Capital Or Small Programming Software Development by Syed Ammar …<conio.h> using namespace std; int main() { int Capital=0,Small=0,Vowels=0,digits=0; cout<<…}else if (x>='A' && x<='Z'){ Capital++; } else if (x>='a' && x<='z…<<"\nYou Input "<<Capital<<" Capital Case Letters\n"; cout<<"\… capital letter Programming Software Development by singhraghav … it with only the first letters of the name as capital....i am able to it the first name but m… Capital letter in combobox and textbox Programming Web Development by lianpiau I want user key in CAPITAL LETTER in combobox and textbox count capital letters in string Programming Software Development by moaz.amin.37 …string there is a problem my code count space as capital letter code is below #include<iostream> #include…;str<<endl; cout<<"Number Of Capital Letters = "<<num<<endl; } }; … = hello world String Is = hello world Number Of Capital Letters = 1 how can i solve it Split string on capital letter, not on multiple capital letters Programming Software Development by iamthesgt … for them to be formatted. I split them at a capital letter, but I do not want to split if there… are multiple capital letters in sequence. For example: I want this (and I… convert to capital letter Programming Web Development by new SE … i use to make the data inserted is in all capital letter? here is insert statement: [CODE] string query = "INSERT…;;[/CODE] strToUpper() is used to make it convert to all capital letter but i don't know where should i put… Re: convert to capital letter Programming Web Development by Lusiphur … i use to make the data inserted is in all capital letter? here is insert statement: [CODE] string query = "INSERT…;;[/CODE] strToUpper() is used to make it convert to all capital letter but i don't know where should i put… Re: Split string on capital letter, not on multiple capital letters Programming Software Development by iamthesgt Okay, I thought of something to try, but I can't seem to construct the regex. If I have a string of the format "O S D Settings" that I want to convert to "OSD Settings", I could just concatenate the capital letters that are followed by a space, right? How might I construct this Regex? Re: Split string on capital letter, not on multiple capital letters Programming Software Development by nezachem > concatenate the capital letters that are followed by a space I can think only of a 3-step solution (which looks ugly, but possibly it can be improved): - replace all wanted spaces with, say, underscores: `s/ \([A-Z][^ ]\)/_\1/g'` - remove all remaining spaces: `s/ //g` - restore wanted spaces: `s/_/ /g'` Something like that... Counting Capital Letters Programming Software Development by stayyaba … work when I run it. My output should be "Capital letters appear x times in y" Where x is… Carleton University", 0dh, 0ah, "$" rslt db "Capital Letter appear x times in y", 0dh, 0ah, "… C++ Problem write capital letters Programming Software Development by mefju … keylogger code which writes the keys but does not write capital letters and such that:! @ # $% ^ & * () + Someone help me with this…;"a"; break; case 'VK_CAPITAL' : out <<"CAPITAL"; break; case 'VK_ADD' : out <<"+"; break… Re: count capital letters in string Programming Software Development by AndrisP Charcodes of capital letters is 65-90. Replace line 29 to `if(int(str[i])>=65 && int(str[i])<=90)` Re: count capital letters in string Programming Software Development by Sarkurd For checking a letter if capital we use `std::isupper`. `std::toupper` used to convert lower letters to captital. std::string str("Hello"); int count = 0; for(int i = 0; i != str.size(); ++i) { if(std::isupper(str[i])) ++count; } Re: Printing words that begin within capital letters Programming Software Development by akkkk … the first word which began with a capital letter. Would it better to find capital letters in the string and then count… Re: Printing words that begin within capital letters Programming Software Development by woooee Split the string on whitespace and check the first character of each word. You can use >= "A", <="Z"; or check that the ord of the character is within the capital letter range; or create a list of capital letters and use "if the first letter is in the list". Re: How to find how many sentences start with a Capital letter Programming Software Development by JamesCherrill … strings: "This data has one sentence starting with a CAPITAL letter." "this has none, says James." "…;An ellipsis looks like this: ... . "É is a latin capital letter E acute, Unicode: U+00C9, UTF-8: C3 89… Dispaly Each First character is capital ?? Programming Web Development by Aamit Hi, In my $str="DAniweb it DISCUSSION Community" I want "Each First" character is capital and rest of lower case " If String is $str="[COLOR="Red"]DAniweb it DISCUSSION Community[/COLOR]" Ans-> [COLOR="Green"]Daniweb It Discussion Community[/COLOR] How to do this?? Printing words that begin within capital letters Programming Software Development by akkkk …. I want to print out the words that begin with capital letters and was wondering how i could achieve this. I… Converting small letters to capital Programming Software Development by Lee21 guyz, I want to know on how to convert small letter to capital letters. I want to convert every letter automatically once I press the keyboard. Hope you help me this guyz.. Im going to wait for your replies.. Re: Converting small letters to capital Programming Software Development by y2_sub … want to know on how to convert small letter to capital letters. I want to convert every letter automatically once I… Re: Converting small letters to capital Programming Software Development by Lee21 [CODE] Dim s As String s = txtLname.Text s = s.ToUpper txtLname.Text = s [/CODE] I already tried what you advised but I want that everytime I press the keys on the keyboard even though it is not in capslock the output is it is on capital letters, the output is displayed in the textbox Re: Converting small letters to capital Programming Software Development by y2_sub … is not in capslock the output is it is on capital letters, the output is displayed in the textbox[/QUOTE] Add… Big Blue monitors everything that moves in Swedish capital, Bork Bork Bork Programming Databases by happygeek … media friendly) which has already reduced traffic in the Swedish capital by some 20 percent and further reduced the average travel… How do I get a random capital letter generator? Programming Software Development by Shaye12321 … (it's in C++). I need to generate 5 random capital letters between A and P (A, B, C, D, E… Re: How do I get a random capital letter generator? Programming Software Development by Shaye12321 … changed the code and now I'm getting 5 random capital letters (so thank you for that) but now it's… How to make the First letter of the name into the textbox capital Programming Software Development by pratik65 i am making a project in and i have a bio data form in it i have 2 textbox in it, TextBox1 is for Name and the Textbox2 is for father's name . i want to make the first letters of Name in textBox1 as Capital(eg: Pratik Shukla) in both the TextBox .on focus lost write a small b before capital B in the file. This isn't easy. Programming Software Development by MRehanQadri Suppose my file a.txt has "ABC" written in it. Now I want to write a small b before capital B in the file. How will I do it? I've tried to do it but i'm having problems. 1. When opened in app mode seekp doesn't work. 2. When opened normally previous written data is erased. Help with detecting capital letters and punctuation Programming Software Development by IconiCxPimp … code and I need it to detect and change the capital letters into lower case as well as move the end… Re: Help with detecting capital letters and punctuation Programming Software Development by ddanbe To detect if a character is a capital letter, use the IsUpper method ([see here]( There is also an IsPunctuation method. Re: Help with detecting capital letters and punctuation Programming Software Development by JOSheaIV … respective location? Or are we only looking for the first capital letter?