Installing Debian Linux (3.1) Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by John A Debian Linux is what you might call very…the x86 structure. So whatever your machine is Debian Linux can most likely run on it. However, …up your partitions, you are ready to install Debian Linux. The first step is to boot your computer… choose the automatic partitioning option, and let Debian install everything on 1 partition. Also worth mentioning… Debian Linux xserver configuration Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by freeman2381 I tried installing debian linux to my system . Everything went well but I was not able to configure my Xserver. It was working well with redhat.... please help Debian Linux Server Setup Questions Community Center by bigq270 … time and thats installing a Web/Email/ftp server using Debian Linux 'Etch' 4.0r4 and I need some help like a… Complete Debian Linux Server Setup Tutorial Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by gg234 debian Webserver Setup in Debian Samba Server Setup in Debian Database Server Setup in Debian Time clock sync for debian server Mail Server Configuration in DebianDebian DHCP Server Setup in Debian IPtables Configuration in Debian DNS Server Setup in debian [URL=]Complete Debian Linux Complete Debian Linux Server Setup Tutorials Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by gg234 debian Webserver Setup in Debian Samba Server Setup in Debian Database Server Setup in Debian Time clock sync for debian server Mail Server Configuration in DebianDebian DHCP Server Setup in Debian IPtables Configuration in Debian DNS Server Setup in debian [URL=]Complete Debian linux Re: Complete Debian Linux Server Setup Tutorial Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by chuq00 I took a look at the Complete Debian Linux Server Setup tutorial that you have, and it is pretty … Re: Debian Linux Server Setup Questions Community Center by John A …"]tutorial[/URL] for installing Debian, if you're interested. Debian's [URL="…. However, if you select the 'Server' software collection in the Debian installer, all of these -- as well as a lot more… Re: Debian Linux xserver configuration Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by TheOgre … the information is one of the key things in both Linux and UNIX, and surprisingly, when you get in the habit…/or UNIX, but I've been using Linux for the past 8 years (Slackware & Debian) and UNIX (Solaris, HP-UX, and… Re: Debian Linux xserver configuration Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by TheOgre …]chmod 755 /dev/dsp[/b] If you want to start Debian in commandline mode, remove gdm (Gnome Display Manager) or prevent… up by removing it's +x attribute. When you installed Debian, did it skip the part about detecting and (possibly) installing… Re: Debian Linux xserver configuration Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by WEATHER CHANNEL … you out. [url=""]…/doc/linux/linuxInstall/linuxInstall-ch4.html[/url] We need a little more… Re: Debian Linux xserver configuration Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by WEATHER CHANNEL Yeah, giving up is the way to go. It's alot easier less pain. Debian probably doesn't even work. Check out Mandrake, SuSe or Fedora. Yeah, best to give up instead of seeking help. Re: Debian Linux xserver configuration Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by TheOgre [QUOTE=WEATHER CHANNEL] Yeah, giving up is the way to go. It's alot easier less pain. Debian probably doesn't even work. Check out Mandrake, SuSe or Fedora. Yeah, best to give up instead of seeking help.[/QUOTE] Nice. We're supposed to be assisting people, not browbeating them because something they were trying didn't work. Re: Debian Linux xserver configuration Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by freeman2381 I tried installing debian again and this time I've managed to configure my … Re: Debian Linux xserver configuration Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by TKSS … have the drivers installed for your specific video card (generic linux ones install by default) and your monitor might not be… Re: Debian Linux xserver configuration Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by WEATHER CHANNEL … in the process. I remeber when I was first learning linux everyone told me to man,man man man man. I… Re: Debian Linux xserver configuration Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by condor117 [QUOTE=freeman2381]Thanks all of you ...... I did give a try but ahhhh no result...... I am switching back to Red Hat....Maybe I give another attempt some other time[/QUOTE] hi i would like to know if you were able to install a red hat linux dns server and bind. if so cna u help me try to configure mine. :mrgreen: Re: Debian Linux Server Setup Questions Community Center by bigq270 Thanks John A for the info and I will look more into your tutorial for more insight. Also yes using the total partition of root should help me since I'm always running out of space whenever I do go by the split partition route. Hopefully this help me alot and I can stay working on Linux more than just leaving it alone after a few months. Debian Touchpad Help... Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by FireSBurnsmuP I just got into Debian Linux. I installed etch on my lappy, and I cannot get the sensitivity of the mouse pointer to go up. What file do I need to edit, and how, to put the sensitivity up? I have an ALPS pointer device, on a Compaq pressy r3k. I am now running Debian 'etch' b3. Any help you can give me would be appreciated, I just got into Linux. Re: Debian linux c++ development Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by FireSBurnsmuP Well does anyone use codeblocks? because I don't think I could ever figure out how to install a nightly build. And Debian packages are really scarce on that site. The ones that do exist have been taken off the server they were stored on. Is there any way for me to use a pakage for, say, ubuntu? I know ubuntu is derived off debian... Debian linux c++ development Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by FireSBurnsmuP …++ development in linux? Can one just use 'vi' to edit text, and then call the g++ compiler? Or does Debian come with… a c++ environment? I did find a good IDE, Dev-C++ for linux, but it was…... (I couldn't decide whether to put this in the linux forum or the C++ forum, so I just picked the… Re: Debian linux c++ development Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by John A … course offer binaries. Sometimes I think too many binaries spoil Linux users. [quote]However, the last time I tried to [inlinecode… up-to-date sources, as it takes longer for the Debian respiratory to get updated. Another thing it could have to… Re: Debian linux c++ development Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by John A Oooh... many different ways of programming in Linux. There's the bare-bones programming in Vi or some … complex. There are also LOTS of IDEs out there for Linux. You've already named one, Dev-C++, and although it… still perfectly good and works well. Another good one for Linux is [URL=""]Code::Blocks… Re: Debian linux c++ development Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by John A It might work, but seeing that the Code::Blocks Linux packages aren't even official -- merely created by their users, … Re: Debian linux c++ development Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by John A … one thing, Wine requires an x86 processor. Although almost all Linux programs compile on any architecture, Wine requires the x86 structure… debian boot splash Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by theturkman86 Hi, I am in debian linux trying to recompile my kernel so it will use a … Re: Complete Debian Linux Server Setup Tutorials Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by 09elmer39 I'm a linux novice. I have a Linksys wireless that I can't get Debian to recognize. How do I get the card set up, and then get it to connect to Linksys? Thanks Elmer Re: Debian Linux xserver configuration Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by TheOgre As root, try this: [code] XFree86 -configure [/code] It's not perfect, but it will probe your system's hardware to see which configuration variables should be set. This will give you a good starting point with XF86Config. You can test the configuration file it generates by following the instructions it gives you after it completes. As … Re: Debian Linux xserver configuration Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by freeman2381 Thanks all of you ...... I did give a try but ahhhh no result...... I am switching back to Red Hat....Maybe I give another attempt some other time Re: Debian Linux xserver configuration Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by freeman2381 [QUOTE=TheOgre]Nice. We're supposed to be assisting people, not browbeating them because something they were trying didn't work.[/QUOTE] Thanks "The Ogre" its making me feel better Re: Debian Linux xserver configuration Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by TheOgre No Problem ;-) Feel free to look me up when you're ready to give it another go.