58 Topics

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Member Avatar for weasel7711

I am trying to update the driver on an old laptop. I checked the device manager and all the information that I can siphon out of it is the following: Cisco Systems PCI Wireless LAN Adapter Driver date: 4/2/2002 Driver version: I have checked cisco's website but I dont …

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Member Avatar for khess

[URL="http://redhat.com"]Red Hat[/URL] Enterprise Linux now comes with built-in virtualization ([URL="http://linux-kvm.org"]KVM[/URL]) but is Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization (RHEV) about to go to the virtual mat with [URL="http://vmware.com"]VMware[/URL]? If you look at their [URL="http://www.redhat.com/v/swf/rhev/demo.html"]RHEL video[/URL], you'll come away with a resounding 'Yes' to that question. Red Hat purchased [URL="http://www.redhat.com/promo/qumranet/"]Qumranet[/URL] in 2008 to …

Member Avatar for DimaYasny
Member Avatar for dheerajsuthar

Hi, I am currently in 2nd Year MCA(Masters of comp. application). I want to become an information security expert. Ethical Hacking has been a favorite subject for me since my beginning days in computers. My current knowledge base is: 1>Languages:C/C++/Java/Python, Assembly(both AT&T and Intel x86) 2>Networking:Only basics(both theory & programming).(from …

Member Avatar for petraarkanian

Working ASA 5505 (just took info off of it just a moment ago). Looks like new, Includes power cable and console cable. I can throw in ethernet cables if you really need them. Has 2 ASDM versions as well as 2 versions of the asa ios as shown below. If …

Member Avatar for masimk2003
Member Avatar for khess

The topic of certification surfaces every so often in technical circles--especially when job seekers face tough job competition. The value of such certifications comes into question versus that of years of experience. For experienced technicians and engineers, the opinion is that experience is the most important for landing a job. …

Member Avatar for joetraff
Member Avatar for kimiwang

condition:90% new; origine:USA; location now:China Pls leave your price or information you want to know.I will contact you timely.

Member Avatar for dee101g

Cisco has wthdrawn their WUSB 600N_Win7_driver_ver3.00.01.0.zip driver. I need to install this on a Windows7 Pro machine. Does anyone have a copy they could share so I could try it before their senior tech calls in 48 hours? I am trying to install on a client site. Tnx Crosspost (sorry …

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Member Avatar for dee101g

Cisco has wthdrawn their WUSB 600N_Win7_driver_ver3.00.01.0.zip driver. I need to install this on a Windows7 Pro machine. Does anyone have a copy they could share so I could try it before their senior tech calls in 48 hours? I am trying to install on a client site. Tnx Crosspost (sorry …

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Member Avatar for khess

A lot of companies are attempting to hitch their wagons to a star these days with a long layover in the Clouds. Big companies like [URL="http://www.sun.com"]Sun[/URL], [URL="http://www.ibm.com"]IBM[/URL], [URL="http://www.hp.com"]HP[/URL], [URL="http://www.cisco.com"]Cisco[/URL], [URL="http://www.amazon.com"]Amazon[/URL], [URL="http://www.google.com"]Google[/URL], [URL="http://www.vmware.com"]VMware[/URL] and [URL="http://www.citrix.com"]Citrix[/URL] are making major financial investments in Cloud culture. Are they chasing rainbows or will they find …

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Member Avatar for Brian.oco

Cisco isn’t putting the fear of God into Hewlett-Packard over its new entry into the blade server market. But even so, Cisco is seeing a nice run-up in its stock over the last three weeks - from under $13 per share to $17.50 per share – so Cisco shareholders don’t …

Member Avatar for Brian.oco

Now that the news is out on IBM’s proposed $6.5 billion purchase of Sun Microsystems, analysts are in a lather over why Big Blue wants to make the deal. The Wall Street Journal originally broke the story, reporting that the merger “could help IBM in the finance and telecommunications markets …

Member Avatar for khess

Cisco in the server hardware business? With VMware? Using Linux? Has the world gone topsy-turvy while I wasn't looking? If you think about it, Cisco's forte--routers--are lightweight computers that do one specific job--routing packets from one network to another. So, their foray into the dark realm of higher-end server systems …

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Member Avatar for Brian.oco

The Nasdaq was able to shake off the lousy jobs number today, and is up 31 points in mid-day trading. Apple, Dell, and Verizon are also way up – at around 3% each – as the market waits for Washington to come to terms on another bailout relief bill. The …

