183 Topics

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Member Avatar for LloydFarrell

HI all, I am teaching myself web design and I am only just getting round to the whole FF / IE css issues. I have a menu system that works great in IE / but not FF and I was hoping someone could point me in the right direction as …

Member Avatar for drjohn
Member Avatar for cybergrace7

Hello, I've made a website and have images in a sidebar. Everything's good in IE. In Firefox it is transparent. The sidebar consists of PNG images with transparent backgrounds and rounded edges. I've used code for style: #sidebar { margin:0; padding:0; background-color:transparent; } Any suggestions appreciated! (URL is: http://www.humanrightsfirst.org/index-bkup-4-21-10.aspx)

Member Avatar for cybergrace77
Member Avatar for khess

It might sound strange to you that something called [URL="http://www.googlesharing.net/"]Google Sharing[/URL] could actually protect your privacy rather than compromise it. But that's exactly what Google Sharing does; protect your privacy. By acting as a proxy service when you communicate with [URL="http://www.google.com"]Google[/URL], you essentially block information from being delivered to Google. …

Member Avatar for J217

I have beautiful floating number effect, written in JavaScript, which is not working on website under Firefox 3.x. It does work in any version of Internet Explorer. Can anyone help me fix it? Here's my site: [url]http://home.wlu.edu/~feldmann/[/url]

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for happygeek

With the annual Pwn2Own hacking event due to kick off tomorrow, Mozilla has confirmed that Firefox 3.6 has an unpatched critical vulnerability. The fact that Pwn2Own competitors will not be able to exploit this vulnerability to claim the Firefox hacking prize will be of no interest to the millions of …

Member Avatar for happygeek
Member Avatar for happygeek

The MIX10 Microsoft Developer Conference is always good for a laugh or two, but just who was rolling on the floor after the IE9 preview code was revealed? Certainly Microsoft is deadly serious about Internet Explorer: The Next Generation. So serious that it has apparently created a new development team …

Member Avatar for edDev

Ok, I've got this code that needs to load a .wmv file - the client is adamant about using .wmv files and not Flash files - and the client insists that it use variables for the width and height parameters. Thanks to a couple of you, I've now got the …

Member Avatar for jasonc31
Member Avatar for maddogsprofiles

Hello, I just upgraded my laptop to windows 7, my computer stats are as follows: [CODE]Toshiba Satellite P205 Laptop, Windows 7 Home Premium, Service Pack 1, Intel Core 2 Duo x2, 32 Bit Operating System 3.00 GB RAM, 200 GB Hard Drive[/CODE] I have been a long time user of …

Member Avatar for wyogie
Member Avatar for robroy

I tried to post on Mozilla's forum but I ran out of space, so I'll give this a try and thanks in advance... :) Also, I've googled til I cannot google anymore, so please be kind. :D I'm trying to call a .js file in my header where javascript would …

Member Avatar for Troy III
Member Avatar for goodtaste

Hi Everyone! Just wondering...I was recently under viral attack and ever since then, my Firefox refuses to open. I guess I will have to reinstal the thing, but was jsut wondering if there is a specific critter going around that attacks Forefox this way, just in case I still have …

Member Avatar for sheltant
Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

The 'So what...' award of the year has to go to Microsoft which has announced that as of this year they'll be able to choose which browser they use. According to reports on the [URL="http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/8524019.stm"]BBC[/URL], they'll be able to download and upgrade/crossgrade to Firefox, Chrome, whatever they want. Well...duh. This …

Member Avatar for zm15

I can't seem to figure out where my code is going wrong for my page. It appears fine in firefox, but IE things get messed up when you scroll down the page and mouse over the last few pictures. Here is my page: [url]http://www.landmarkmg.com/rental_communities/index.html[/url]

Member Avatar for kateross
Member Avatar for Vigasdeep

Hello, I am having a problem with divisions.. prob: 1st container div, in this div theres another division TOP whose position is relative.. in this div.. theres another div named searchbox .. and its top is 50px.. IE shows its 50px down from the TOP division but firefox places it …

Member Avatar for ko ko
Member Avatar for lozix

Hi There's this virus on my computer that won't let me acces Internet explorer or Firefox (My 2 only ways of browsing the web). Also won't let me run a virus scan or play any programs(When I do it ends up in a Blue Screen). Note: 1. I cannot download …

Member Avatar for rajesh_shah
Member Avatar for ggeoff

Hi I have had to re-establish that I prefer using IE8 as my default browser, well at least on one desktop PC. I have IE7 on the other, and I prefer that browser to IE8 which does not allow me to save to my last folder used to save a …

Member Avatar for Adub7

Hello DaniWeb Community! I'm currently working on a particularly troublesome problem with my mothers computer. What happens is if I search for something (eg. "apples") through either firefox and google or internet explorer and bing, I am redirected to spam sites. It is getting incredibly annoying. In addition, a new …

Member Avatar for outerspacely
Member Avatar for CFulcrum

I'm trying to use an iframe (bad, I know) to display a shopping cart. It shows up as designed in IE but not Firefox. Any solutions? Thanks!

