2,070 Topics

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Member Avatar for Fangling

Hi, i have this query: cmd.CommandText = "SELECT DISTINCT PaperNo,ModuleCode1,ModuleCode2,ModuleCode3, ModuleCode4, ModuleCode5, ModuleCode6, ModuleCode7, ModuleCode8, ModuleCode9 FROM(PapersList)ORDER BY PaperNo ASC" and i have this code to loop: Dim dt3 As New DataTable dt3.Columns.Add("AdminNo", GetType(String)) '/*Add column AdminNo dt3.Columns.Add("PaperNo", GetType(Integer)) Dim curmodule As String = String.Empty For Each dr2 As DataRow …

Member Avatar for Fangling
Member Avatar for Fangling

i have dt1 from a query cmd.CommandText = "SELECT DISTINCT AdminNo, ModuleCode FROM(SEGDATA)ORDER BY AdminNo ASC, ModuleCode ASC" Dim dt1 As New DataTable dt1.Load(cmd.ExecuteReader) DataGridView1.AutoGenerateColumns = True DataGridView1.DataSource = dt1 another query dt2 cmd.CommandText = "SELECT DISTINCT PaperNo,ModuleCode1,ModuleCode2,ModuleCode3, ModuleCode4, ModuleCode5, ModuleCode6, ModuleCode7, ModuleCode8, ModuleCode9 FROM(PapersList)ORDER BY PaperNo ASC" Dim dt2 …

Member Avatar for Fangling
Member Avatar for cool_zephyr

I have developed a login page which needs to access the database for login information. I have put all the user authentication functions in my DAO class which is a singletone class class DAO { //DAO is a singletone class public boolean authenticateUser(username,password) { //authentication process done here } } …

Member Avatar for cool_zephyr
Member Avatar for murali2489

Hi All, I am trying to write a code which checks whether the username and password stored in the database matches to the string created locally and displays it in console. The program connects to the database and gets the string from the table space correctly, but the problem is, …

Member Avatar for murali2489
Member Avatar for murali2489

Hi All, I am new to use of database in Java. I am trying to write a simple java application which connects to my Database and sends some query and retrieves the output. I have downloaded MariaDB and then created a database named iff and created tablespaces which has some …

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Member Avatar for dibakarmishra

I want to backup my database from vb.net 2010 and i am able to do this using mysqldump through vb.net 2010, but i want to backup my mysql database without useing mysqldump only by vb.net code. please help me ???

Member Avatar for joshl_1995
Member Avatar for Fangling

list i have: School,campus,adminno,modulecode,modulegroup SEG AMK 101427Y EG3902 EG3902-G1 SEG AMK 101427Y EGS650 EGS650-G1 SEG AMK 103852S EG3901 EG3901-G1 SEG AMK 103852S EG3904 EG3904-G1 SEG AMK 103852S EGS104 EGS104-G1 SEG AMK 103852S EGS650 EGS650-G1 SEG AMK 106581C EG3901 EG3901-G1 SEG AMK 106581C EG3902 EG3902-G1 SEG AMK 111713M EG3901 EG3901-G1 SEG …

Member Avatar for Fangling
Member Avatar for Fangling

i have a database table containing: SEG,AMK,101427Y,EG3902,EG3902-G1 SEG,AMK,101427Y,EGS650,EGS650-G1 SEG,AMK,103852S,EG3901,EG3901-G1 SEG,AMK,103852S,EG3904,EG3904-G1 SEG,AMK,103852S,EGS104,EGS104-G1 SEG,AMK,103852S,EGS650,EGS650-G1 SEG,AMK,106581C,EG3901,EG3901-G1 SEG,AMK,106581C,EG3902,EG3902-G1 SEG,AMK,111713M,EG3901,EG3901-G1 SEG,AMK,111713M,EG3902,EG3902-G1 another table containing: 1 SEG-AMK EG1832 Mechanics and Materials 286 1.5 EG1832 2 SEG-AMK EG1833 Electrical Principles 375 1.5 EG1833 EG1952 EG1903 3 SEG-AMK EG1835.1 Engineering Mathematics (1) 456 1.5 EG1835 EG1001 4 SEG-AMK …

Member Avatar for DarkLightning7

Ok so im working on a mapping library for my pathfinding system and im trying to figure out what Data structure would be best to use for rapid calls up to several hundred a second, as low memory usage as possible, and not too difficult to store and load pieces(chunks) …

Member Avatar for DarkLightning7
Member Avatar for faysal515

I am working on a dynamic project for my own but struggling to create an article. The idea is that one registered user can publish an article with an image . <%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" pageEncoding="ISO-8859-1"%> <%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core" prefix="c" %> <%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/sql" prefix="sql" %> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC …

Member Avatar for Deepak_11
Member Avatar for dlaverick

I am trying to interact with my wqordpress database. I need to upload a csv file to my database but it will not run any query, no matter which way I try using the WordPress codex, I cannot get it to do what I need to. So from my Admin …

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Member Avatar for Zdneth_1

Hi.. I want to seek help about database in SQL and Jtable in Netbeans. In our sales inventory system, we have these tables in database namely 'stockmasterlist' and 'pricemasterlist'. They are relational since they have in common with regards to their 'ProductNumber'. Now, since they are of different tables but …

Member Avatar for pbj.codez
Member Avatar for New-Reign

After looking around most of last night and all of this morning, I find myself here. I am looking to include a database connection within another class. From what I've read creating a connection within a class is bad? Can someone help me out or even point me in the …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for davy_yg

Hello, I am using xampp for mysql: When I try to delete a database : "DROP DATABASE" statements are disabled. That statement appears. Why is it? What other alternative I could use? Thanks.

