Re: Extract Tabular Data from PDF Images using Hugging Face Table Transformer Programming Computer Science by Harini sri Hi, Thank you so much for the above code. Its giving better results compared to other libraries. I have few questions. In some tables, I have common column name for three columns and further I have sub columns like below.... in these cases the tables are not getting extracted properly...Do you have any suggestions for handling such cases? Also … df doesn't show anything Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by lenni … unable to check the free/used space in my disk. df command only displays the headings to the columns, but nothing… below. Nor do df -h or df -k. df -a returns the following output: Filesystem / 1K-blocks… I check the free space without the df command? Or how can I make df work? Couldn't find anything on the… Re: df doesn't show anything Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by lenni Thanks a lot for your help !! The server runs a daily backup and stores it in the disk, and the disk was full indeed. I removed a few thousands of tar backups and I got rid of the error to open files with vi. The tip on how to use the rm command was really helpful! Only after rebooting did df start to work again. Cheers! Lenni. help with df command in Java Programming Software Development by Jaulm I am attempting to execute a unix "df -k" command in java. I have the following example.. … main(String args[]) { try { Process p=Runtime.getRuntime().exec("df -k"); p.waitFor(); BufferedReader reader=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader… Re: help with df command in Java Programming Software Development by Jaulm Thank you. I was wondering that, but not sure if the df returned as tab delimited... so I am assuming it is?? Re: df doesn't show anything Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by pogson Can you list directories with ls -l or du? These will show space used. If you can find a large file you do not need, you can free up space. Most file systems will have space reserved for "root". If you have used that up you may have to boot with SystemRescueCD and delete files from there. It can happen that you run out of space as you … Re: help with df command in Java Programming Software Development by Ezzaral You can use [URL=""]String.split()[/URL] with an appropriate expression to turn that into a String[] array. Re: help with df command in Java Programming Software Development by Ezzaral Give it a quick try. It looks like it to me, but I can't test that here. Re: script that checks whether a file system is full Programming Software Development by masijade df Re: Need Help My Friend Hardware and Software Information Security by SouthernBark30 df Re: Year Calender in C. Compiler Turbo C Programming Software Development by santlaha df Finding Inter Annotator Agreement between three Annotators in Python Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 …) print('Total matches:',df.shape[0]) print('Unique matches:',df['index'].nunique()) print('Percentage matches:', (df['index'].nunique()/file_50_1_JC.shape…('Total matches:',df.shape[0]) print('Unique matches:',df['index'].nunique()) print('Percentage matches:', (df['index'].nunique()/50 * 100)) df.head(50)… How to split personal names in python using pandas Programming Software Development by mattrweaver … that move. df = pd.DataFrame({'Name':['Richard Wayne Van Dyke','Gary Del Barco','Dave Allen Smith']}) df = df.fillna('') df =df.astype(unicode) …splits = df['Name'].str.split(' ', expand=True) df['firstName'] = splits[0] if … Custom Loss Functions in PyTorch: A Comprehensive Guide Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 …day' df['date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['date']) df['year'] = df['date'].dt.year df['month'] = df['date'].dt.month df['day'] = df['date'] df = df.drop(… columns using pd.get_dummies df = pd.concat([df, pd.get_dummies(df[['city', 'statezip', 'country']], drop_first=True)], axis=1) df = df.drop(columns=['city', … Searching and Comparing strings from an XML Document Programming Software Development by bleb1982 …="DataForum2.1" path="DataForum2.1/df/DataForumWebApp/source/com/fisc/df/provisioning"/><CommitOperation file="ProvisioningCallbackService…="DataForum2.1" path="DataForum2.1/df/DataForumWebApp/source/com/fisc/df/provisioning"/><CommitOperation file="ProvisioningWorkflowRunner… Dealing with datetime objects Programming Software Development by mattrweaver … for csvfile in glob.glob(csvfiles): filename = csvfile df = pd.read_csv(filename) df = df.fillna('') df = df.astype(str) #convert time string to datetime object… sentiment analysis using sentiwordnet in python Programming by Aijaz_2 …..............