Comics!!! Community Center Geeks' Lounge by maravich12 Comics are cool, and I started to get back in to them after looking at my old collection, and I wanted to see if anyone else read comics and what were your favorites?Mine are Spider-MAn, Wolverine,Avengers and Cable. Re: Comics!!! Community Center Geeks' Lounge by jbennet I like sensible comics like war ones (commando comics rock) Re: Comics!!! Community Center Geeks' Lounge by joshSCH .. I never owned any comics Re: Comics!!! Community Center Geeks' Lounge by quintoncoert I use to like them and still do. But we no longer get the good ones like Hotstuff and TMNT. DC comics too are cool but they too are hard to find for me. Comics website using php/mysql Programming Web Development by x3n1x … e-commerce. Now, I've chosen the topic as "comics". Can you guys help me create one ? Nothing too… Re: Comics!!! Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Dave Sinkula I haven't [I]read[/I] them in ages. I did collect them circa 1983-1987. I'm not too sure of even what's all there -- what was in vogue at the time, I guess. But they're in a couple of boxes around the corner, maybe I'll take a look... Re: Comics!!! Community Center Geeks' Lounge by maravich12 My dad had a cool collection of them with some Rind Boy and Captain America.He had a lot more, but he said he sold them when he was a kid, and bought candy.He also had some twilight zone,morbius,and thor. He said that marvel was always better than DC. Re: Comics!!! Community Center Geeks' Lounge by maravich12 Sorry...not rind boy....rawhide kid.. Re: Marvel Comics Community Center Geeks' Lounge by DavidB … a comic collector. In fact, I still have about 5000 comics (literally) stored at my parents' place. I liked Marvel… comics better than DC comics because the story lines were more mature, and the… Marvel Comics Community Center Geeks' Lounge by maravich12 Who likes or remembers the Marvel Comics?I played the new game, and I was wondering if anyone likes it?:S Re: Marvel Comics Community Center Geeks' Lounge by quintoncoert liked the comics. not the game. i liked street fighter. the punisher (game) was OK though. Re: Marvel Comics Community Center Geeks' Lounge by joshSCH I don't ;-/ The smilies are all gone btw Re: Marvel Comics Community Center Geeks' Lounge by joshSCH :-/ Re: Marvel Comics Community Center Geeks' Lounge by joshSCH Dani, lookie: Can you even see that post? Strange.. :-/ Re: Marvel Comics Community Center Geeks' Lounge by maravich12 There is going to be a wolverine movie in 2008 as well as an iron-man movie.Hopefully they won't be as bad as the other ones.My favorite heroes were wolverine,cap america,iceman,iron man, and dr strange.The coolest enemy was doctor doom.Galactus was pretty cool too.Anyone remember Black Panther or Deadpool? Re: Marvel Comics Community Center Geeks' Lounge by maravich12 How much do they cost.The prices when I stopped buying them were around $2.50.Nightcrawler was awesome but flash was pretty cool too.Marvel was better than DC and had better paper. Perl xkcd Downloader Programming Software Development by <LDJ> …d+)\//) { $current = $1; } if (/src="(http:\/\/\/comics\/.+\.\w{3})"/) { $currentUrl = $1; if (/alt="(.+?)"/) {…Files $current: $title\n"; # Create directories for individual comics mkdir "$current $title", 0755 or die "… Re: Perl xkcd Downloader Programming Software Development by <LDJ> …d+)\//) { $current = $1; } if (/src="(http:\/\/\/comics\/.+\.\w{3})"/) { $currentUrl = $1; if (/alt="(.+?)"/) { …Files $current: $title\n"; # Create directories for individual comics mkdir "$current $title", 0755 or die "… How can I display a div on button click? Digital Media UI / UX Design by jwmollman I'm trying to create a simple gallery for comics I have created. I have a main divider,… content="mrmollman, mollman, mr, artwork, art, john, comics, webcomics, cartoons, john mollman" lang="en-us"…text-decoration: underline; line-height: 26px; color: #000; } p.comics { text-align: center; } select { width: 215px; } [/code] Re: Perl xkcd Downloader Programming Software Development by d5e5 … the src URL if (/src="(http:\/\/\/comics\/(.+\.\w{3}))"/) { $currentUrl = $1; #if (/alt="(.+?)"/) { # $title… Re: Perl xkcd Downloader Programming Software Development by d5e5 …\/(\d+)\//) { $current = $1; } if (/src="(http:\/\/\/comics\/.+(\.\w{3}))"/) { $currentUrl = $1; $ext = $2; print "$currentUrl… Re: Comic Strips Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Riff227 … on words for Star Fox 64 [URL][/URL]. ---Megatokyo @ [URL][/URL] --- A… heavily Japanese/manga influenced comic. The earlier comics had a more fluid plot, but the content is still… Re: Comic Strips Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Infarction There's a lot of comics these days that are really boring. When I look through … few webcomics too... Questionable Content, xkcd, Ctrl-Alt-Delete, PHD comics, and Dr. McNinja. Sometimes they get a little bland too…, but they're more enjoyable than most of the comics in the paper. httpd-vhosts.conf isn't accepting new vertual hosts! Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by bigtalk …> <VirtualHost> ServerName # Indexes + Directory Root. DirectoryIndex index.html index.php… DocumentRoot "/Developer/WebDev/" </VirtualHost> # <… Formatting an Image Digital Media UI / UX Design by nathan.pavlovsky Hello Programmers! I am working on a 'comics' page of my website. It is going to have multiple …;h1 ><em> Welcome to ------------------'s Website's Comics Gallery! </em></h1> <center>… Using strings in templates Programming Software Development by Thomas_25 … Function int main() { string element; library <string> comics; cout << "\nPlease type in the element: \…n"; cin >> element; comics.insert(element); return 0; } Header file as follows // … Re: Formatting an Image Digital Media UI / UX Design by nathan.pavlovsky …;h1 ><em> Welcome to ------------------'s Website's Comics Gallery! </em></h1> <center>… Greetings! Community Center Say Hello! by aOneGirlArmy …: Brown Location: Philadelphia Age: 20 Hobbies: RPing, Anime, reading web comics, LAN parties, goofing off with my sorority sisters, designing web… Cannot open REGEDIT !!! Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by Casca … O1 - Hosts: O1 - Hosts:… Comic Strips Community Center Geeks' Lounge by The Dude … a comic strips fan I would like to know which comics strips you like. Here are a few of my favourites…