Member Avatar for itpixie
Member Avatar for shivlahane

i'm new to web designing. i'm planning to create the website which will store user information in oracle database. my questing is is it possible to connect oracle 10g to web page(form)? need tips..

Member Avatar for Meir David
Member Avatar for joshl_1995

Hello Community, I was wondering if there is a way to send an email to a database? Example: So when the user sends an email to my websites email address the email will be broken up in to parts (Subject, From, Body etc...) and added to the database. FYI: I'm …

Member Avatar for joshl_1995
Member Avatar for Anas Shahid

I Am relatively new to java database accessing.. I need to access an SQL Server database..basically i need to use it in Android but I am trying to create web service in java. can i have a sample code for it?? **Please Help**

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for pwolf

I have been trying to get my database insert and delete to work for a long time now, and I still cant get it working. I now have just 2 hours left before I absolutely have to have it finished and I can only insert numeric values. I suspect im …

Member Avatar for pwolf
Member Avatar for sanaQ

hey people. ok.. this is what i NEED to do.. Task > 1. User will add TODO list in the textbox shown in the GUI Windows Form. > 2. User will also select the date on which the task will be done. > 3. Once entered the above information, user …

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for sarathsshanker

While trying to connect to MSSQL Server 2012 using pymssql,I get the following error. My server name in Windows Authentication is SARATH,User Name is Sarath\SarathShanker and I did not set a password. >>> mssql_conn=pymssql.connect(host='SARATH',user='Sarath\SarathShanker',password='',database='matrix') Error: Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> File "pymssql.pyx", line 556, …

Member Avatar for pwolf

I have no idea why the program isnt working, its practically the same code I used in the last project so why wont the database update? The code for the program is as follows: using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Windows.Forms; …

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Member Avatar for ricardojorge.net

# Creating a register and login page, by creating a mysql database and all php files. # ## I was reading a [thread that is dead](http://www.daniweb.com/web-development/web-design-html-and-css/threads/97183/to-create-a-registration-page-and-login-page) now, so i started this one: ## **Simple PHP login:** Create a database (mysqladmin) Name the table "dbUsers." It will need 4 fields: Name …

Member Avatar for Ank1
Member Avatar for kakalahori

i have stored some value into DB table and want to get them displayed on my form with a restriction that the column title in DB and the Value of the previous feild are same and only the cloumn rows are shown inthe following feild in the form....!!!! Cant Figure …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for kakalahori

hi can any one share some possible way to print an invoice when some thing is registered in a form using PHP and redirects it to html page for printing my form is ok and stores data.... redirects to the disered page as well now i have html lay out …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for SLMQC

I am trying to create a form that allows a user to enter information and saves information to a file. Every item must be complete and the account balance must not be negative or error messages pop up. I have the form working, but when you click on the clear …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for pwolf

Hello, I'm trying to program a basic program at the moment and have run into some difficulties. I have a method as follows: public static void loadDB() { // load data into datasets - this will be called on form2 the login screen loadTblStaff(); loadTblCars(); } the method is called …

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for pwolf

I have been struggling with this since yesterday and I really need to get it finished. I have no clue why its not working. THe porblem im facing at the moment is as follows: I have a method loadDB(); That is looks like this: public static void loadDB() { // …

Member Avatar for pwolf
Member Avatar for kindofsudden

I'm trying to visualize how this will be set up... I need my VB.NET application to read year 2013 values (Year, Employee, and Annual Performance Score) from a CSV file and write them to an Access DB. This DB is linked to my VB.NET project using a dataset. No problem, …

Member Avatar for kindofsudden
Member Avatar for kakalahori

ok here is the login function from my class user which parent class is a Db connection file <?php require_once("DBConnection.php"); class User extends DBConnection { .... .... ... ... public function Login() { $sqlSelect = "select `UserName` from `user` where `UserName` = '$this->userName' and `Password` = '$this->password'"; $result = @mysql_query($sqlSelect, …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for dina85

can't download file from database, got error, help me please.. <?php require("conn2.php"); $sql="select image from images where id='$_GET[id]';"; $result = mysql_query($sql); $row = mysql_fetch_array($result) $name = $row['image']; // the name of the file that is downloaded $FilePath = "upload"; // the folder of the file that is downloaded , you …

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The End.