\n\n") df['tagged_texts'] = df.apply(lambda df:nltk.pos_tag(df['clean']),axis=1) print(df['tagged_texts']) print("…obj_score() count+=1 final_score=pos-neg print(final_score) df['final_score']=final_score df.to_csv('smallcsvdata2.csv') norm_finalscore= round((final_score) / … GUI problem with checkbox and radiobutton when click it Programming Software Development by yuyumerry …} public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) { DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("0.00"); …t " + p10+ "\t RM" + df.format(totalPeanut) + "\n"); } if (cbStrawberry… File parsing for specific strings and extract data Programming Software Development by clife …char upload_data[20]; char download_data[20]; }; struct data_info *df; void print( void); int NOE; int main( void…n",dd=strtok(NULL,"\n")); strcpy(df->download_data ,dd); }else { i=0;… Python program crashes after using too much memory Programming Software Development by Raisefamous …ratio "beta" df = pd.DataFrame() df[itemX] = indVar df[itemY] = depVar res = ols(y=df[itemY], x=df[itemX]) beta_hr = res…itemY,itemX)) del indVar del depVar del df[itemX] del df[itemY] del df["res"] del cadf #Main function… Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.NullPointerException help!!! Programming Software Development by musikluver4 … = 0; int currMonth = 0; double interestPerYear = 0; DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("###,###.00"); //layout preparation LoanLayout customLayout = new… { scheduleText.append("\n\nTotal interest paid: $" + df.format(interestPerYear)); scheduleText.append("\nTotal cost of home: $"… Divide this code up into different .java files please!! Programming Software Development by musikluver4 … = 1; int month = 0; int currMonth = 0; DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("###,###.00"); //layout preparation LoanLayout customLayout = new…[yearNumber - 1])); scheduleText.append("\nTotal cost of home: $" + df.format(endPrincipal + interestPerYear[yearNumber - 1]) + " after " + (yearNumber)… Re: Divide this code up into different .java files please!! Programming Software Development by musikluver4 … = false; boolean next = false; boolean previous = false; DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("###,###.00"); DecimalFormat df1 = new DecimalFormat("….scheduleText.append("\n\nTotal interest paid: $" + df.format(interestPerYear[yearNumber - 1])); MortgageCalculatorGUI.scheduleText.append("\nTotal cost… Re: Dealing with datetime objects Programming Software Development by Gribouillis You could perhaps try df[...] = df[...].map(lambda x: datetime.strptime(x, '%H:%M:%S')) exception Programming Software Development by Nemoticchigga …^ac = gcnew AsyncCallback(&WCS::MainForm::delegate_function_callback); delegate_function ^df = gcnew delegate_function(this, &WCS::MainForm::function_to_invoke); System…(ac, df); //this->commsStatusLight->EndInvoke(asyncresult); //df->Invoke(); df->EndInvoke(asyncresult); //df->DynamicInvoke(ac, df); } … Re: Dealing with datetime objects Programming Software Development by mattrweaver … PM 6 02:00 PM Now, later this code: date = df["DATE"].irow(0) print"Printing date: "… Re: GUI problem with checkbox and radiobutton when click it Programming Software Development by Jaggs … DISCOUNT 10%" + "\t\t" + " - RM" + df.format(discount) + "\n"); txtReceipt.append("TOTAL PAYMENT…" + "\t\t\t" + " RM" + df.format(rbRegular) + "\n"); txtReceipt.append("\n"… Re: sentiment analysis using sentiwordnet in python Programming by rproffitt Line 33 is print(df['clean']) Try again and make your posted code line up with the error message. Re: sentiment analysis using sentiwordnet in python Programming by rproffitt So it is the print in line 33? Try writing df['clean'] to a file to see if that shows another error or why it blows up on a print. zlib+inavalid code length Programming Software Development by Deb_2007 …=CE=FEC=FB{=DD=EC=C6v=85=92K=D5=DF=D9 ...............etc. After reading the file I have…=FEC=FB{=DD=EC=C6v=85=92K=D5=DF=D9=DF?:=0AC=E8=B9=AEz=BA]=D3=D49=D2=…D1mF=A2=88=89=B8=DF]B=C7m=20UDU=1B=E6q=92=E5=B4_=…=B5=CC=B4Y\=CBf=84=FB=FB=B5k=DF=84t=DF=F3=E6=F3=0A=CF=9DPv=98=F0X=…D9=CD=C9=EF=FCK;z=89G=AC=0An2B=DF=D0j{=B3G=BE=BDI=EA=910=94=85=…