'30% of Activities Performed by Humans Could Be Automated with AI' Community Center by Johannes C. …. This is unlike narrow AI which is limited to the scope it exists for and cannot do something outside the limited… Scope-guarded lockable objects in C++11 Programming Software Development by mike_2000_17 … all use a different approach, my main inspiration is the scope-guard technique. This is an implementation of a simple wrapper… in which a reference could be carried out of the scope of the lock, and thus, enabling access to it … of a temporary to a const reference to restrict the scope of the lock without allowing copy-constructor or assignment to… Re: Scope-guarded lockable objects in C++11 Programming Software Development by mike_2000_17 … `locked_ptr` and `detail::locked_ptr_impl` is because it uses the "scope-guard" technique. Look at it again, and you will… started, will be blocked until lock is released (end of scope). my_result_str = (*s = "Hello "); // set the first half of… Re: Scope-guarded lockable objects in C++11 Programming Software Development by Rashakil Fol … locked_ptr and detail::locked_ptr_impl is because it uses the "scope-guard" technique. Look at it again, and you will… Re: Scope-guarded lockable objects in C++11 Programming Software Development by mike_2000_17 … to obtain a lock within a function body (or inner-scope within a function) and restrict the locking to that function… Re: Scope Resolution Operator Programming Software Development by WolfPack …global variables. Not the variables in the next outermost scope. [code] #include <iostream> using … int amount = 1234 ; // the local variable in the outermost scope { int amount = 456; // A local variable cout <&…lt; "Innermost Scope" << endl ; cout << ::amount… Re: Scope Resoultion Operator Vs Objects Program Programming Web Development by maba001 …create the object of the class .Then i use the scope resolution operator to call the function .Still receiving the …should have started reading with the original post. With the scope resolution operator you sort of leave the object context. …quot;. A class method that is called via the scope resolution operator does not have access to any kind of… Scope Errors when Compiling Programming Software Development by mattb0611 … like "symbol" and "ex" in the scope. xloops.h references other header files and eventually references the… I try it with other example programs, I get other scope and overloading related errors. Why aren't the header includes… scope of static data members Programming Software Development by pvsumanbabu Hi All, Can any one tell me,what is the difference, if a static data member is defined in public scope of a class declaration or if it is declared in private scope of a class declartion? Scope Resoultion Operator Vs Objects Program Programming Web Development by prem2 … the output of the below programs .When i use the scope resolution operator i am getting the below error. [code] <…(); $obj=new MyClass(); $obj->display(); ?> [/code] Difference between scope resoultion operator and object?Can any one explain about this… Scope Resolution Operator Vs Non-Static Properties Programming Software Development by prem2 Dear all, Scope resoultion operator is used to call the properties or methods of the class. Properties : =========== Variables Constants Why scope resoultion operator cannot be used for non-static variables . Can any one help me out . Thank you, With Regards, Prem Re: Scope of exception variables Programming Software Development by Narue [QUOTE]What is the scope of the exception variables when I catch them by reference.[/…]lifetime[/i] of exception objects. Because the scope is a trivial question: the scope of an exception variable, whether caught by value… Re: Scope Resolution Operator Programming Software Development by SpS operator :: known as scope resolution operator has been introduced to access an item that is outside the current scope. This operator is also used in distiguishing class members and defining class methods. Re: Scope Resoultion Operator Vs Objects Program Programming Web Development by pritaeas Your display function refers to $this (the current object). If you try to use the scope operator (trying to access a class function), $this is not defined, as there is no object instantiated. Re: Scope Resoultion Operator Vs Objects Program Programming Web Development by prem2 … create the object of the class .Then i use the scope resolution operator to call the function .Still receiving the bug… Re: Scope Resoultion Operator Vs Objects Program Programming Web Development by maba001 … create the object of the class .Then i use the scope resolution operator to call the function .Still receiving the bug… Re: Scope Resoultion Operator Vs Objects Program Programming Web Development by maba001 … create the object of the class .Then i use the scope resolution operator to call the function .Still receiving the bug… Re: Scope Resolution Operator Vs Non-Static Properties Programming Software Development by bibiki from what I just read online, there is no scope resolution operator in java. google it, and you'll find your answer. Re: Scope Resolution Operator Vs Non-Static Properties Programming Software Development by Akill10 As bibiki pointed out, there is no scope resolution operator in java. If you are not in the … Re: Scope issue Programming Software Development by Sky Diploma Your for loop has a local variable `i` which is being used in the `System.out.println()` method. The scope of the variable `i` only extends within the `for loop` therefore according to the compiler it is uninitialised. A simple solution is to declare it in the scope of `main()` int i; for ( i=0; i < length ; i++){ } Scope Resolution Operator Programming Software Development by kahaj What exactly is the purpose of the scope resolution operator? I can't seem to find anything in my book telling exactly what it does. It just seems to dance around the subject somewhat. Scope of Datawarehouse Programming Databases by tinamary hi im new to the field of datawarehouse, but im familiar with the database concepts so, can you please give me the guidance or scope of ddatawarehouse for my career, how it is helpful to my career growth, please give me those information. scope resolution operator Programming Software Development by atiti.m001 Hello guys, Mention the usage of the scope resolution operator? show one example . What is the const keyword ? Illustrate its various uses? scope of IT FIELD Community Center Say Hello! by Magline Jerina Hai .......I am an IT student .i wish to know which IT field is having scope now for eg: networking,programming pls help me ....if you know scope syntax question Programming Software Development by Vitriolics …, I used to have difficulty with more advanced bits of scope but eventually understood but after a long break from c… Re: scope syntax question Programming Software Development by Narue [B]>1) How come you can instantiate an iterator object when >the class containing it has not been instantiated?[/B] It's not an iterator object, it's a typedef restricted to the class scope. Re: scope syntax question Programming Software Development by Narue …'s irrelevant to the original question. The typedef has a scope of the class, and thus is accessed as [I]<… Scope of PHP Programming Web Development by prem2 … .My country is India. I do no what much of scope is available for Php and java.If some one had… Scope of IT in developing countries? Community Center by JhonMoney I want to ask what is the scope of IT in developing countries like southe Asia.. Re: Scope of IT in developing countries? Community Center by jwenting … question also makes no sense in other ways. What "scope"? How do you define it, how do you plan…