows triggered breakpoint Programming Software Development by Ancient Dragon winzip can not read that file. Re: Best way to debug step-by-step/breakpoint Javascript? Programming Web Development by Taywin If you use Firefox with firebug, here is the [explanation]( If you are using Chrome, someone has posted the [picture]( of where you can push the step-in button. If you … Re: Best way to debug step-by-step/breakpoint Javascript? Programming Web Development by EvolutionFallen Have you tried [Firebug]('s Script tab? Re: Best way to debug step-by-step/breakpoint Javascript? Programming Web Development by EvolutionFallen Instructions for Chrome: Re: Best way to debug step-by-step/breakpoint Javascript? Programming Web Development by gon1387 You can use `debugger` for setting breakpoints. it works like this: var num1 = 0, num2 = 0, sum =0; //set num1 to 4 num1 = 4; //set num2 to 10 num2 = 10; //here goes the debugger debugger; //<--- code will stop right here sum = num1 + num2; Open your console then run the code: here's also a JSFIDDLE example i … Re: Best way to debug step-by-step/breakpoint Javascript? Programming Web Development by riahc3 OK, debugger is working pretty good for now. Ill keep playing with that. Thank you. Using BeginAcceptTcpClient with the TcpListener class Programming Software Development by BobFX …;>>>>>>> Second breakpoint // Console::WriteLine("Connected!"); String ^data…;>>>>>>> First breakpoint // TcpClient^ client = listener->AcceptTcpClient(); [/code… [/code] *without* stopping at the first breakpoint. Hitting F5 make the callback function answer, and… Help on malloc Programming Software Development by guest7 … *** error: can't allocate region *** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug test.o(11488) malloc: ***…*** error: can't allocate region *** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug test.o(11488) malloc: ***… error: can't allocate region *** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug terminate called recursively Abort trap… Stack overflow issue Programming Software Development by jesseb07 …amp; size) : wxFrame(NULL, wxID_ANY, title, wxDefaultPosition, size) { CreateStatusBar(); //breakpoint 2 SetStatusText(wxT("Performance Data")); //panels and controls… { return pvReturn; } } //... [/CODE] I would start at breakpoint 1 but never hit breakpoint 2, which means it must be failing in…