Member Avatar for Brian.oco

Will January be a big month for stocks? Maybe so. Stocks have already grown by 20% since November, as measured by the Dow Jones Industrial Index. A new survey from CNBC suggests more of that is to come, with stocks expected to score double-digit gains in 2009. The CNBC report …

Member Avatar for EddieC

Isn't anything safe from hackers? Now they've apparently found a way to hack into systems through a media stream, threatening users with denial of service attacks that can bring down servers and desktops alike. The vulnerability was reported yesterday by VoIPshield Laboratories, a security tools maker in Canada. The flaws …

Member Avatar for baandow
Member Avatar for Brian.oco

Monday through Wednesday of this week saw some of the worst damage to investors in stock market history - over $1 trillion lost in shareholder value. Buyers inched, and then flooded in after the S&P 500 bounced back from a trough that veteran traders hadn't seen in years. That triggered …

Member Avatar for Brian.oco

Well, as they say in Vegas, in for a dime, in for a dollar. Or in the case of the Congressional bailout that President Bush wasted no time whipping out his sharpie and signing into law, how about $700 billion? The revote in the U.S. House of Representatives was never …

Member Avatar for khess

As promised, here's the big news hot off the pressroom floor. [URL="http://www.cisco.com"]Cisco[/URL] and [URL="http://www.vmware.com"]VMware[/URL] announced at [URL="http://www.vmworld.com"]VMWorld[/URL] 2008, in Las Vegas that they are entering into a partnership that highlights three main areas: ** The Cisco Nexus 1000V Product will be available as an add-on module for VMware ESX. ** …

Member Avatar for Brian.oco

It's football season and time for the old "option" play - with Cisco Systems, IBM and Hewlett-Packard lining up in the backfield. Options are a riskier way of investing on stocks. Essentially, options allow you to buy or sell a company's stock at a stated price and a stated date. …

Member Avatar for Brian.oco

I've written about the importance of knowing your investments before you buy them. You might remember the story about Fidelity Magellan mutual fund legend Peter Lynch, who would spend his Saturdays walking around Boston looking to see where shoppers were spending their money. Then he'd invest Magellan's money in the …

Member Avatar for acejames1
Member Avatar for Brian.oco

Oil is falling again, off $31 from its July high of $148 a barrel, but some analysts think this is bad news. Paul Kedrosky, a strategist at Ten Asset Management sees oil falling more and settling as low as $90 a barrel and takes his case to Tech Ticker today …

Member Avatar for Brian.oco

Ugh . . . . Another lousy week for tech stocks. For the whole stock market, for that matter. But technology stocks bore the brunt of it. Let's look at some of the bigger players. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Company One-Week Return Cisco (Nasdaq: CSCO) - 12.4% Oracle (Nasdaq: ORCL) - 11.3% Research …

Member Avatar for Brian.oco

Kind of a quiet day in the technology stocks world, which might be considered good news considering the drubbing the sector has taken this week. Sun Microsystems was in the news, signing off on a Solaris 10 distribution agreement with Dell to make the Solaris Operating System and Solaris support …

Member Avatar for John A

You've likely heard of the whole commotion that was caused over Apple's usage of the iPhone name, which was a trademark of Cisco. Well, the funny thing is that the whole deal is over, and Cisco has really lost. Well, not officially, as a statement from the 2 companies was …

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Member Avatar for happygeek

When Steve Jobs heralded the iPhone as being as revolutionary as the iPod during his MacWorld keynote in San Francisco on Tuesday, he must have known that it was going to be a bloody revolution. Sure enough, Cisco has now fired the first shots with a lawsuit in the US …

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Member Avatar for blud

It's here! No, not winter, the 2006 Certification Magazine results are in. Last year I wrote a [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry461.html"]similar article[/URL] regarding these results, and the top spots were all 'System Administration' certifications. This year it is quite a bit different, the sought after CCIE has actually fallen from the top 5, …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for Toulinwoek

Is it just me, or is there a rather severe dearth of knowledgeable help at technology stores? I don't think I've ever seen a larger number of know-nothing, computer tech wannabes working at stores where technology products are sold. And God forbid you should go to an office supply store …

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Member Avatar for Danny

[url=http://www.inetinteractive.com]iNet Interactive[/url], a company that holds the titles on some of the largest web development and discussion communities on the net, was acquired this week by a group of investors, a company press release reports. Stoddard Hill Capital bought iNet from Aberration! Ventures, and terms of the transaction were not …

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The End.