300 Topics

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Member Avatar for kangarooblood

Hi there, I'm a real newbie to python so sorry if this is a stupid question or if I don't fully get your answer, no hate please! I'm trying to write a small program to use when calculating differential equations bu using Euler's step method, don't worry if you don't …

Member Avatar for rrashkin
Member Avatar for cnsk90

#include<stdio.h> #include<math.h> int main() { int n,nstart,nstop,nstep,i,j,zNumber; ` printf("Please enter a value of a positive integer nstart: "); scanf("%d",&nstart); printf("Please enter a value of a positive integer nstop: "); scanf("%d",&nstop); printf("Please enter a value of a positive integer nstep: "); scanf("%d",&nstep); printf("Number\t\tzNumber\n"); printf("------\t\t-------\n"); n=nstart; zNumber= double pow(double_n,double_i); while(i<=nstop){ zNumber = …

Member Avatar for David W
Member Avatar for Doogledude123

So I have a button which adds a "Miner" then removes the cost of the Miner. The problem is that it is taking away too much, double the cost, and also will not buy if the current gold is equal to the cost. I have no idea why it is …

Member Avatar for sepp2k
Member Avatar for Paor

please help for query... i want sum (kns+kng) by name - [example](http://sqlfiddle.com/#!2/b5a7e6) the result should be: name|sum ----------- john - 36 bart - 16 steve - 53 jim - 10 tnx

Member Avatar for Paor
Member Avatar for titos97

Hi Guys , I couldnt dispay sum of a column of sqlite database in php . I tried the sql statement in database its working fine but not sure how to dispay the result in PHP . I belive i need to fetch it and then dispay any help will …

Member Avatar for titos97
Member Avatar for ypdev2

Hi, I am using jQuery function to calculate total of item price (label) multiply by quantity (textbox), this is working fine so far. Also, I added additional label for shipping which getting the data from rbl object, also working fine. The calculation I'm trying to get is sum of total+shipping, …

Member Avatar for stbuchok
Member Avatar for Kewne

I have a query that starts like this... SELECT COUNT(A.FISH), COUNT(B.MEAT), COUNT(C.FRUIT).... now my problem is this, how could I count when I need to consider an expiration date for each column,...and the expiration dates varies for each column... Can I do this in one query? Or is there any …

Member Avatar for Kewne
Member Avatar for pce369

So I have the following MySQL query, which works fine: select year(created_at) as year, month(created_at) as month, day(created_at) as day, item_sdb_id, price_per_unit from (select l.item_sdb_id, l.list_price / l.quantity as price_per_unit, l.created_at from listings as l inner join purchases as p on l.purchase_id = p.id where l.item_sdb_id in (12345) and p.created_at …

Member Avatar for urtrivedi
Member Avatar for kafi_1

I need help with this: -write an application to perform simple arithmetic operations on integers. Specification 1.Name the .java file SimpleMath 2.The program should do the following: ◦Prompt the user to enter five integer values from the keyboard. ◦Display the sum and average of the numbers. ◦Display the quotient of …

Member Avatar for super.sam1
Member Avatar for schroaus

I have looked around on the internet a little bit, but I am unable to find a function or equation for inverse/arcsine. I was able to find Inverse Cosine, but inverse sin doesn't seem to exist. Does anyone know how to use inverse sine in delphi?

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Michael_18

I'm trying to display some records which meet some certain criteria. That works fine, but I also want to retrieve the total amount of orders. These are all located in the field 'Amount' from the Orders table. So if record 1 has got '22' in it's amount field, and record …

Member Avatar for balaji9124
Member Avatar for kyleo92

I'm creating a table with PHP/MySql to enter local election results from my newspaper, I'm not a professional developer, more of just a hobbiest hack (who hasn't worked with PHP for a few years either), so feel free to correct existing code if you so please. What I want to …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for kamalashraf

i am getting result of average in int instead of float, tell me where i have made mistake. this is the code. #include<iostream> using namespace std; void getData (int a[], int s); int numbersSum (int a[], int s); float average (int sum, int size); int main() { int size=0; int …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for J_SON

Hi , I am trying to do a couple of bitwise operations on some hex numbers but for some reason i cant compile. Apparently, it wont be possible with my method: #include <stdio.h> float tv,lv; float nv = 0x01FE; int main() { tv = 0x7FFC; lv = 0x8000 & tv; …

Member Avatar for J_SON
Member Avatar for devianleong

Here is my array: $a = array( “1” => “3”, “1” => “2”, “2” => “1”, “1” => “2”, “2” => “2”, ); and my expected output is : 1 = 7 , 2 = 3 How can I do that in foreach?

