Re: RegEx to wrap words in HTML Programming Software Development by samzz …;); //Previous one had mistake var str=document.getElementById("str").textContent; //Not .innerHTML var res=str.replace(rex,"<u>$1… Comparing Fine-tuned and Default GPT-3.5 Turbo for Text Classification Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 … 'text' are empty strings dataset = dataset[(dataset['airline_sentiment'].str.strip() != '') & (dataset['text'].str.strip() != '')] # Filter the DataFrame for each sentiment… as shown in the following script: ``` api_key = "YOUR_OPEN_AI_API_KEY" # replace this with your OpenAI API key" client = OpenAI(api_key… Re: Replace Function, Please Help!!!!! Programming Software Development by Teme64 …CODE] Here's an example [CODE]Dim str As String str = "ABC" str = Replace(str, "b", "x"… and vbBinaryCompare is the default compare method in VB6 [CODE]str = Replace(str, "b", "x", , , …put a breakpoint in the line [CODE]strResult = Replace(strRTF, Mystring3, strHex3)[/CODE] what would strRTF, … Re: replace text between to substrings Programming Web Development by nouth I mean replace text between two known strings but you don't know what any of the text in the middle is like this. var str = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; var start = "def"; var end = "nop"; str = str.replace(str.substring(str.indexOf(start)+start.length, str.lastIndexOf(end)), '*'); alert(str); Re: Replace last occurence of a substring from a string Programming Web Development by Taywin …. :) @kalleanka Use regular expression and replace() function. [CODE] var str = "xxx, yyy, zzz, sss,"; str = str.replace(/,\s*(\w+),\s*$/, "and $1…;) // Done! Case for any more than 1 -> xxx, yyy, str = str.replace(/,\s*$/, "") // Done! Case for only 1 appear ->… Re: replace text between to substrings Programming Web Development by AndrisP `var a = str.replace(/error/,'my replace')` or `str.replace(/anything.*anything/,'anything my replace anything')` if I understand correctly Re: replace text between to substrings Programming Web Development by nouth no i mean something like `str = str.replace(str.substring(str.indexOf(a)+a.length, str.lastIndexOf(a)), 'whatever')` Re: Replace special characters (E.G. * with %2A) Programming Software Development by Ancient Dragon [code] #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; int main() { string str = "Hello*World"; str.replace(5,1,"%2A"); cout << str << "\n"; } [/code] Re: Replace a character via its ASCII code... Programming Web Development by theHop How about str = str.replace(/\u0160/g,""); Re: Problem with replace characters Programming Software Development by bufospro …(counter_k > counter_x) str = str.replace('k', 'x'); else if (counter_x > counter_k) str = str.replace('x', 'k'); else str="FALSE"; return str; } public static void… Problem with replace characters Programming Software Development by bufospro …is bigger than the x number, and the opposite replace. My code is : [CODE] class Replacing_class … counter_x) str.replace('k', 'x'); else if (counter_x > counter_k) str.replace('x', 'k'); else str="FALSE"; return str; }… Re: Problem with replace characters Programming Software Development by masijade Because Strings are immutable. You cannot change it's content, you can only create a new String containing modified content, so [code]str.replace('x', 'k');[/code] should, of course, be [code]str = str.replace('x', 'k');[/code] String Array Replace Problem Programming Software Development by Jesi523 …Length; i++ ) { if(str.Contains(chars[i])) { str = str.Replace(chars[i].ToString(),""); } } return str.ToSting(); } [/CODE] Then…does not contain a definition for 'Replace' and no extension method 'Replace' accepting a first argument of type… Vigenere, Str Programming Software Development by hbluthi …py from graphics import * def encode(message, key): str.upper(message) str.upper(key) str.replace(message, " ", "") encodedMessage… ## key = "CABCABCABCABCABCABCABCAB" ## str.replace(message, " ", "") ## str.upper(message) ## str.upper(key) ## key = key1 * (len… preg replace bugs Programming Web Development by cwarn23 … language). So to do that I am using mainly preg replace and str replace. I have been working hard at it for the… last 29 hours but there is just three bugs (or preg replace…#>$3($4)</font>$5',$textb); // one preg replace that works was taken out from this spot. $textb=preg_replace… JavaScript string.replace * Programming Web Development