117 Topics

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Member Avatar for hirenpatel53

hi all i am getting confused in between two product 1 gb DDR3 NVIDIA GeForce 315M And 1 GB ATI ROBSON XT DDR3 which one os better

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Member Avatar for anmolmehtaaa
Member Avatar for thp

Windows XP - Computer 1 & 2 - IBM Netvista ThinkCentre's P4; 2.8 GHz Problem: Computer 1 (Windows XP Home) copied photo's from 2gb SD card using Lexmark Pro200 printer with SD card reader to Easygo 4 GB flash drive (verified that the photo's were there.) Computer 2 (Windows XP …

Member Avatar for flagstar
Member Avatar for Soben

I want to make a simple online multiple player cards game using PHP/Ajax. I guess I need socket programming (I want it to be real time). I've worked with sockets before in Java, but not for an online program, just a network game. I searched but I didn't really find …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for davi0011

I'm curious because I'm new to the world of buying computer parts and such. I've installed an Asus model of the Nvidia 550ti and I was wondering if I should use the Nvidia drivers or the Asus drivers. both drivers seem to work with only slight differences in the multiple …

Member Avatar for davi0011
Member Avatar for scottd82

Hey everyone, I wrote some code to create a deck of cards, described the deck and randomly deals 5 cards. First, I want to let everyone know that this is homework for my C-II college class, so I am not looking for any answers, but solutions or guidance in figuring …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for skatamatic

I got a USB video card to give my development computer another monitor without getting a new video card. I started getting a headache after thinking about how they work... The product (as advertised) uses USB 2.0 and can output 2048x1152 resolution with 32 bit color at 60Hz. A bit …

Member Avatar for zalia64
Member Avatar for TheNinjaForce

I am planning on getting a mother board but I cant tell how many graphic cards it can hold the description says: Expansion Slots PCI Express 2.0 x16 7 (4 x16 or 6 x8 + 1 x16) What does that mean? Motherboard: [url]http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813188070[/url] Video Card: [url]http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814130655[/url] or [url]http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814130751[/url] I am …

Member Avatar for khajvah
Member Avatar for Ratman69

So, I need to make a flash card app on java and I'm planning on using blueJ. My main problem is that I don't really understand how to make a menu interface in which you can choose to flip the card, go to the next card, etc. Thats my main …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for mah300274

I am looking to buy a graphics card and was looking at VisionTek Radeon HD 6950 Graphics card (only because this one should go pretty cheap) but it is currently bricked. This is the exact wording of the person, "This graphics card is bricked meaning a bios flash gone wrong. …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for manchurianCEO

Long story short, my little cousin turned on the computer, don't know how long it was on but when I found it there was no display. It's a compaq presario originally had windows ME but it was upgraded to XP. Since I plugged the screen to my laptop and it …

Member Avatar for jjos
Member Avatar for s00pahFr0g

Hello everyone, I did have a look around with search option to see if I could get an answer their, but I couldn't quite find my issue(at least I don't think I did). This is for a final project for school where I have to create a class for a …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for Batch File

I have a problem. My computer broke down and then I reinstalled Windows (XP). Since then my computer dosen't recognise my graphics card. It still works, but cannot display 3D anymore. Do I have to update the driver? I don't know, I tried it ,but I need to know the …

Member Avatar for dimsums
Member Avatar for ilovejava

lets say i have 8 deck of cards how to put all of that inside a array do i have to make a multidimensional array for each deck???

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for DOT6

Hello, I am creating a card game and need some advice/pointers or code snipets if possible on sprite movement in the sence I need to create an action of a card been drawn from the deck. Basicly I need to make the sprite(card) move from the deck posion(x,y) to the …

Member Avatar for DOT6
Member Avatar for avocado_juice

Hello, I wanna ask about scan card. Is there any way to disallow keyboard input and only allow scan card input to key in a field? FYI, I am using vbscript, html and javascript for this program. So, may be doing something with the javascript? How about limit the time …

Member Avatar for avocado_juice
Member Avatar for DOT6

Hello all, I have been working on a card game for the last month or so and sofar have created the basics ie. cards, deck... The language is ANSI-C and is created in programmers notepad with devkitpro and MLlib. Everything is working greate so far as in I can shuffle …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for penguino138

Hi. Im making a flash cards program and need help with making graphics, making a menu, making it so that they can go back in and access the decks, and making it so i can give it o other people, and a few other things. Here's my code: [CODE] import …

Member Avatar for penguino138
Member Avatar for penguino138

Hi. Im pretty new to java. First question: is javascript the same as java? I just want to make sure. So for my program. Since im a very basic beginner with some c++ experience i was hoping the forum could help. I want the user to input the deck name …

Member Avatar for penguino138
Member Avatar for penguino138

Ok, so im trying to make my sister a flashcards program with dev c++. What you do is put in the deck name and how many cards you want. Then you go through for each card and put in what's on the front and back. I also want it so …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for badcnr

I am hoping some one can shed some light into my world. OK heres my problem, My computer kept going No signal when it was in high use playing games like starcraft2 or watching web videos, at first it was once every two weeks, then it continued to get worse …

Member Avatar for badcnr
Member Avatar for livinFuture

I'm reading about two-dimensional and multi-dimensional arrays at the moment in order to better organize user input. I'm trying to create a function that can store a card player's hand. At the moment I'm just brainstorming how it would look and writing out some notes to myself to organize it …

Member Avatar for caut_baia
Member Avatar for hiddepolen

Hi everyone! I have a strange problem, I haven't been able to solve, even with quite some knowledge of videocards, and computers. I have an nVidia 250 GTS, purchased a year ago (all new, no second-hand). Everything worked very well, until about a month ago. Sometimes, when I power on …

Member Avatar for hiddepolen
Member Avatar for ajst

Hi guys and girls, I've decided to pick up C++ again after not using it for 2 nearly 3 years. I've been programming in java and c# in the mean time so my understanding of programming is very good. I've been trying to make a pack of cards but for …

Member Avatar for ajst
Member Avatar for Spikeangelo

I recently replaced my power supply on a dell 9100 Deminsion. I purchased the 600w one and installed it a day ago. Upon installation, everyting seemed to boot up like normal... fans running hard drive spinning, and what not. (I am not technical at all and for that I am …

Member Avatar for Rik_
Member Avatar for jackmaverick1

I am trying to make a card class that has a bunch of functions to make it possible for the AI to judge what cards can be played. The card game I am working on at the moment is Rummy by order of my brother. I made a 3 pointer …

Member Avatar for jonsca
Member Avatar for byro73

I have recently acquired an old ATI Radeon 9550 Graphics card but i can't get it to work on my MSI 865 PE neo 2 mobo . It works fine on my older Intel 815 mobo

Member Avatar for byro73
Member Avatar for byro73

Hi Everybody My name is byro73 and I love all things IT. i try to keep up to date on new developments via te usual channels, but unfortunately for me I do not have regular access to the internet. I am the quintessential down and out IT enthusiast operating on …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for Swedenrock

My project is to create a solitaire game with a different card deck. I have created four lists with three objecs in each off them and I would like to create 81 unique cards out off these objecs. colors = [blue, yellow, red] shapes = [triangel, circle, square] numbers = …

Member Avatar for Gribouillis

The End.