141 Topics

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Member Avatar for nisbusiness

Not sure which one to choose – Dreamweaver or Visual studio? Want to know whose market position is stronger and which is more effective? Read this article to make an informed decision. Introduction Everyone wants the best available tool to get their jobs done, especially when it comes to Web …

Member Avatar for madelinekim
Member Avatar for Sneaky Pete

Hello everyone, Can somebody help me with Visual Studio 2008 Express Edition? I've already have THE 2010 version but I need to have the 2008 version for programming for a specific program. I've already searched om the net but there are no good downloads avalible. The ones all gave an …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for stacey.rae.35

I need help running my program this is what it asks me for "Write a program that asks the user for the name of a text file. The program should display the first 10 lines of the file on the screen. If the file has fewer than 10 lines, the …

Member Avatar for nmakes
Member Avatar for Dani

I currently have SVN down pat in Zend Studio. However, I can't figure out how to upload the changed files?

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for izzywizzy

Hello! I am currently developing a web interface that has access to an MS ACCESS database. However, I am unable to key in more than 6 Values into the database using the INSERT INTO sql code. Here are the codes that I am using: protected void bnAddPart_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) …

Member Avatar for IIM
Member Avatar for Depreciated

I am using SQL Management Studio Express and Visual Studio 2008. I have this string used for accessing the database for the system I have: Public constring As String = "Driver={SQL Server}; Server=MyName-PC; Database=RBMonDB; uid=; Pwd=;" This string is stuck on one PC. So I thought of creating a generic …

Member Avatar for Lethugs
Member Avatar for Depreciated

Hello people, I am new to crystal report. Normally, I would insert columns in the crystal report viewer and then look at the records at the Main Report Viewer. All the rows/records in that particular columns of that table will be shown. And then I found out about this SQL …

Member Avatar for Depreciated
Member Avatar for SMIFMD

I created a (personal) DVD database in MS Access. I am looking to leave Access and create a DBMS with Visual Studio 2008 - I am good with programming in VBA, but I am not familiar with the differences in syntax within the .NET enviornment. To make a long story …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for shahai.ali

hi m following [this link](http://www.c-sharpcorner.com/UploadFile/0146e3/crystal-report-in-visual-studio-2010/) for generating crystal report in visual studio using c#. but in the above tutorial the database is created first and then reports are generated. but in my scnario i already have connected with database. now is it possible to generate report from existing database???? if …

Member Avatar for Depreciated

Greetings I have a USB RFID scanner. While I have this form1 up, I want to send any keyboard input and put it in a textbox which is in another form(say form2). I tried using this code but to no avail. The first form is named "MainMenu". Every time of …

Member Avatar for Depreciated
Member Avatar for ttitto79

I am trying to use a combobox in a windows form for windows CE mobile device with sql server compact installed. I am using visual studio 2008. I have two sdf databases - MobileArticles.sdf and MobileOrders.sdf MobileArticles.sdf has a table Articles(name, weight,barcode,...) and a table Clients(ClientID) MobileOrders.sdf has only one …

Member Avatar for ttitto79
Member Avatar for joshl_1995

Hello Community, I was wondering if there is a way to make grid transition in visual studio using the language visual basic. Please help...

Member Avatar for joshl_1995
Member Avatar for Doogledude123

Hello everyone! Quick survey, are you guys liking Visual Studio 2012? Comment below and say why you are, or aren't enjoying it!

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for dancks

I don't know jack about Visual Studio, and I'd like to keep it that way because I like doing stuff on the command line, I have my preferences. But my teacher uses it to compile and I'm curious what I did wrong because gcc didn't throw anything. So, code (Without …

Member Avatar for dancks
Member Avatar for GregoryHouseMD

The MySQL database I want to use is using SSH tunneling and the MySQL connector provided from MySQL only allows normal connection. Can I somehow work around the SSH tunneling so I can connect Visual Studio with the database? Thank you :)

Member Avatar for ammonsutherland
Member Avatar for rexdon

On generating schema file for xml file using visual studio, i want to predefine datatype for xml schema. i.e if xml file is having an element <value>20<value> On generating schema, the datatype has to come'string' instead of default 'unsigned byte'

