930 Topics

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What the heck is happening in Redmond? Is Microsoft really giving away antivirus software? Yes, friends, it appears that they [URL="http://www.microsoft.com/security_essentials/"]are[/URL]. Come on Microsoft, we really want to hate you. I've carried this Microsoft voodoo doll* around with me for years--stabbing it every time I have to pay money for …

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There ain't no such thing as a free Windows 7 upgrade. At least that's what it is starting to look like for the majority of people, despite the 'free upgrade' vouchers that are being handed out with new computers as part of the Windows 7 Upgrade Option scheme. A scheme …

Member Avatar for happygeek
Member Avatar for khess

All the glass clicking and cheers of late surrounding the apparent conversion of [URL="http://www.microsoft.com"]Microsoft[/URL] to the open source [URL="http://www.codeplex.com"]fold[/URL] needs to stop. We need the [URL="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cold_war"]Cold War[/URL]. We need [URL="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Communism"]Communism[/URL]. And, yes, we need the OS Wars. Like any war, the OS Wars stimulate creativity, spark religious battles and divide …

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The Microsoft Windows embedded product portfolio has just been given a hefty push into the limelight with the official release of Windows 7 technologies over to what Microsoft refers to as manufacturers of specialized devices. During an industry address at the Embedded Systems Conference in Boston yesterday, Microsoft announced the …

Member Avatar for Techwriter10

It seems that Microsoft is now so threatened by Google that they have allegedly hired a high powered Washington lobbying firm to smear Google to government regulators. What's so interesting isn't that this approach is so petty and childish--although it is that--it's that Microsoft, rather than relying on the quality …

Member Avatar for kaninelupus
Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

It was surreal to read today that Microsoft's Apple iPod killer, the Zune, has gone all high definition. That's to say that the new version announced today will have high-def capacity. Reaction has been positive; connect it to a TV and it'll be great, everyone's going to want one. Well, …

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Yesterday Microsoft launched the long-awaited [URL="http://www.zune.net/en-us/products/zunehd/default.htm"]Zune HD[/URL]. By all reports, this is a pretty nice device with a large 3.3 inch OLED screen with HD video and HD radio playback. As a media player, it offers access to a limited App Store and a very nice $15 all-you-can-eat monthly music …

Member Avatar for Techwriter10

Microsoft announced a new organization this week called [URL="http://www.codeplex.org/index.aspx"]CodePlex[/URL], which according to its web site, is "a non-profit foundation formed with the mission of enabling the exchange of code and understanding among software companies and open source communities." Now, you don't normally see Microsoft and Open Source in the same …

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[I]I'm special, so special. I got to have some of your attention, give it to me! ~Pretenders, Brass in Pocket [/I] Ah the games companies play trying so hard to get our attention. For the last 6 weeks or so Microsoft has done a fine job of turning the media …

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Hello, Because of my new and the most of the future projects, i'm needing to learn C and use Windows, but because of this, i don't know how to use the Windows API, then i'm asking for an example of using DeleteFile function. Thanks, Nathan Paulino Campos

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Member Avatar for happygeek

It's always fun to stand and watch as two big names slug it out, and they don't come much bigger than Microsoft. Sophos, it has to be said, is no small fry either when it comes to the world of IT Security. So when a Sophos [URL="http://www.sophos.com/blogs/gc/g/2009/07/17/guest-blog-xp-mode-demonstrating-security-microsofts-priority/"]blog posting[/URL] from it's …

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You have to give Steve Ballmer and Microsoft credit. After years of sitting on the sidelines playing defense and catch-up, this year they have definitely been on offense. Whether it's the ad wars, releasing Bing, the deal with Yahoo!, the retail strategy or its latest move, a deal with Nokia …

Member Avatar for khess

[B]For Sale By Owner:[/B] One Commercial Linux Company with excellent history and reputation in the enterprise Linux arena. Profitable concern specializing in open source and Linux-based solutions. Offers top-notch distribution with broad hardware support, superb technical solutions, built-in virtualization, education and certification programs. Known to the technical world as [URL="http://www.redhat.com"]Red …

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My good friend and partner in crime, [URL="http://blogs.zdnet.com/perlow"]Jason Perlow[/URL] is working on (as I'm writing this) a new Linux distribution that is Hyper-V ready. It is a modified OpenSUSE 11.1 that includes the Linux Integration Components (ICs) from [URL="http://www.microsoft.com"]Microsoft[/URL]. He'll have a link to it on his blog in a …

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Member Avatar for khess

It's hard to convince Joe and Mary User to convert to Linux when the first things you hear from them are: "Where's my <insert stupid application here>?" "Why can't I just have <insert ridiculous thing here>?" or the ever-popular "This doesn't work like <insert overpriced application here>?" Honestly, it's enough …

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Member Avatar for happygeek

It is either a clever bit of strategy or a shambolic u-turn depending upon your view of the company, but Microsoft has now formally abandoned plans to sell the controversial Windows 7 E edition in Europe. Windows 7 E was going to be the special edition, for [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry1655.html"]European customers[/URL] only, …

