899 Topics

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Member Avatar for Whiztech

The objective is to have the user guess the letters of a word which has to be the name of an object that can be seen. The user is presented with an array of 26 buttons corresponding to the 26 letters of the alphabet. Additionally the user is presented with …

Member Avatar for LFCFan_07

Hello, I need assistance with this java program I am writing, Im trying to make two buttons and when you click the button, it has a counter, and everytime you click it it prints a message saying I was clicked n times. This is what I have so far and …

Member Avatar for mKorbel
Member Avatar for yuyumerry

i got problem when i clicl the checkbox 0r radiobutton..when i compile there is no error..and also how can i put the background image at my gui??hope you guys can help me.. import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.text.*; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import javax.swing.border.*; import java.awt.GridLayout; import java.awt.FlowLayout; import java.awt.BorderLayout; …

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Member Avatar for makehaste

Greetings Everyone. I'm working on a program that will take the number of calories and grams of fat, and give the user the percent of calories from fat. The problem arises when I use the Calculate button. [CODE] import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; public class FatGramsPanel extends JPanel { …

Member Avatar for makehaste
Member Avatar for rockstar03

I have been searching high and low to find something remotely close to what I am trying to accomplish and have failed, miserably. I have read Oracle and tutorials, but have a hard time comprehending everything related to java. It is all so confusing. I would just be grateful for …

Member Avatar for rockstar03
Member Avatar for fallen21468

I have looked this up and cant seem to find a solution. Nothing I can find will work with my code. I really need help because i am doing this for a class project and nothing will work. Heres what i'm trying to get it to work with. [CODE] import …

Member Avatar for fallen21468
Member Avatar for msrikanth

Hi Everyone, I need some help in Tcl Tk Gui Application Development. In that GUI i need 2 drop down lists 1) Subject : , so here a list of subjects will be present 2) Assignment : , So here depending upon the subject again a list of assignments related …

Member Avatar for TIM_M_91

Hi Guys well what I am trying to do is set a background image for my program where my labels, buttons , and text areas sit in front of the background. Everything I try I try I cannot get it to work. My jframe layout is below so any help …

Member Avatar for TIM_M_91
Member Avatar for EddieC

GUIdancer 3.2, the latest version of flagship automated GUI testing tool from Bredex, now "officially" supports Windows 7 and Vista, and includes additional enhancements to its library of pre-built test actions. It began shipping on Nov. 3. Before you decide that US$5785 is too much to pay for an automated …

Member Avatar for amilyjoe
Member Avatar for DavidKroukamp

Hi all, I'm in my 2nd year of software development (doing C#) and having come from a Java background, and having programmed a few GUI's in C#/Visual Studio's; I was wondering... Like in Java You can use an IDE to build a GUI, however you can also simply add Frames, …

Member Avatar for DavidKroukamp
Member Avatar for Shreya J

Hi , In my application I have to implement Tooltip for Link Button. When mouse hover on link button , I should get a Tooltip. It can be a Telerik ToolTip as well. Please help me with this concept. I need step by step process for implementing this. Regards.

Member Avatar for Shreya J
Member Avatar for learntosucceed

I'm noob at GUI Swing. I have 2 questions. 1)I'm trying to implement a program that reads a text file, so I can use it to add multiple tabs to the program based on the amount of data in the text file. For example, text file have 3 names. I …

Member Avatar for nandosss
Member Avatar for cr7489

i have a db that stores film and film reviews and using php i have created a system where the user can search for a review and then a list of reviews appear, i want to create a button with each review so that when selected the individual review can …

Member Avatar for cr7489
Member Avatar for me_mie

Hi :) Can anyone help me? I want to display image in my GUI using tkinter (python 3.2.2) Do i need to download this python image library ==> PIL-1.1.7.win32-py3.2 or actually it was already in tkinter? How about the code? Thanks for the help.