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for EXTRA_RICE

i have this new problem i hope that im not a spam here in this site.but i have to do this bcoz i have no where else to go.sorry for my english hope u understand me.in the picture that i uploaded i have textbox1 and textbox2 their value comes from …

Member Avatar for Klahr_R
Member Avatar for Octavian_1

I have the following code that is working but i need further functionality. The code shows the payments made and is based on two tables. The payments table that has the following fields mID, type (account type), dayentered(date when the money was donated) and the members table has the following …

Member Avatar for Octavian_1
Member Avatar for DavidB

Here is a small--complete--program that includes a sub-routine that inputs two matrices and then multiplies them. Notes: * 1) I happen to like taking input from a text file. It eliminates the need to type input from the console, especially when debugging, it prevents the possibility of making typos. * …

Member Avatar for Shellback3
Member Avatar for cocopium

I'm sorry. These question probably sound very stupid to you people. But to me they are extremely difficult. Imagine being completely ignorant with computers, and signing up for an intermediate level class (I did not take the beginner class)................ and NEEDING an A to make up for the 2 B's …

Member Avatar for Gonbe
Member Avatar for cocopium

Hi. I need help with a program. It is a simple program where it looks for a sequence of numbers (between 1000 and 9999) where the sum of 4 sequential numbers to the 4th power = a 4 digit number comprised of those 4 original numbers. (I know... see example). …

Member Avatar for cocopium
Member Avatar for Yuexuan

Hey guys, New to the site, new to writing SQL queries and have no background in this type of thing. But I've been googling my way to victory for the most part. I'm struggling on probably a very simple problem. I'd like to Sum the contents of a column, if …

Member Avatar for Yuexuan
Member Avatar for xrjf

The days when the calculator had almost 3 thousand visits a day have gone. Since then, there have been several major versions and lots of minor versions. Somehow, I feel pleased in that the present core algorithm follows the rules of the first I read; of course, extending the simplicity …

Member Avatar for DavidB

Here is my first Code Snippet contribution: a C++ sub-routine that computes the roots of a quadratic equation. Notes: * This sub-routine checks if a = 0. * IF a = 0, then the equation is actually not a quadratic equation; it is a linear equation with one--if any--root. * …

Member Avatar for DavidB
Member Avatar for siddiquedu

I choose a program that can read data from a txt file. Now, I input two column from txt file and i want to substract first value of 2nd column to every value of 2nd column. finally I want the sum of substracted values. Can anyone please help me. Actually, …

Member Avatar for siddiquedu
Member Avatar for ddanbe

Complex numbers are seldom used in daily life, altough you could say that every real number is complex, but with the imaginary part equal to zero. And btw. "complex" is a bit of a misnomer, perhaps we should call them "easies", because often they make it easier to perform certain …

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for grant.baker

I'm trying to sum all numeric fields individually. I won't always know the field names, otherwise I could manually construct the query `SELECT SUM(Field1) as Field1, SUM(Field2) as Field2...etc FROM myTable` Is there a way to construct this on the fly in mysql? I'm thinking there's probably a way to …

Member Avatar for grant.baker
Member Avatar for SpottyBlue

I was in the library's multimedia room to do my assignment, but all PCs don't have Visual Studio and other smiliar programs. So I wrtie the code on Notepad for the question: > Design a solution that will determine and display the fewest number of ringgit and coins in change …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for robert.speciale

I have a void function that takes data from an ifstream, reads the first value, (which is an ID #), and compares that value against the ID# info from an array of records. If it's invalid, the rest of the line is ignored. If it's valid, it adds the hours …

Member Avatar for robert.speciale
Member Avatar for SpottyBlue

Can someone help me with this? This is part of my first assignment. I am quite new to programming. > A company wants to transmit data over the telephone, but they are concerned that their phones are tapped. All of their data are transmitted as four-digit integers. They wanted you …

Member Avatar for Moschops

The End.