Re: Read, Edit and Write to File Programming Software Development by Ram_034 With this code we able to modify the first line of text. For example i have text file with 5 text lines and i want to modify first 5 chars of first word then how handle this Re: AI Code Assistants Programming Software Development by jwenting It's faster to write the code yourself than it is to fix up the junk produced by those AI "assistants". Code generators have been around for decades for specific purposes, and can work well, but these things are pretty much useless. Re: Does anyone know how to self-host a nextcloud server? Hardware and Software Cloud-based Apps by rproffitt The blog continues to write about hetzner over and over. I don't see a clean reference to self-host on my own server, that is, one that is in our business office. Comparing Fine-tuned and Default GPT-3.5 Turbo for Text Classification Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 … to JSON structures json_structures = filtered_data.apply(create_json_structure, axis=1).tolist() # Write JSON structures to file, each on a new line with… open(json_file_path, 'w') as f: for json_structure in json_structures: f.write(json.dumps(json_structure) + '\n') print(f"Data has been… Key Insights from Google's Search Algorithm Leak Community Center by Johannes C. … good for the broader market. ## Why does the *Rolling Stone* write about Air Purifiers for Pets? ## Yes, building a brand is… Re: How do I set up a working environment on orange pi from ssh? Hardware and Software by rproffitt As we read it becomes clear there is no single tutorial or something I can write in a few paragraphs that will either get "it" working or tell use what "it" is. Best to approach this just like your first system and dig in. What is your biggest fear with the current A.I. revolution? Community Center by jkon … in some of our clients eShops apps , maybe I will write a separate post about that experience). But of course there… Re: RegEx to wrap words in HTML Programming Software Development by samzz …;)","gi"); //Previous one had mistake var str=document.getElementById("str").textContent; //Not .innerHTML var res=str…,"<u>$1$2</u>"); document.getElementById("res").textContent=res; } Re: VB60, Run-time error 3709 solution Programming Software Development by rproffitt …. Since you can't buy VB6 today, how do you write new apps in this? Re: Need help with Lem-in Project Programming by rproffitt This assignment would get a failing grade if you used GPT or found code. Toss all that out and write it yourself. Re: Need help with Lem-in Project Programming by rproffitt Then you have to design and create the algorithm before you write code. There's a lesson here about writing code before the design is done. Re: Need help with Lem-in Project Programming by rproffitt …, how would we code? Or if we use AI to write code, it's a lesson about how we still have… Re: Windows 10 Performance Issue Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by rproffitt … W10 and have moved almost all to W11. I can write we see little to no performance difference so we have… Re: VB60, Run-time error 3709 solution Programming Software Development by rproffitt … component is dead now. Yes we could do a re-write but as the client won't pay for the updates… Re: How do I develop a tracking software for Agriculture purposes Programming Software Development by Dani …]( to hire a freelance developer to write this for you. Upwork is probably a better fit if… Re: How do I delete duplicate photos on my Mac for free? Programming Software Development by pyeri … if you want your own custom solution, you can even write your own apps and build installable APKs using Android Studio… Re: Unpopular Opinion: Bootstrap+jquery+CI is the best thing since sliced bread Programming Web Development by Dani … would have taken just as long to port everything as write something from scratch. So began my first ever app, which… Re: What is your biggest fear with the current A.I. revolution? Community Center by Reverend Jim My biggest fear is an expansion of misinformation to the extent that we will not be able to trust that anything we see, hear, or read will have any basis in reality. Paris Olympics Chatbot- Get Ticket Information Using Chat-GPT and LangChain Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 …from langchain.chains import create_retrieval_chain from langchain_core.documents import Document import os ``` ## Generate Default Responses from Chat… vector embeddings for all the pages in the input PDF document. ``` embeddings = OpenAIEmbeddings(openai_api_key = openai_key) text_splitter = RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter() … How Build video-player in html And css ? Programming by Kirubel_2 …quot;).style.display="none"; } else{ x=document.getElementById("like").style.display="initial";…quot;).style.display="none"; } else{ x=document.getElementById("share").style.display="initial";… Paris Olympics Ticket Information Chatbot with Memory Using LangChain Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 … from langchain.chains import create_retrieval_chain from langchain_core.documents import Document from langchain.chains import create_history_aware_retriever from langchain_core.prompts import …from the `history_retriever_chain` chain. We will also define the corresponding document chain that invokes a response to this prompt. ``` prompt … Retrieval Augmented Generation with Hugging Face Models in LangChain Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 …loader.load_and_split() ``` The `load_and_split()` method splits a PDF document into pages. However, you need to create smaller chunks …of your document. To do so, you can use the `…chain to get customized responses based on the document embeddings. The response contains concatenated user input and… Question Answering with YouTube Videos Using RAG in LangChain Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 … from langchain.chains import create_retrieval_chain from langchain_core.documents import Document from langchain.chains import create_history_aware_retriever from langchain_core.prompts import … use it for retrieval augmented generation like any other text document. Let's see these steps. ## Splitting and Embedding … Graph of quadratic function with CanvasRenderingContext2D Programming Web Development by alexanderrm2024 …() { a = document.forms["input_form"]["…quot; + "x2=" + x2; } document.getElementById("output").innerHTML = output; } &… Re: DomContentLoaded vs jQuery Ready fn Programming Web Development by jkon …event handler and self cleanup method function completed() { document.removeEventListener( "DOMContentLoaded", completed ); window.removeEventListener(… ); } else { // Use the handy event callback document.addEventListener( "DOMContentLoaded", completed ); // A fallback… Re: DomContentLoaded vs jQuery Ready fn Programming Web Development by toneewa …() { var startTime =; $(document).ready(function() { var endTime = performance.…benchmarkDomContentLoaded() { var startTime =; document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() { var endTime … DomContentLoaded vs jQuery Ready fn Programming Web Development by Dani I think that I understand the difference between: document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', callback_fn); and: window.addEventListener('load', (event) => { ... }); However, as a jQuery user, what is the difference between DOMContentLoaded and the jQuery ready fn? 7 NLP Tasks to Perform for Free in Python with Mistral 7b LLM Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 … generate text, as seen in the following script. ``` input_text = "Write a Python fuction to add two numbers" response = generate_response… Read file properties of video files in C++ Programming Software Development by Thomasio I want to figure out what Windows does when you right-click a video file and check properties and I would like to write a similar piece of code in C++. I should be able to figure out how to read the file type and size, but I'm lost in how to get details of the video like resolution and runtime. Which API commands does Windows use there? Re: Read file properties of video files in C++ Programming Software Development by rproffitt … to profile and log what apps access that I can write that Windows does open the file for a peek. And…