Question Answering with YouTube Videos Using RAG in LangChain Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 … no specific destination. ``` ## A Command Line YouTube Question Answering Chatbot Now that we know… Thanks to the' chat_history' list, the command line application will be able to answer follow-up questions.…your messages, have a good day!") break response = generate_response_with_memory(query) print(f"\033… Paris Olympics Ticket Information Chatbot with Memory Using LangChain Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 … question. ## Putting it All Together - A Command Line Chatbot To create a simple command-line chatbot, we will instantiate an empty list… Thank you for your messages, have a good day!") break response = generate_response_with_memory(query) print(f"\033[1m Chatbot>… Re: Need help with Lem-in Project Programming by toneewa … queue[0] queue = queue[1:] if room == end { break } for adjRoom := range tunnels[room] { if !visited[adjRoom]….startRoom = roomDetails[0] } else if strings.Contains(line, "##end") { roomDetails := strings.Fields(… Re: how to create a simple elevator simulation? Programming Software Development by trueframe To make a basic elevator simulation, first, identify the floors and the elevator's capacity. Then, use loops and conditionals in programming to mimic its movement. Include buttons for users to call the elevator and select floors. Test thoroughly for accuracy. Line Break Programming Databases by M.Waqas Aslam … length of string is very large, i want to put line break in it , i dont know to do this , my string… Line break CODE shown Programming Software Development by xcoaster1 … submitted. I cannot figure out a way to remove the line break code without loosing the data. Code is as follows: [CODE… PHP Line Break within an outputted table Programming Web Development by ceeandcee … I have new data, I want to simply put a line break. I have put in <br> but it makes… the page too long as it yields a break each time and not just the times that it has… want to put each player on a different line, but dont want a table line in between. [url]… Re: PHP Line Break within an outputted table Programming Web Development by chrishea It seems that you need to check if you have any data before you add another line break. If you currently output the line break before you output the fields, you need to create the output line as a variable and then check the length to determine if it has any data. How do I get rid of this line break? Programming Software Development by Cosmo_Kramer …" ) z = setup.readline() waiting = stack() for line in setup: customerNum, arrivalTime, serviceTime = line.split() plane = Customer(customerNum, arrivalTime, serviceTime) push(waiting…, I tried a bunch of stuff but I get that line break after the variable z every time! The data in the… Trying to line break to a new line Programming Software Development by geteducated … everything is there a way to do like a new line break so that "in this case" in the west… Using split with a line break Programming Software Development by kashn … into an array from a file, based on a new line break. Example of my txt file: [ICODE]This will be my… How to put in a line break between my map map markers in XML Programming Web Development by deucalion0 …. I have many map markers but I cannot get a line break between th esets of markers, only each and every marker… how show data with line break in <textarea> using ajax ? Programming Web Development by Linddha … look for a problem, .. it couse of the there a line break inside data field. im using input and textrea, i can… Re: how show data with line break in <textarea> using ajax ? Programming Web Development by Linddha … the data "isi" from database becouse there is line break exist. Re: Line Break in ajax/javascript Programming Web Development by Taywin You are sure about a line break before each capital letter, right? Maybe you can try... [CODE] var str = xmlhttp.responseText; str = str.replace(/([A-Z])/g, "<br />$1") document.getElementById("my_div").innerHTML = str [/CODE] edit: syntax error... No need to have semicolon unless you want to compact the code. Re: Textarea line break Digital Media UI / UX Design by lyndria This is a smart forum.. hey just googled for Textarea line break and found this forum.. hope i will like this place.. thanks Re: Line Break Programming Databases by scudzilla Have you tried char(10)? Re: Line breaks in within echo is line break on page Programming Web Development by urtrivedi If you place <br> it will always break your line in browser. If your aim is readablility then why don`t you simply press enter key where ever you want to break your line for your view, instead of typing <br>? Line breaks in textareas Programming Web Development by Buppy … the user can enter text. The line breaks (\n\r) has to act as real line breaks. So, i've successfully replaced… do i nicely replace those tags back in the textarea line break style? Replacing <br /> with \n or \r didn… Line breaking... Digital Media UI / UX Design by mbacon Hello There, I was wondering what the purpose of using <br /> and \n are, instead of just the normal HTML line break. Does this make my code more compatible with older browsers or different operating systems? Thanks, Mike Re: Line breaks in within echo is line break on page Programming Web Development by Excizted … hundreds of characters long, because I want the design to break the long lines as needed. I'm sure this has… Line breaks in within echo is line break on page Programming Web Development by Excizted … view. But when I do that I also get the line breaks and indents on my webpage. Can I do something… Re: Line breaks in within echo is line break on page Programming Web Development by aditya2071990 … view. But when I do that I also get the line breaks and indents on my webpage. Can I do something… Re: Using split with a line break Programming Software Development by javaAddict There are many examples on how to read files in this forum. After you read each line, check if it has value an empty String: [CODE] if (line.trim().equals("")) { // this is an empty line // the new line would be the start of a new paragraph } [/CODE] Re: Using split with a line break Programming Software Development by javaAddict … temp_store = s3.split("/n"); // /n is the new line and it will get divide from there and get saved… the file. The most common way is to read it line by line so you will never have the '\n' in the… paragraphs. So like I said whenever you read an empty line you have a new paragraph. It depends on how you… Re: Using split with a line break Programming Software Development by localp … temp_store = s3.split("/n"); // /n is the new line and it will get divide from there and get saved… Re: Line break CODE shown Programming Software Development by KevinADC emails can be viewed as plain text or as html encoded, and even if html encoded the end user can elect to see emails as plain text. You should decide which route to take, text or html encoded, and then work on a solution. A side-note to this is that it really has nothing to do with perl or CGI, but how you elect to send the emails, as text or … Re: Line Break in ajax/javascript Programming Web Development by tinymark Except for line 2 I agree. Line 2 should be [CODE]str = str.replace(/([A-Z])/g, "<br />$1");[/CODE]. I tested it with this string ('Hello there Mark, how is it Going.') and got this displayed. Hello there Mark, how is it Going. problem with php code line Programming Web Development by premier213 line)) { break; } // Trim the word down $temp .= substr($line, 0, $charlim-1); $line = substr($line….'/design/templates/'.$available_template.'/'.$template_for.'css/'.$available_css.'/'; break; } } } } } } … How do input(cin) time value as HH:Min in same line? Programming Software Development by matharoo … them to be entered in same line, first hours and then minutes but in same line i.e the cin should not…. Both hours and minutes should be entered in same line without a line break. I am making this program using structures, here's…] Please help how can i Cin two values in same line without a line break after first input stream..???