comboBox Programming Software Development by c#Programmer … of that customer. my problem is that i have a combobox that displays the status of the customer, i filled the… choose a customer, it displayed the correct value from the combobox. but when the user doesn't choose a value from… that if the user doesnt change the value in the combobox, the combobox will automatically gets the value it was assign with. Re: comboBox Programming Software Development by c#Programmer …=Mitja Bonca;1551731]just after you populate the comboBox, call this property: [CODE]comboBox1.SelectedIndex …;some where" (DB), you populate comboBox and do the automatic selection. And your …,status). the status field is a combobox that i populated it is not bound…when i select the value from the combobox it works just fine. the problem … Re: comboBox Programming Software Development by c#Programmer … box and didnt figure it out but try comboBox.SelectedItem or comboBox.Text thats how i get the currently selected …item or the text of a combobox[/QUOTE] thanks for the replay. your suggestion will work… if u selected that value from the combobox. in my case, however,the value is displayed without… Re: comboBox Programming Software Development by Mitja Bonca just after you populate the comboBox, call this property: [CODE]comboBox1.SelectedIndex = -1;[/CODE] This …But this will only work if you populate comboBox manually; that means that the comboBox is not data bound. I didnt really…data from the "some where" (DB), you populate comboBox and do the automatic selection. And your problem is that… Re: comboBox Programming Software Development by Mitja Bonca …it could be.[/B] You ae constantly chnaging methods on comboBox. Ones you select [I]SelectedValue[/I], next time you…}); //now you can assing item and a value to comboBox (and before you have to bind the list to it… the item and the value (Name and ID) on comboBox selection you can do: private void button1_Click(object sender, … Re: ComboBox Help Programming Software Development by wagraphics …End Sub Private Sub loadMyCoolAutoCompleteList(ByVal selectedComboBox As ComboBox) With selectedComboBox .AutoCompleteCustomSource.Clear() '// Clear AutoCompleteList…System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs) Dim selectedComboBox As ComboBox = CType(sender, ComboBox) For Each itm As String In … Re: comboBox Programming Software Development by ChrisHunter I had a similar problem with a databound combo box and didnt figure it out but try comboBox.SelectedItem or comboBox.Text thats how i get the currently selected item or the text of a combobox ComboBox Programming Software Development by jenco … how to make an Item selected from a ComboBox change the color of a square on the …I enter code in the OnClick event of the ComboBox, then as soon as I click the box… rectangle in the drop down list of the ComboBox and clicking any one of them also changes the…to change if the Square is selected from the ComboBox. I am using Boreland C++ but with the… combobox Programming Software Development by funfullson … and sqlserver2005.There is a page contain a combobox , a text box and two button.The …to add textboxe's text as an item for combobox. I did it like below: [CODE] cmbList…culomns are named as items index's in my combobox and my tables culomns named as cost0, cost1,…if the user delete one my combobox item's counts will increase and it makes… Re: comboBox Programming Software Development by c#Programmer …, the value that match the first combobox appears, but if dont select it again, the combobox gets null instead of the correct… Re: ComboBox Programming Software Development by jenco … on the OnClick Event of the ComboBox. But clicking on any other item in the ComboBox, such as Rectangle or Circle also… Re: ComboBox Programming Software Development by jenco … on the OnClick Event of the ComboBox. But clicking on any other item in the ComboBox, such as Rectangle or Circle also… Combobox.. Programming Software Development by jlego … the following: [code] do until rs.eof = true with me.combobox.comboitems.add(,, rs.fields("Name")) .tag = rs.fields…;ID") end with rs.eof.movenext loop [/code] the combobox text would hold the name, and the tag would hold… same index of the array vs the index of the combobox, which i cant get to work right (not good … Re: ComboBox Programming Software Development by Killer_Typo …: System::Void combobox_onClick(System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e) { if ( combobox->selecteditem == "Square" ); { //do your coloring inside here… Re: combobox Programming Software Development by funfullson … is exist. I have to see at last item of is cost3. my new table's name have to… Re: combobox Programming Software Development by TylerSBreton Can't you just double click each combobox and edit the code for when each combobox is changed? It might provide you with a different event by default, not sure, but I think there is one for combobox changed. Regards. ~Tyler S. Breton ComboBox - please help Programming Software Development by craigdmc … see I am not the first to have problems with ComboBox and will most likely not be the last This is… name allow the user to select the supplier from the combobox. i can do this in a grid no problem... but… Re: combobox Programming Software Development by emilio it is not working. the options are selecteditem or selected index. from some reason it is not working. if i have 10 numbers in my combobox after i pick 3 i have a function which updates the combobox numbers to be from 1 to 7. and i want 7 to appear on the combobox window. comboBox Programming Software Development by Jennifer84 … not sure what I am doing wrong. I have a comboBox where I will select an Item with the eventhandler below… messageBox will appear once. I am trying to save the comboBox->Text into a private: String for comparison but this… combobox Programming Web Development by mangel.murti hi all, i am fetching recods from mysql in a combobox.but only one record display .... i want all record display …in combobox ......................i write query below and need help how to sote… combobox Programming Software Development by kritiohri I have two fields in a table(dept_code and DEPT_name) in SQL.In my form iam having two comboboxs. one for dept_name and the other for Dept_code.What i want is that when i select a particular dept_name from the combobox its associated dept_code should come in the other combobox???? Re: combobox Programming Software Development by Ramy Mahrous After assign ComboBox your datasource (your department table) navigate in ComboBox properties you'll find which help you doing your task. Combobox Programming Software Development by tqmd1 Dear Experts I use following codes to diplay data in combobox str = "SELECT sno,name,city FROM employees" cmd = … End With Table has three fields as sno,name,city Combobox displays name column and data in table is as sno… combobox Programming Software Development by manchi code for adding item in combobox and also want to show two fields in display properties of combobox by concatenate this two fields[code][/code] Re: combobox Programming Software Development by tanisa hi to add the item in combobox 1. by add in item property of combobox in pro.window code window by using this comboboxname.items.add(itemname) ComboBox Programming Software Development by blknmld69 I would like to know how to take a selected Item string ("Allen Hall: $1,500 per semester") from one combobox and another selected Item string ("7 meals per week: $650 per semester") from another combobox and have the output to be ($2,150) the total of the two strings added together? ComboBox Programming Web Development by jstfsklh211 to create a new comboBox when you post your form checkbox_name will contain the selected …value $(document).ready(function() { var cb = "checkbox_name"; comboBox(document.getElementById(cb+"CB"), cb); var sel = myForm… ComboBox Programming Software Development by Spacecrawler I created a combobox with certain values in it, I need to read the selection from the combobox into a text box. Any suggestions to help me get started? Re: ComboBox Programming Software Development by Ancient Dragon …]( Look though the list of properties and method to… that returns the text from the selection field of the combobox. Then all you have to do is copy the text… Re: combobox Programming Software Development by Jens You mean the last item in it? In that case it would be combobox.SelectedItemIndex = combobox.Items.Count - 1; This is just a guess though, since I don't have time to try it out for now. Give it a go and tell me if it is what you seek.