Member Avatar for Dev93

I tried to run the basic code to create and open a window . The code is as follows : #include <iostream> #include <SFML/Window.hpp> int main() { // Create the main window sf::Window App(sf::VideoMode(800, 600, 32), "SFML Window"); // Start main loop bool Running = true; while (Running) { App.Display(); …

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Member Avatar for Dev93

I have just started getting into SFML and Visual studio as well . I have always worked on turbo c++ . I am not sure I understand the very first code that I have come across while getting into SFML . Here is the program.. #include<iostream> #include<SFML\System.hpp> int main() { …

Member Avatar for Bob
Member Avatar for Dev93

What should be the output to the following code ? I am confused because I am getting a slightly different output everytime . Any other advise would also be appreciated . #include<iostream> #include<SFML\System.hpp> void apple_thread(void *data) { using namespace std; for(int i = 5 ; i<11 ; i++) { cout<<"I …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Bob

*From the Visual C++ Team Blog:* Visual Studio Express 2012 for Windows Desktop is now available for download. http://blogs.msdn.com/b/vcblog/archive/2012/09/12/10348456.aspx Additional details and further discussion here: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/visualstudio/archive/2012/09/12/visual-studio-express-2012-for-windows-desktop-is-here.aspx *ETA: post intended for the News Stories section -- if the Mods could kindly sort that for me?*

Member Avatar for Dino000

Hello. When I click Add query on combo box for example, I edit the SQL statement by adding 'WHERE Club = @uClub'. Then I get the error: 'An error occured while trying to create parameterized query: Error in WHERE clause near @. Unable to parse query text' So how can …

Member Avatar for zeeshan.mustafa.3557

i want the ** Visual C++ 2010 Tutorial as i am the beginner and want to learn coding in visual C++ 2010 free.

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Roshaan.N

Hi, i am new on vb.net.i want to link two forms. a button on form 1 when clicked it opens form 2 but not in new windows but it replace form 1 on the same window.

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for sujimon

Hi I want to install the following on my new laptop:- 1. VB6 2. Crystal Reports 8.5 3. Crystal Reports 9 4. SQL Server 2005 5. VS 2005 6. SQL Server 2008/SQL Server 2008 R2 7. VS 2008 8. Oracle Server 9. Microsoft Office 2007 What sequence should i follow …

Member Avatar for |-|x
Member Avatar for rokokmalboro

hello forumerz .. i have some issue here about my visual studio 2008.. the problem happen when i want to change example like :: -change background picture for splash form then when i am debug the picture is still same -Also have error when is compile "Error debug target is …

Member Avatar for G_Waddell
Member Avatar for jigar23

I am trying to create a basic program with a user defined header file.I created the project in visual studio. #test1.cpp # #include <stdio.h> #include "multiply.h" int main() { int y; y=multiply(5,10); printf("%d\n",y); printf("%s","jigar"); getch(); return 0; } # multiply.h # int multiply(int a,int b); # multiply.c # #include "multiply.h" …

Member Avatar for jigar23
Member Avatar for Hazardous_Byte

Hello everyone! I am having a bit of an odd problem here. So, on my Visual Studio project, I decided to use a precompiled header. This didn't seem to cause a noticable problem up until today. I have a small segment of code that is supposed to remove one element …

Member Avatar for Hazardous_Byte
Member Avatar for Rubinder singh

I am making a project on Visual Studio 2010 and i want to add some Stylish and Glassy Buttons to it so plz how can i do this ? if i could get some already made Buttons or i can make them myself .............. Thnks :)

Member Avatar for skatamatic
Member Avatar for Rubinder singh

I am unable to find line , oval ,rectangle etc Drawing tools in Visual Studio 2010 ......... I am also unable to find VisualBasic.PowerPack ........... Plz tell how to get them Thnks :)

Member Avatar for Cronicle8
Member Avatar for zhouy

Dear All, I want to create a dynamic website with a database. Visual studio 2010, dreamweaver CS5, sql server management studio and all other requirements are installed (like IIS 7). I set the IIS server configuration in dreamweaver cs5. I check simple ASP codes like <%Response.Write ("The time on the …

Member Avatar for pritaeas

The End.