61 Topics

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Member Avatar for romanromeo89

I'm trying to write a simple sqlite query in c++ using visual studio 2010. My problem is that i can't use a c++ variable inside that query. I was not able to find the right syntax. `sqlite3_prepare_v2(handler, "SELECT * FROM grammateas WHERE username==X;", -1, &statement, 0);` where X i would …

Member Avatar for romanromeo89
Member Avatar for supreet.kaur26

hii..i am new to android..i am developing an android application on platform 2.1.. There are two textbox: one for Name and other for entering job.I want the values should be taken from the 2 textboxes editText1 and editText2 and inserted in my database whenever a user clicks the button.Please help …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for Lius

This same code run good on windows 7 32 bit Problem happen when i run it on windows 7 64 bit error : database is locked... public void genTablehadir() { tblKehadiran.setAutoCreateColumnsFromModel(false); m_data = new Kehadirantable(this); tblKehadiran.setModel(m_data); tblKehadiran.setRowHeight(23); //inisialisasi int m_Jalokasi=0,m_kode=0; Boolean m_alokasi=false; String[] parsePeriode; String m_npk="null",m_nama="null",m_ket="null",m_id="null",m_flagE="null",m_flagP="null",m_cekhk="null",m_ceksts="null"; try { db.createMasterConn(); rs1 …

Member Avatar for Lius
Member Avatar for daino

Was wondering if anyone could recommend both free and not free report generator programs for use with SQlite. I'll need charts, colours and the ability to generate some pretty flexible reports. Any suggestions? Thanks danny2000

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for _hp_

Does anyone knows how to assigned directly the sqlite query result to a struct in C rather that assigning to its members one by one? I have a table user_info with fields user_id, username, password. Also I have a struct st_user_info. typedef struct st_user_info{ int userId; char* userName; char* password; …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for infinitus

Hello there Quick insight of what im trying to achieve here is. User adds data to a database called property in (addproperty.php) Then user can search for specific data in that property database Here is the code addproperty.php [CODE]<?php $dbhandle = sqlite_popen("property", 0666, $err_msg); if(!$dbhandle) die("Could not open the database"); …

Member Avatar for infinitus
Member Avatar for Smithy566

Is anyone aware of how to silently install this application on windows? (sqliteodbc.exe) I can't find it anywhere, and yet it seems like such an important feature to have. I've tried the usual /?, /help etc, but to no avail. Regards

Member Avatar for iraj.jelo

hi friends . i have a sqlite program. i need get stuff data from QLineEdit and add to model & tableView . but i dont know what should I do :( plz help me

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for ankur3000

I am pretty new in android application development and I am trying to get on of the rows from a SQLite db to show up as a Listactivity, but this is not working and the program terminates unexpectedly. Here is the code: [CODE]package ankur.test.app; import android.app.ListActivity; import android.content.Intent; import android.os.Bundle; …

Member Avatar for hannon565

Hey, I am wondering if it is possible to transfer data from one database to another e.g. from a SQLlite database to a mySql database. I know they are different type and styles of database. The SQLlite database would be stored on android phone and mySQL seperatly on a appropriated …

Member Avatar for keltik
Member Avatar for stevelg

I am trying to create an app to enter records into a database (SQLite) which includes an option field with data selected from a drop-down list box or Spinner. I can create the Spinner from a string array input from Strings.xml but I want to make the data 'user editable,' …

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Member Avatar for Caraka

I am having trouble structuring an sqlite update statement that has multiple parameters. The following code does not raise an exception, but nor does it update my table. After extensive googling and searching Daniweb, I think I'm looking right at the blindingly obvious and missing it. I have a list …

Member Avatar for Caraka
Member Avatar for wafieali

Hi All, Sorry if this annoyed any of you. but I'm really indeed. I need to know on HOW TO LOAD 300 RECORDS OR DATA PER SECOND in my mobile apps (for this purpose, I use iOS app). I just need a sample or basic code on how to run …

Member Avatar for wafieali
Member Avatar for J-M DESMETTRE

Hi, I've posted two scripts that I would like to improve. The first one (SparePartsDemo.py) is a little utility that takes a .csv (.txt) data file exported from another application, builds a SQLite database,performs a request to select and sort records and write the results to a sqlite database file, …

Member Avatar for nelamurugan

Hi, Am new to here, and i cam here with problem that can be easily solved by you guys, Please help me out. I have got sqlite3 db dump as dbname.db3, So then i tried to connect this sqllite from php. Here is my sample code which i got it …