Member Avatar for me_mie
Member Avatar for Griever

I am having problems with a GUI I'm working on. The idea is to have a tree list of signals and be able to drag them onto the plot. Eventually having a long list of signals and multiple plots etc.. However the code segmentation faults after a seemingly random number …

Member Avatar for a-lago

Hi I've been playing for a while with WxRuby and I just acn make the TreeCtrl event evt_tree_expanded or evt_tree_expanding please help me here is the code mi problem its at line 46: [CODE]require 'wx' include Wx class MyFrame < Frame def initialize super(nil, :title => "prueba" ) @my_panel = …

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Member Avatar for a-lago

Hi I've been playing for a while with WxRuby and I just acn make the TreeCtrl event evt_tree_expanded or evt_tree_expanding please help me here is the code mi problem its at line 46: [CODE]require 'wx' include Wx class MyFrame < Frame def initialize super(nil, :title => "prueba" ) @my_panel = …

Member Avatar for TIM_M_91

Hi there guys can someone explain to me how I can increment a value within a field in my database each time I execute my query?. As I cannot seem to find a way to do this. Below is my structure for reading + writting to my database if you …

Member Avatar for TIM_M_91
Member Avatar for aristosv

Hi, I have a form with a button which is disabled by default, and a CheckedListBox with 68 items in it. What is the simplest way of enabling the button, when an item in the CheckedListBox is selected or unselected? I’m looking for something like If CheckedListBox1…any of the items …

Member Avatar for aristosv
Member Avatar for TIM_M_91

Hi guys well I have created a JComboBox that lists all my values from a String. However I want instead of the values for the JComboBox to be in a String the values to be displayed in the JComboBox from my database so if more values are added to the …

Member Avatar for rushikesh jadha
Member Avatar for Shodow
Member Avatar for Lius

I have problem with saving entry to mysql.. first entry saved but it doesnt work with second, somehow the save_new button didnt respond at all.. then i use saveandclose button it works or after i restart the pc the save_new button function will do it job for the first entry …

Member Avatar for miramiey

Hello, I am creating simple an applet to draw a registration form based on the selected item within the awt choice object. I have include a radio button, choice list and button. My problem is when running the Applet...the choice list is blinking and when I maximized or minimise frame …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for TIM_M_91

Hi guys well my code is below I am trying to set up error checking so that CREATETABLE will only execute when String v and string d are false and when string t is true. I've started the code. Which it works when String v or String d are null …

Member Avatar for TIM_M_91
Member Avatar for ThaiAmL

Hello! I'm writing a very simple program to get used to using GUIs, and I'm having a bit of trouble. We're supposed to be writing a program that just creates a window and after the user puts in a number, it calculates the square root and the square of the …

Member Avatar for ThaiAmL
Member Avatar for androidf

I need to have a update button to update a edited textfield and save it to the database. I have created the button but have no idea on how to make it update the edited textfield and update the SQL database automatically. Pls help!!): This is my code: [CODE]private JButton …

Member Avatar for androidf
Member Avatar for Gsterminator

Hey daniweb Community! I need help opening up new GUI window by using abstract actions. For example if I hit CTRL + C, i want to open a new window while i already have another window open. Please help! Thanks

Member Avatar for mKorbel
Member Avatar for Gsterminator

Hey everybody! So my problem is the very last part, getting the results of my calculation. So what i've done is created a stack with my very own stack class. The = button is suppose to display the result but i get a runtime error. Please help me out. Oh …

Member Avatar for Gsterminator
Member Avatar for Dexxta27

I have to make a small paint program using the GUI. I need to know how to use the combo box. I know I have to make an array with the list of colors but I don't know how to add it to an action listener and choose the items. …

Member Avatar for Dexxta27
Member Avatar for TF401

Hi, I want to know if is possible to make those events/automation with a Python code( without any program like Pywinauto ), so I could compile the python code: 1. [B]sending keys to an active window;[/B] 2. [B]sending mouse clicks to specific coordinates in a window;[/B] 3. [B]set the window …

Member Avatar for ihatehippies

The End.