88 Topics

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Hello friends, [I][B]"The trend that will most dramatically impact the shape & deployment of the IT workforce is cloud labour."[/B][/I] Interesting Article: [URL="http://www.computerworlduk.com/in-depth/careers/3236976/the-shape-of-the-it-workforce-in-2020/"]http://www.computerworlduk.com/in-depth/careers/3236976/the-shape-of-the-it-workforce-in-2020/[/URL] What is your take on this? Does Cloud Labour have the potential to become the new workforce? Thanks Ramy Stuart

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Member Avatar for Kniggles

`[CODE]<form action="ScoreCardAlpha.php" method="post"> A: <input type="text" name="$X" /> B: <input type="text" name="$Z" /> C: <input type="text" name="$W" /> // read input data on $W , $X and check to see if (it or they{1,2,3 and byond}) has http// if so save after // // check all data for hacks. <input …

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Member Avatar for happygeek

When it comes to data storage and retrieval the current buzz is undoubtedly cloud-shaped, so why would anyone want to invest in Network Attached Storage? Two words: cost and capacity. Cloud services are great, but as far as storing and accessing large amounts of data is concerned things can get …

Member Avatar for VanessaRyan

Because it is unrealistic for companies to mandate a particular kind of smartphone for all their mobile employees, a new app will soon makes it possible for iPhone and iPad users to have the same access to their companies mobile "line-of-business" applications as employees carrying Android or Windows mobile devices. …

Member Avatar for happygeek

Netbooks remain hugely popular courtesy of their small form factor and low price, both achieved partly due to the relatively limited technical specs of the average device. Low computing power and Internet security suite software do not, it has to be said, traditionally make for good bed-fellows. Which leaves netbook …

Member Avatar for khess

Jim Whitehurst, [URL="http://www.redhat.com"]Red Hat, Inc.[/URL] CEO, believes that [URL="http://www.vmware.com"]VMware[/URL] is its biggest competition in the virtualization and cloud computing space. In a [URL="http://www.pcworld.com/businesscenter/article/199870/red_hat_ceo_vmware_our_biggest_competitor.html"]PCWorld article[/URL], Whitehurst stated Friday at the Red Hat Summit that "When you start thinking about who is defining cloud-based architectures, it's us and them [VMware]," he said. …

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Member Avatar for VanessaRyan

According to a recent survey of Apple iTunes, iPod, iPhone and iPod Touch users, conducted by The NPD Group, more than a quarter of consumers participating had a strong interest in a free cloud-based music option. Many were willing to pay a subscription fee to access their own music libraries …

Member Avatar for EricMack

[ATTACH=right]15786[/ATTACH]At Microsoft's [URL="http://www.digitalwpc.com/"]Worldwide Partner Conference[/URL] in Washington, D.C. this week, the digital diplodocus will announce its lumbering movement into the cloud along with an appeal for its partners to hold hands and make the leap as well. For those partners that are still a little hesitant to make the jump, …

Member Avatar for newsguy

Symantec today launched a new hosted security as a service solution for small and medium sized business in the form of its '[URL="http://www.messagelabs.com/trials/hep"]Symantec Hosted Endpoint Protection[/URL]' offering. Delivering a simple and convenient cloud-based service covering Windows-based laptops, desktops and files servers, the solution aims to protect these endpoint systems using …

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Member Avatar for khess

Beware the Ides of March. I just received the news that one of my most favorite services is shutting down due to the cost of providing the free service. That's right, the public [URL="http://g.ho.st"]g.ho.st[/URL] cloud desktop service closes on March 15, 2010. I loved the Global Hosted Operating System and …

Member Avatar for happygeek

[attach=right]13654[/attach]What's small and pink, incorporates a Linux kernel and an embedded ARM compatible processor, and let's you set up your own personal cloud? The answer is the latest [URL="http://www.pogoplug.com"]Pogoplug[/URL] device from Cloud Engines Inc. Combine this insanely easy to set up bit of kit with a free iPhone app and …

Member Avatar for khess

I have a feeling that the desktop operating system as we know it is on its last leg. The reason I make such a bold statement is that cloud computing will replace our fat, bloated, virus-riddled, failure-prone desktop with something far more agile and elegant: A lightweight browser-based system. This …

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Member Avatar for newsguy

A roundtable of industry licensing specialists has been discussing software ownership and liability in the complex new world tech order where cloud computing, virtualisation and Software as a Service reign supreme. Certainly there can be little doubting that over the course of the last 12 months or so CIOs and …