Member Avatar for stefh

Hi there, my name is Stéphane, i'm french and a beginner with Python... I've registered on a french forum about Python to ask a question regarding an issue i have with a code, but it seems the members of this forum are not active. I paste the message i posted …

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Member Avatar for litchi

Hi :) I am writing an admin application for a website I've written. It's a basic database update/insert/delete app. I started by using the website's server, but the time it took to connect to the server (since the main JTable is populated from the db, you have to wait for …

Member Avatar for pkulkarni89
Member Avatar for killerpopiller

Hi, I can connect to an energy-meter (Baudrate 300!) and the logfile with 228 lines comes slowly in.[code=Python]line = ser.readline(eol='!') print line [/code] If I use the above code, the complete logfiles is shown. And if I parse separatly saved logfiles with match, it sorts out the right values into …

Member Avatar for killerpopiller

Problem with storing extracted values in SQLite - How to adress or index list of values for proper insertion into table. The Regex works fine: input logging data looks like: 0.0.0(06026104) 1.6.1(0.1501)(1011111000) 1.6.1*32(0.1446)(1010190800) 1.8.1(02484.825) 1.8.1*32(02449.574) correct regex output: 06026104 0.1501 02484.796 [CODE] with open("usage.log") as fp: for line in fp: …

Member Avatar for killerpopiller
Member Avatar for ChaosKnight11

Hi there, I have started working on a new C# app which will be installed directly onto our customers' computers to access our services remotely. I'm still in the phase of planning how everything will fit together. I normally use PostgreSQL for our back-end database needs, but I can't think …

Member Avatar for sachintha81
Member Avatar for d5e5

Someone mentioned in another thread they had found and downloaded [URL="http://search.cpan.org/~adamk/ORLite-1.45/lib/ORLite.pm"]OrLite[/URL], presumably to consider using it to access data in an SQLite database. Since, to use OrLite you need to have the DBI and DBD::SQLite modules installed on your computer as well, I think you could just use DBI to …

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Member Avatar for viandante

Hi guys! I'm writing my first small application*. For this I'm using Sqlite as database, Glade as GUI builder and Python as coding. The application is pretty simple: it's a notebook to store names, surnames, adresses, etc.. I've been able to create a first window to store data in Sqlite …

Member Avatar for woooee
Member Avatar for EverWebby

I am trying to convert my CMS to SQLite for easy and quicker deploy-ability. Performance wise, I heard that SQLite might be the way to go. At any rate, I am having the hardest time with trying to convert my mysql database to a SQLite database. Having reviewed and downloaded …

Member Avatar for phpstan
Member Avatar for andrewtrench

Hi, First off, I'm a real greenhorn so please forgive me asking questions which may be bleeding obvious, but I have searched and searched and cannot find an answer to my problem. I'm trying to import a CSV file into sqlite3 database in python. The CSV file has 56 columns …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for J-M DESMETTRE

Hi folks, I've got a little problem with my queries in sqlite3. I need to select 'brands' (a, b, c, ...) for a 'date' YYYY-MM-DD from my table. As you can see in my script, I'm able to build a query by passing 'selectedDate' or 'selection', but not both values. …

Member Avatar for woooee
Member Avatar for Umaid

Well I am interested in fetching 3 records because i need to show them on one screen as the program starts, and reason for showing 3 recording is to maintain next , now and previous button. Whenever i click next button so it should increment by +1 everytime and show …

Member Avatar for bharatk

Hello I have a rails application where I have to subtract 2 time stamps and display the result on the webpage I have used the following sql statement and I am getting the results. [CODE]select (julianday(resolutions.created_at)-julianday(tickets.created_at))*24 from tickets,resolutions[/CODE] the value of tickets.created_at is 2010-04-05 18:59:02 which is a time stamp …

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Member Avatar for nishant52

I'm trying to perform multiple inserts into a table present in SQLite database using JavaScript. For this purpose I'm using Transactions. Here is my code (HTML + JavaScript): <html> <head> <script language="javascript"> var shortName = 'Test'; var version = '1.0'; var displayName = 'Test'; var maxSize = 65536; db = …

Member Avatar for eliza2044

Hey guys, Does any of you have a clue how can I install the sqlite3 library on my computer? I'm using netbeans for building my application which now needs to handle a database. I already tried to compile the sqlite3 source code but the make command ends into a huge …

Member Avatar for eliza2044
Member Avatar for Megabyte89

OK I have a search script that suppose to search for information in my database. The problem I having is that I want the user to be able to enter a last name to search. The only part that is giving me problems is this part, I'm stuck on this …

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The End.