Member Avatar for Techwriter10

Yesterday was the major league baseball trade deadline and lots of teams made [URL="http://sports.espn.go.com/mlb/news/story?id=4369463"]big deals[/URL] and took huge gambles for short-term gain, while possibly risking the future in the form of younger, cheaper, but unproven talent. [URL="http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2009/07/31/EDQR191T6C.DTL"]Microsoft and Yahoo![/URL] also made a trade of sorts when they signed an historic …

Member Avatar for khess

Linus has spoken so get back to work and stop burning up the Internet with your hate speeches and endless ramblings about Microsoft and how this is so wrong. Linus accepted the code and gives his reasons as to why. Here's my take on the whole thing with responses to …

Member Avatar for cmccullough
Member Avatar for Techwriter10

Apple released its [URL="http://www.apple.com/pr/library/2009/07/21results.html"]third quarter numbers[/URL] yesterday and by any benchmark they were impressive. Consider these numbers as [URL="http://www.macworld.com/article/141829/2009/07/appleq309.html?lsrc=top_1"]reported by Macworld[/URL]: * $8.34 billion in sales and a net profit of $1.23 billion * 5.2 million iPhones * 10. 2 million iPods * 2.6 million Macs (of which1.75 million were …

Member Avatar for Lead Goat
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[URL="http://news.cnet.com/8301-1023_3-10291462-93.html?tag=newsLeadStoriesArea.1"]Today Yahoo! is releasing[/URL] a new version of its search tool with many changes. This is significant for a number of reasons: [LIST] [*]Yahoo! has been in the news lately mostly as Microsoft's take-over target. The make-over provides the company with a news opportunity that's actually about an upgrade to …

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Member Avatar for Techwriter10

[I]It's not always easy, And sometimes life can be deceiving, I'll tell you one thing, its always better when we're together ~Jack Johnson, Better Together[/I] News leaked out this morning on the [URL="http://kara.allthingsd.com/20090716/yahoo-search-ad-deal-with-microsoft-down-to-the-short-strokes-but-caution-also-advised/"]All Things Digital Blog[/URL] (and subsequently widely carried by the New York Times, PC Mag Online, Wired and …

Member Avatar for Techwriter10

When Microsoft first announced their retail strategy back in February I wrote a post called [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry4030.html"]Microsoft Retail Strategy Doomed to Fail[/URL] and I haven't changed my view. Today,[URL="http://blogs.zdnet.com/microsoft/?p=3358"] it became clear[/URL] that in the face of all common sense they are continuing to push forward with this wrong-headed idea. Remember, …

Member Avatar for Techwriter10

I've[URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry4290.html"] speculated in the past[/URL] that nothing could keep Google from moving Android from a phone to a computer. After all a phone is just a hand-held computer, so it should come as no surprise that [URL="http://googleblog.blogspot.com/2009/07/introducing-google-chrome-os.html"]Google officially announced[/URL] yesterday that it was getting in the computer operating system business …

Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

[URL="http://www.google.com"]Google[/URL] has confirmed that it is working on an operating system called [URL="http://googleblog.blogspot.com/2009/07/introducing-google-chrome-os.html"]Chrome[/URL]. It will be a rival to [URL="http://www.microsoft.com"]Microsoft[/URL] Windows, a zillion flavours of [URL="http://www.distrowatch.com"]Linux[/URL], the [URL="http://www.apple.com/macosx/"]Apple[/URL] operating system and any other minority systems of which you might be aware. A lot has been said across the web about …

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Over the last year, Microsoft ads have been simply bad on one end of the spectrum and horrible on the other. It's really time for the company to reconsider their ad agency choices and their overall strategy because right now they are throwing good money after bad. I had one …

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Member Avatar for khess

This post has nothing to do with Michael Jackson, his death, his kids, his Neverland Ranch or anything related to him. It has everything to do with my need for a virtual laboratory where I can test virtual machines, write about them or produce other documentation about them without a …

Member Avatar for ronkupper
Member Avatar for Techwriter10

[I]How come I can't let go? I'm between two worlds ~Tom Petty, Between Two Worlds[/I] As I watched vendors navigate the changing software world last week at [URL="http://www.e2conf.com/"]Enterprise 2.0 in Boston[/URL], it struck me that the old companies are trying desperately to hold onto to the markets they have dominated …

Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

You might have seen the announcement [URL="http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/8116387.stm"]yesterday[/URL] that Microsoft is going to start offering free antivirus protection to its customers. The initial reaction is no doubt going to be reasonably positive, and speaking as someone with a family member who's been hit by a computer virus fairly recently, the easier …

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There's a new campaign on [URL="http://twitter.com"]Twitter[/URL] about fixing [URL="http://www.microsoft.com"]Microsoft[/URL]'s flagship email program, Outlook. Outlook 2010 will be coming out next year (just say if I'm going too quickly) and it renders emails oddly if they're in HTML. There are details [URL="http://fixoutlook.org/"]here[/URL]. Let's ignore the fact that the Fixoutlook page is …

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Over the years there has been plenty of [URL="http://www.itwire.com/content/view/20745/53/"]speculation regarding the sanity[/URL] of Steve 'Monkey Dancing' Ballmer, the Microsoft CEO. But what is it with Microsoft and this obsession to pursue the search supremacy dream at any cost? Sure, I know [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry3327.html"]Ballmer has sworn to kill Google[/URL] before but the …

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The End.