Member Avatar for khess

Everyone has posted their predictions for 2010 but here's the real scoop on what's going to happen in 2010 with Linux and Linux-oriented hardware and software products. Get ready to see the biggest increase in Linux adoption in history. You can say you saw it here first. These are in …

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Member Avatar for newsguy

IBM today announced that it has opened a Cloud Computing Laboratory in Hong Kong to support its LotusLive cloud services and the numbers are pretty impressive whichever way you look at them. From the 18 million seats in year one that LotusLive has amassed, to the $126 billion IBM expects …

Member Avatar for newsguy

Forget about tight budgets and economic woes impacting upon the IT business, there's a post-recession return to pre-recession spending happening and networking is likely to benefit the most. According to IDC, "transformation will impact every corner of the industry in 2010" but the most important transformational force of all is …

Member Avatar for InsightsDigital

I read on CNN - an article written by Mashable's Peter C - that one of his predictions for 2010 is word cloud becomes more prominent. Though I do see its relevance and standing, I dont see it as often as before on blogs and sites. Perhaps it is being …

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Member Avatar for InsightsDigital

Once upon a time, I saw many sites that had a word cloud. Even some of the sentiment tools have a word cloud. I even think some websites have it. Do you think these wordclouds increase your stickiness to an online community?

Member Avatar for newsguy

Within the next five years, Citizen Developers will be responsible for building at least 25% of all new business applications. That is the rather startling claim being made by Gartner analysts ahead of the Gartner Symposium and ITexpo in Cannes, France next month. So what is a Citizen Developer then? …

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I am workiing with a client who has just completed a project with a customer who sells pre-paid calling cards on consignment. It was explained to me that the codes for the individual cards are stored in a database in the cloud and that my client had to integrate their …

Member Avatar for Techwriter10

[ATTACH]12206[/ATTACH] [I]I've lived long enough to have learned The closer you get to the fire the more you get burned But that won't happen to us 'Cause it's always been a matter of trust ~Billy Joel, Matter of Trust[/I] When word got out last week about the [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story229934.html"]Sidekick data loss …

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Member Avatar for khess

I've looked at [URL="http://www.thinkgos.com"]GoodOS (gOS)[/URL] before in two other posts: [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry2802.html"]The Netbook Market Booms with Linux Onboard[/URL] and [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry3401.html"]Three Linux Distros to Watch and Use[/URL] but now they've taken the lightweight operating system (OS) one step further with Taiwan-based manufacturer [URL="http://www.gigabyte.com.tw"]GigaByte[/URL]. The GoodOS team created a very stripped down, browser-based …

Member Avatar for Lisa Hoover

Miami has hurricanes, Silicon Valley gets wildfires, and Seattle sits at the foot of a volcano. Where should your data center be? How about the heartland of America -- the Midwest -- where a growing number of server farms are springing up instead of corn or cattle farms. John Rath, …

Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

The fact that Hewlett-Packard is taking its netbooks more seriously is to be welcomed. A while ago I was going away and my laptop broke down; armed with my existing 3G dongle and an Asus eeePC I was able to use Google Docs to keep all my work up to …

Member Avatar for EddieC

Zephyr today launched version 2.0 of its namesake software test management tool, which is now available as a SaaS in Amazon's Elastic Compute Cloud. Zephyr gives development teams a Flash-based system for communication, collaboration, resource, document and project management, test-case creation automation and archiving, defect tracking and reporting. The system …

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Member Avatar for khess

Day four at VMWorld was short for me due to poor planning on my part--my flight out of Las Vegas at noon. I entered the show early yesterday when it was mostly just the vendors hanging around waiting for the hoard to arrive. I walked through the floor with the …

Member Avatar for EddieC

A new application programming interface released this week gives development and test teams the ability to link their ground-based test systems with virtual operating systems accessed through a browser. It all comes from [url=http://www.skytap.com/]Skytap[/url], which earlier this year released [url=http://www.skytap.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=63&Itemid=120]Virtual Lab[/url], a Web-based infrastructure that provisions virtual hardware, software, networking …

Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

I've just had a press release from Salesforce.com about the next iteration of its software. It's all going to be based on cloud computing - you log onto it from a browser more or less anywhere and it's available to you wherever you are. Much as the new version of …

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The End.