233 Topics

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Member Avatar for singh_soorma94

I was making a windows form project. in the project the user inputs the number of dice rolls he wants(2 dice will be rolled) and then i am suppose to give the number of times each number happened and the percent of times each number happened. The only problem is …

Member Avatar for singh_soorma94
Member Avatar for vishal1949

I am trying to make a program in which the user is prompted to input a number(max length of 4 digits), and then the program shall produce the number of outcomes of a two dice roll meaning that 1 roll includes two die. The outcomes could be 2-12 and I …

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for Farhad.idrees

Hi i m new in java.. i have to solve this.. write a programme to display random choice from a set of six choices,scrambled, eggs, waffles etc..... kindly help me....i m having huge problem... Regards.. Farhad

Member Avatar for sirlink99
Member Avatar for chompchomp

Hi All, I did a search on DaniWeb but didn't manage to find a solution to this problem. We've got some pretty simple javascript that calls a random html file into a div on a very simple page. The called file contains a vimeo embed in an iframe. This script …

Member Avatar for chompchomp
Member Avatar for chemwiz1

I recently installed the updated Dell Support Center (DSC) onto my Inspiron 1520 with Win XP(SP3) and ran the included PC Checkup (PCC) powered by PC-Doctor. Everything went smoothly; however, a little later, I started to notice a random .wav sound (a click followed by a "bubbling" sound like someone …

Member Avatar for chemwiz1
Member Avatar for matthewkeating

Hey guys I need a little bit of help. I am writing a program that generates 100 random numbers and then stores then in an arrays (2, even and odd numbers) I need a little help with passing the array into the function and generating random numbers. What am I …

Member Avatar for matthewkeating
Member Avatar for Peter4n31

I am quite desperate about a random crash. The memory could not be "read" error. I would be very happy for any help. Thank you. [CODE]HRESULT CSceneNode::UpdateAll() { D3DXMATRIX backup_local_tm = ei.world_tm; Update(); SceneNodeIterator begin=FirstChild(); SceneNodeIterator end=LastChild(); for (;begin!=end;begin++) { (*begin)->UpdateAll(); // Here is the random Crash !!! } ei.world_tm …

Member Avatar for Peter4n31
Member Avatar for chemwiz1

I've seen earlier posts for this problem, but the solutions don't apply to me, and the earlier posts are a couple of years old. I was hit on 6/5/11 with malware from a legitimate website that I had accessed just the day before with no problems. Malwarebytes (MBAM) identified the …

Member Avatar for steven woodman
Member Avatar for Thisisnotanid

Hi all, I was experimenting with techniques of generating random numbers and eventually decided on the following. I realize there's a big discussion in computing circles about "randomness" and as such am not trying to make any claims here. What do you think? Thoughts, comments, suggestions, discussion of underlying theories, …

Member Avatar for Schol-R-LEA
Member Avatar for leetari

Hi there, I am working with a 2D array, my c++ program reads input from an external file and stores it into a 2D array. Say, for example, this is my input file: 9 5 6 2 4 1 0 8 6 7 3 5 2 9 5 8 My …

Member Avatar for leetari
Member Avatar for BOOMBOOMF

could someone plz help.. i'm stuck in one part where u have to access the array form the main class(random) ive juss posted the two classes i have doubt in.. the question goes soemthin like this: Q:Make a java class file for function that can do addition, then make a …

Member Avatar for Annuate
Member Avatar for evaldaskowka

Hi again, With silly question... I read about generating random numbers random(10); but it gives numbers from 0 to 10 and i need for example from 10 to 100. I tried random([10..100]); but i can't compile this :/ Could somebody help me?

Member Avatar for Wolfgan
Member Avatar for gema002

Hi you all! I hope someone here will help me, i have workt with my java-program for 14 hours and i cant get it right. Im sure im on the right way but i cant get i all right. ok.. first i have to create a dice-class that generates random …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for GolfGr

Hello guys im working on a project for my class and im stuck. i dont have much of experience with linked list and my book isn't helpful with this project. Here is what the project is about: Develop an interactive program to implement basic linked list operations including: 1. Add …

Member Avatar for GolfGr
Member Avatar for adixovi

Hi, this is a clue game in prolog. [B][U]I'm posting it to thank everyone that takes the time to post and help people, like me.[/U][/B] The program is spanish, cause in from México, but it's a clue game. Features: Write and read *.txt files, and use their content to compare …

