42 Topics

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Member Avatar for Smithers

What is the fasted way to delete rows based on a condition in Column A using VBA? Anybody have an example? Thanks.

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Member Avatar for PhilHernandez

How do I add a Macro to an Excel Sheet using Late Binding? I had the code working using Excel(2010) PIA: [CODE] //create a new VBA control module oModule = oWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents.Add(VBIDE.vbext_ComponentType.vbext_ct_StdModule); //Add the VBA macro to the new code module oModule.CodeModule.AddFromString(sCode) //sCode is the VBA macro I created;[/CODE] I now …

Member Avatar for Sebastian_
Member Avatar for boshu

Hi all, I have been using a macro definition to copy a set of files to different locations and FTP servers. But copying seems quite slow so I want to compress the bundle using 7z and copy all into FTP as one single file. Can it be done using 7z? …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for LuaMan

My project is at [url]https://sourceforge.net/projects/luamacroez/[/url]. It is a program which creates macro scripts, and can execute them within the program. I want to take it to the next level and take the .mlua files it saves, and turn them into an executable file, complete with it's own internal interpereter. I …

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*sigh* I'm back again. Same program. Different problem. [CODE]private void executeToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string aaa = String.Format(richTextBoxEditor.ToString()); /*<-- Guessing that this is redundant */ lua.DoString(aaa); //<-- problem code }[/CODE] When I attempt to execute the Lua code in the textbox, it crashes the program. Wat do?

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Member Avatar for LuaMan

I am trying to make a macro engine for a personal project, and it would work fine, except that the form won't show when I debug it. Take it for granted that I am using the LuaInterface DLL please. Code: [CODE]using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Drawing; …

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Member Avatar for Garrett2011

Beforehand I know how to define a macro in a file like header file by using #define directive but I want to know, regarding Visual C++ compiler, is there any kind of file which is specifically used to hold a macro so that we can use it anywhere in our …

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Member Avatar for harikumar86

Hi Here i have found macro code to extract URL from hyperlink(anchor tag) in MS Excel. This code is very useful to fetch the particular URL from the hyperlink by single click. No need to view the website to view and copy the URL. First in MS Excel go to …

Member Avatar for Eric Raj
Member Avatar for Garrett2011

Is there a macro that can get a text as input like "abc" and then extract characters in that text and generate a code using them, something like "{'a','b','c'}" ? thanks.

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for urbangeek

hi guys, can't understand why the answer of the following program is 7? Please explain.. [CODE]#include <stdio.h> #define SQ(x) x*x int main() { int a,b; a=5; b=-SQ(a+2); printf("%d",b); return 0; } [/CODE] thank you..

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Member Avatar for happydiamond

I need to run large PDF files of financial reports, saving each Acct. ID to a separate PDF file so I can post electronically (to avoid printing out 800 pages a month and distributing in paper format). I don't know VB but the attachment shows the steps I need to …

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Member Avatar for Fbody

A couple days ago, I was involved in [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread258996.html"]this thread[/URL] which concerns bit shifting (kind of) and a solution was found (by someone else). The problem is, something about the solution never really sat right with me. Hopefully someone can clarify this for me. [B]Code:[/B] The code uses 1 constant …

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The End.