Member Avatar for kim32degrees
Member Avatar for _Jen_

I have Windows XP Home Edition, Version 2002, which I run on eMachines version T2875. I also seem to have contracted a virus that uses Microsoft Internet Explorer to send pop-ups whenever I'm using Firefox, which is my main web browser. Yesterday, I noticed the virus for the first time, …

Member Avatar for Bob_180_Bob
Member Avatar for lima2001

Hello, Please help, I am new to web design. I have created a landing page [url]http://www.holidayclick.co.uk/all_inclusive_family_holidays.phtml[/url]. It looks ok in IE but when viewed in Firefox the header is out of line and the paragraphs are not the same size

Member Avatar for Phaelax
Member Avatar for Mapper99

I have a simple web page. Looks great in Firefox and Chrome. I can't figure out what is happening when viewing this page in IE! Anyone have this problem? Here is the page for review: [url]http://www.laudontech.com/office-floor-plans/[/url] Thanks in advance, M

Member Avatar for laura_ci
Member Avatar for zachman1094

I want to have Firefox use a proxy server for web browsing, and instead of using a regular server, I would like to use another computer. How would I do this? I know that I need to input the computer's IP address, but what else would I have to do …

Member Avatar for zachman1094
Member Avatar for happygeek

Some Twitter postings just demand you read them two or three times to take in what is being said in 140 characters. One such posting was made today by Mozilla CEO John Lilly which simply said: "Firefox user growth has been amazing last 8 weeks or so. +30M or so …

Member Avatar for happygeek

Odd isn't it, how Microsoft kicked up a fuss when Google announced the Chrome plugin for Internet Explorer on the grounds that it could make the browser more insecure. Indeed, it went as far as to suggest that it doubled the potential surface area for malware and scripted attacks. Yet, …

Member Avatar for fossrules
Member Avatar for wtd

Hi, I made this test page: [url]www.wearwolfdesign.com/index.php[/url] In Safari, Opera, Internet Explorer and Google chrome it works perfectly all look slightly different but acceptable. The problem is in FF the text at the top looses all it's format and goes a horrible font with no positioning. The second issue is …

Member Avatar for wtd
Member Avatar for faireskind

I hope that someone can help me with this. We have a computer where we can't get any of the installed browsers to work: IE, Firefox, Chrome. [B]Background[/B] My niece just came to live with us and brought her desktop computer with her (Windows XP Home). She claims that it …

Member Avatar for faireskind
Member Avatar for happygeek

Remember when a web browser was so much more than just a web browser? It seems that the days of the all-you-can-eat Internet suite are back as the SeaMonkey 2.0 [URL="http://www.seamonkey-project.org/releases/2.0rc1"]release code[/URL] is made available to download. There was a time when Netscape ruled the online world, but you have …

Member Avatar for fcassia
Member Avatar for Mapper99

I have created a PHP page using CSS for styling. It looks great in IE. However, in Firefox, it is just a mess. Here is the link to the page: [url]http://www.laudontech.com/temp/pceditor.php[/url] Any ideas? Should I develop for Firefox, then try and fix for IE? Or, the other way around? Thanks …

Member Avatar for Mapper99
Member Avatar for happygeek

OK, so Firefox 3.5 is out and looking good but why should Opera care? After all, the alternative web browser from years back has long since lost that title to Firefox, at least as far as the desktop is concerned. But what about in the mobile market? Opera has been …

Member Avatar for Techwriter10

With much fanfare Sun announced its new JavaFX platform yesterday, but curiously [URL="http://channelsun.sun.com/video/javafx -- do more!/3856260001"]in a video introducing the platform[/URL], Sun CEO Jonathan Schwartz, made the browser the enemy of content owners, and set up JavaFX as the platform to give developers and content owners direct access to users. …

Member Avatar for happygeek

A Firefox developer has [URL="http://ehsanakhgari.org/blog/2008-11-04/dont-leave-trace-private-browsing-firefox"]revealed[/URL] that pre-release versions of Firefox 3.1 have been updated with a new feature. Officially called 'Private Browsing' it will be more familiar to many as the much talked about Porn Mode that [URL="http://www.itwire.com/content/view/20303/53/"]caused such controversy[/URL] when Microsoft announced it was being included within the forthcoming …

Member Avatar for EddieC

The End.