by nouth …;. I want to do something like `str = str.replace("bc*x","");` or `str = str.replace("bc"*"x","… Javascript Replace Case Insensitive preserve capitalization Programming Web Development by JySysAdmin … a blue house and a blue car"; var n=str.replace(/blue/gi, "red"); And the result of N… Re: replace $v in a string with a random replacement Programming Web Development by tpickett …'race car driver', 'racing', 'race team' );//array to replace $match with $search = "text"; //keyword to …"3"; //number of times to replace in artcle $str = 'this is example text. it has …text. wouldnt you like to replace this text… Re: c++ Replace text in a .txt file Programming Software Development by latrodectuss.imvu …quot;; ifstream fails; string text; string text2; std::string str (text); std::string str2 (text2);"teksts… cout << "Replace with the word: "; cin >> text2; str.replace(str.find(text),text.length(), text2… Re: Another str replace question Programming Web Development by diafol …qacjk"; echo preg_replace("/[\D]+)/","",$str);[/CODE] You don't state whether you want …5678/qacjk"; $r = array_filter(preg_split("/[\D]+/",$str)); print_r($r);[/CODE] But just in case, you can… do this: [CODE]$str = "//abdhBw/1234/acl0jk/5678/qacjk"; preg_match_all("… Re: Find and replace one instance of a string in a file Programming Software Development by Gribouillis Use the interpreter ! [code=python] >>> help(str.replace) Help on method_descriptor: replace(...) S.replace (old, new[, count]) -> string Return a copy of string S with all occurrences of substring old replaced by new. If the optional argument count is given, only the first count occurrences are replaced. [/code] Re: PHP Replace newline with BR Programming Web Development by GreenDay2001 Check out `str_replace()` function (see [here]( Re: Another str replace question Programming Web Development by bipies … value and also length, I "simply" need to replace the content between the slashes with "" (I mean… replace $v in a string with a random replacement Programming Web Development by tpickett …position would get array value 3. etc... public function replace_random ($str, $search, $replace, $n) { // Get all occurences of $search and … $n); foreach ($toReplace as $match) { $str = substr($str, 0, $matches[0][$match][1] + $offset).$replace[$arrayNum].substr($str, $matches[0][$match][1] + $searchLen + … Re: replace $v in a string with a random replacement Programming Web Development by LastMitch … match n = "3"; //number of times to replace in artcle $str = 'this is example text. it has text. wouldnt you…], $n); foreach ($toReplace as $match) { $str = substr($str, 0, $matches[0][$match][1] + $offset).$replace[$arrayNum].substr($str, $matches[0][$match][1] + $searchLen + $offset… Re: replace $v in a string with a random replacement Programming Web Development by LastMitch **@tpickett** >I have the script working as it should, however I need to be able to have an array of "replacements" for the function to loop through and insert at the random location. I don't understand what you are trying to do? You didn't show the array? Which of these are the array: `$str, $search, $replace, $n`? Re: replace $v in a string with a random replacement Programming Web Development by tpickett … with differen't values(chosen at random from the $replace array). It currently outputs only 1 value for all …matches. my original attempt is this part: $searchCount = count($replace); $arrayNum = mt_rand(0, 4);//the last parameter should be… $replace, but i set staic values trying to get it… Re: replace $v in a string with a random replacement Programming Web Development by tpickett the $n makes sure that the function doesn't replace more that what was set to be replaced. So if I have a string with 6 matches of $search, and $n is set to 3, then the function only replaces 3 of those 6 matches at random. Re: replace $v in a string with a random replacement Programming Web Development by tpickett i figured it out by adding in this line: $replaceRand = $replace[array_rand($replace)]; into the foreach loop. Thanks for your help! Re: Replace a substring by a new substring (makes pointer of integer withou a cast) Programming Software Development by Narue …;strlen(orig); i++) res[i]=str[i]; } else { strncpy(buffer, str, p-str); buffer[p-str] = '\0'; sprintf(buffer+(p-str), "%s%s"… the first occurance of s2 in s1 and it should replace all.[/QUOTE] Well, you only call strstr() once, so that…