Member Avatar for karthik.chopper

Hey guys, I have a problem. I created a quick sort program and it functions perfectly for quantity less than 100. I searched for errors and changed and now for more than 100 values, it runs perfectly and sometimes it hangs. I am unable to decipher whats the error. Did …

Member Avatar for mbulow
Member Avatar for loafie55

I'm having a lot of trouble with a project for school. The project calls for me to create a random guessing game with three different levels. Each level should consist of a random number between 1 and 30. I have set my code to show between 1 and 5 for …

Member Avatar for loafie55
Member Avatar for guru_iyer

Hey I am trying to do a project on Test Engine. I need to retrieve random rows of questions from access database. I did the following code, but every time I once close and run it again, the sequence of questions is same. How can I change the sequence every …

Member Avatar for guru_iyer
Member Avatar for suhaildawood

I am creating a part of a game in ASP.NET (VB). There is a database with four tables (topics), and in those tables there are three items. I need the application to be able to show a random item (for example the three items are 1, 2, 3 - I …

Member Avatar for Akash Saikia
Member Avatar for 24x24

This is homework. I have the code written, though. The thing works. Mostly. The assignment is to write a program that reads a list of integers from a file, prints the maximum value in the list to the console, removes the maximum value from the list, and stores the (smaller) …

Member Avatar for 24x24
Member Avatar for Dave1992

I recently spilled water onto between the mouse clickers of my Dell Studio 1555 and for about 8 hours I could get no life out of it, the charger light would not even come on. However, since then it comes on fine, but randomly and with no warning sometimes it …

Member Avatar for xzbackup
Member Avatar for jackmaverick1

Hi, I've been looking for a while for things that would give me random numbers under a value that I can specify (for me it's 5). I've seen [ICODE]rand();[/ICODE] and [ICODE]srand();[/ICODE]. I also know that[ICODE]srand()[/ICODE] is the seed and [ICODE]rand()[/ICODE] is the random number itself. Even the example programs don't …

Member Avatar for pseudorandom21
Member Avatar for gregorian.law

So I inherited a Sony VGN-S170 (PCG-6C2L) laptop. It randomly shuts-down, regardless of the activity. First, I thought it was the damaged DC power jack - replaced it, but still shuts down. The battery is completely dead - won't do anything on just battery power, so I've ordered a new …

Member Avatar for hotmatrixx
Member Avatar for rookanga

I got the textbox and a listbox and a button, I can add names threw the textbox hit the button to add and it adds to the listbox, now I need to take the names from there and randomize them into 4 groups and make it into an array also, …

Member Avatar for rookanga
Member Avatar for oldezwe

-List of names in a database -names have double assigned to them, x -each name has random 10 digit double generated from 0 to x -the name with the highest number double is assigned to a variable -if two names generate the same double then the name with in the …

Member Avatar for Progr4mmer
Member Avatar for manongjulius

so. . . i guess you could say i'm kinda new here but. . . this site really helps me alot this past few days and i decided to join... i was surfing all over the internet and i can't find what's the problem with my program. this always says …

Member Avatar for manongjulius
Member Avatar for prvnkmr194

I have a 2d array of size 4X4 that is [CODE] int arr[4][4]; [/CODE] i want to initialize this from 1-15 but in random manner not sequential example 7 8 9 5 1 2 12 14 3 6 10 13 11 4 15 0 I try [CODE]random()[/CODE] function but iam …

Member Avatar for prvnkmr194
Member Avatar for Ra1sed

Hi, i want some help on my VB game (school project). My vb is 6.0 and i want do match image. i want do 6 random pictures, if you can help me, tanks

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for vecs

hi over the past week i every time i use the internet i just get redirected to random search engions/web pages i have tried a few things but nothink seems to work as it is still happening any help would be greatly appreciated thx also i am useing windows vista.

Member Avatar for PhilliePhan
Member Avatar for Insomaniacal

Hi everyone. I'm having a little bit of trouble getting a piece of code to work correctly here. Here is the code. [CODE]] filename = "./" + `random.randrange(0,9999999999999999999999999999999999)` + ".txt" f = open(filename, 'w') f.write(`data`) f.close f = open(filename,'rb') ftp = FTP('ftphost.com') time.sleep(5) ftp.login('user,pass') time.sleep(5) ftp.storbinary('STOR `filename`', f ) [/CODE] …

Member Avatar for jintujacob

The End.