Re: Things I hate about TV shows Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Reverend Jim Why is it that when people in shows light a fire (like when setting a vehicle on fire) with a lighter, they always throw the lighter into the puddle of gasoline? Do they not realize that a lighter is reusable? On a related note, researchers tried hundreds of times to ignite a puddle of gasoline by throwing a burning cigarette into it. They were … Re: Things I hate about TV shows Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Dani > Do they not realize that a lighter is reusable? They do it to show how they live life on the edge by proving to the world (and the television audience) they won't have any more use for a lighter. > They were successful exactly zero times. Researchers, schmearchers. But has Myth Busters had a go of it? Re: Things I hate about TV shows Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Reverend Jim Actually, I think they did with the same results. Supposedly the temperature of the cigarette is below the flash point of gasoline. Did anyone else suffer through the final season of Star Trek: Discovery? Re: Things I hate about TV shows Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Dani Currently the thing I hate most about TV shows is how much time elapses between seasons. I feel like I've been waiting for season 2 of Severance on AppleTV for *forever*! (It's been over 2 years already since season 1 debuted.) Speaking of that, is there ever going to be a second season for Squid Game? I can't imagine that Netflix wouldn’t invest … Re: Things I hate about TV shows Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Reverend Jim Fer sher. You pretty much have to watch the previous season again before you start the next one. I'm still waiting for season 2 of The Old Man (Jeff Bridges, John Lithgow). At my age sometimes I lose the thread if two weeks goes by between episodes. Sometimes I'll wait until the end of a season before I watch any of it. I especially hate it when a … Re: Things I hate about TV shows Community Center Geeks' Lounge by pritaeas > is there ever going to be a second season for Squid Game Yes, already announced, available soon. Re: Things I hate about TV shows Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Dani That's my point, though. Gone are the days when a show would break for a summer and the next season would start up again in the fall. Re: Things I hate about TV shows Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Reverend Jim >Gone are the days That's pretty much the case for everything. I remember when TV sucked all through summer vacation and I couldn't wait for the end of September for the new seasons to start. Of course it was bittersweet because September also meant back to school. I'll mention a few more things that may have been mentioned before but I … Re: Things I hate about TV shows Community Center Geeks' Lounge by KomalBhatt You know, there are few things more frustrating than getting interested in a TV show only to find it falling short of expectations. From the overly predictable plotlines to the underdeveloped characters, there's a huge list. But what really get irritated by is when the dialogue feels forced, like the writers are trying too hard to be clever or … Streaming Proxy Settings in WMP11 in Vista Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by djMot … steps with the nice Napster folks got us to the streaming proxy settings in WMP11 - Tools/Options/Network tab. They wanted… edit the protocol settings for the items in the "Streaming proxy settings" list. When I told them I had… Re: Streaming Proxy Settings in WMP11 in Vista Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by stheg … steps with the nice Napster folks got us to the streaming proxy settings in WMP11 - Tools/Options/Network tab. They wanted… edit the protocol settings for the items in the "Streaming proxy settings" list. When I told them I had… streaming time Programming Web Development by newcountry Hi, how could i measure a streaming time of video? (i have embeded a video to my site and i would like to measure the streaming time of video) Thanks in advance. streaming media Digital Media UI / UX Design by dominique7 Hi, I am new to streaming media. I mean, using them in the internet is simple, … it (and I think I've seen hosting firms excluding streaming content in their feature list). I only got a standard… Streaming to Wireless Speakers Hardware and Software Networking by SoulMazer … would like to take advantage of the nice speakers by streaming to them via my computer. Is this possible? If so… would be able to find a library to do the streaming if I knew how to broadcast to the speakers. I… Re: streaming time Programming Web Development by samarudge … to play videos then rather than developing an entire flash streaming system try YouTube's chromeless player. The API is avaliable… Re: streaming media Digital Media UI / UX Design by Elemen7s Well if you use you tube as a video hosting, you could get a lot of traffic to your website from there. And for the media streaming server you could take a look at this link below. [URL=""][/URL] Re: streaming media Digital Media UI / UX Design by dominique7 …. After all, I'm unsure if it's really called streaming media what I want... I'd like to host a… streaming media recorder? Hardware and Software macOS by derm Is there a mac-compatible streaming media recorder, such as Replay, which is a Windows-only program? streaming media - avi or mov ? Digital Media UI / UX Design by positrix i want to use streaming video on my site. any advice on what format i should use and what are the things i need to look out for? do i need any thing my my server? Re: streaming media - avi or mov ? Digital Media UI / UX Design by njack [quote=positrix;322494]i want to use streaming video on my site. any advice on what format i … Streaming Server - Can U Recommend Community Center by homeders Hi there i need to either host or buy a good streaming server for my own video share site (100 videos of 20-30mb each). Linux. any suggestions streaming using visual basic? Programming Software Development by masakii hi im a student doing a project related to video streaming application and i have no idea on how to start. im trying to do the coding using visual basic, anyone have any working examples that i might refer to? Streaming and member function operator order of precedence Programming Software Development by snorri Hi all, I've recently had some issues with the streaming operator and the order of precedence used when mixing it … Re: Streaming and member function operator order of precedence Programming Software Development by snorri … it makes sense. In the first case there is no streaming function which would know what to do with 5 as… Streaming Video Programming Web Development by cguan_77 hi guys, if i want to have a streaming video on my site, would it be possible to do by javascript code alone or what are the methods to do this? any software that is needed on the server? any input is greatly appreciated? thanks... Streaming music from website using ip address Digital Media UI / UX Design by sunspirit Hi everyone, Can someone help me to figure out how to stream music out from my website (like a radio) where the client just has the ip address (like streaming into itunes for example. I want to stream from my website continuously into secondlife. Thanks for any advice you can give. Live video streaming for remote desktop application.. please help Programming Software Development by Clawsy … client (Windows Forms or web) and a server that sends streaming video and audio [I]captured[/I] from the remote computer… that DirectShow can do pretty much low-level work (performance), streaming, recording from devices, capturing but I did not find any… Capture Streaming Videos Programming Software Development by casey_sunako Hi guys, I would just like to ask if it is possible to capture and record streaming videos from websites like youtube, dailymotion, etc. using Are there certain streaming protocols that should be considered? I hope someone could help me. Thanks. Lexicon Looks to Redefine Streaming Media Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by Techwriter10 …"]Streaming Media Magazine[/URL], [URL="… transform media delivery and has teamed up with two streaming media industry heavy weights to form a new company…a personalized channel. “The result is the first ever streaming social experience allowing a group of friends to all tune… C# Custom Web / Media Server(Streaming) Programming Software Development by AleMonteiro …this page selects an midia, it starts the streaming. Some history...I started this project in asp…it all, because IIS 7+ handles all the streaming nicely, but this wouldn't be used by…website with it. My problem really began with streaming! And I'm kind of stuck on it.… I wasn't able to find much about streaming midia to web(only with The…