validate a text box Programming Software Development by chatee Validate a text box. any suggesions please reply Validate adding already exist or not sqlserver Programming Software Development by Reymark_1 Validate student id,username if already exist in database table . Using … Re: validate a text box Programming Software Development by Piya27 [QUOTE=chatee;915893]Validate a text box. any suggesions please reply[/QUOTE] hi chatee, what validation do ya need?? explain your problem clearly...:) Validate FooterTemplate Textbox field using javascript Programming Web Development by ypdev …="javascript" type="text/javascript"> function validate(obj) { if (document.getElementById(obj).value=="") { alert("…"), LinkButton) Insert.Attributes.Add("onclick", "return validate('" + InsertN.ClientID + "');") [/ICODE] Now, the problem … Validate Username or Email ? Programming Web Development by phplover …I have a username regex function that works fine to validate username and uses php's inbuilt FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL. Basically when… a user submits form i want it to validate against the username regex OR php's filter_validate_email. My… not got a clue about creating a regex pattern to validate an email. My username regex is this: [CODE] … Validate and retrieving an uploaded pic Programming Software Development by shampoy … As System.EventArgs) Handles Button4.Click Dim validate = New Validators() If validate.validateUserInfo() = True Then If ApplicantsInfo1.txtApplicantID… save button :/ so how can I validate it or whenever I open the edit button… the picture is there how can I validate that? everytime I'm going or getting… Re: Validate FooterTemplate Textbox field using javascript Programming Web Development by essential Try to use the [icode]validate( /* this parameter can hold 3 classes and can be …; <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- var validate = function( form ) { var myform; var eLen; var x; switch( …; name="testform" action="#" onsubmit="return validate( );"> <div> <label … validate a CheckBoxList in VB.NET and read the form entries with attachment Programming Web Development by lbeddawi … ErrorMessage="This expression does not validate." ControlToValidate="School_Name"…ErrorMessage="This expression does not validate." ControlToValidate="School_Year"… Re: validate vs revalidate Programming Software Development by mKorbel …getCheckBoxPanel() { checkValidate = new JCheckBox("validate"); checkValidate.setSelected(false); checkReValidate =…private void makeChange() { if (checkValidate.isSelected()) { panel.validate(); } if (checkReValidate.isSelected()) { panel.revalidate(); }… Validate range from text file Programming Software Development by nelledawg … sitting here for hours trying to figure out how to validate program input using ranges from a text file. My teacher… in it, so I can use this text file to validate the input instead. I know that it all goes in…() and getreal()), but I have absolutely no idea how to validate the input for product number, type, quantity, cost and price… Re: Validate Sign Up Form/ Regular Expressions Programming Web Development by digital-ether …tried tutorials online but they all use different methods to validate and as my forms are already built I need …be doing your good deed for the day.[/QUOTE] To validate email syntax a good library is: [url]http://code.…follow the email address specification as close as possible. To validate it via SMTP a good library is: [url]http://code… Validate PHP form using JavaScript Programming Web Development by wkwasniak …="signform" method="POST" onSubmit="validate()"> <ul> <li>…;lname" name="lname" onFocus="validate()" /><div id="erlname">…; id="submit" name="submit" onSubmit="validate()" value = "Submit" /> </form… validate before login using fucntions Programming Web Development by patk570 …that does a remote call to a licensing server to validate whether the license is valid, invalid, expired and suspended… have a code to get the license and to validate the license key, the key runs off a function…($lqry); $licensekey = $row['license_key']; but, i need it to validate the license key before/during the login into the system… Validate A Date Programming Software Development by Berniceazzopard … need to tell the user to enter the date and validate it date but i on managed to get this far… can u please help me. I need to validate that february contains 29 days if in a leap yr… validate xml string against XSD Programming Software Development by antobx …"; node1.Attributes.Append(nameAttrib); xmlDoc.outerxml I want to validate the xml string against a XSD : XmlReader rdr = null; XmlParserContext…;/House> </Objects> </MySearch> when I validate I get this error : The 'result' attribute is not declared… Validate dropdown and some other Programming Web Development by darkraider … very very new to javascript, post a help here on validate radio button got solve with the alert msg but still… on selecting either M or F. My next problem is validate dropdown menu, my default is select, i want the user… Validate Selected Checkboxes Programming Web Development by jackakos … all the checkboxes in some circumstances. A. I have to validate the selection made B. I have to store the value… assistance as I do not know how and what to validate against for the checkboxes. [code=php] // Make a MySQL Connection… Validate user login Programming Web Development by HB25 Hi I am using the code below to validate user when they login to my website, the first part … an account</a>. Otherwise, check your spelling.'); } // Now, validate the password. while($record = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { if(md5($password)!=$record… validate checkboes Programming Web Development by queenc hi, i want to validate checkboxes where each checkbox has a different name 1.atleast one checkbox should be select. 2.not more than 4 checkboxes should be selected. can any one tell me how to validate this. Re: validate checkboes Programming Web Development by urtrivedi …> <script lang='javascript'> var checkedcount=0; function validate() { if (checkedcount<=0 || checkedcount>4 ) { alert('Select one…="Next" class="button" onClick="return validate();"> </form> </body> </html… Re: validate checkboes Programming Web Development by BzzBee … maximum Select four options!'); mychkbox.checked=false; return false; } } function validate() { if(document.myfrm.chkbox1.checked==false && document.myfrm…; name="Save" value="Save" onclick="validate();"/> </body> </html> [/CODE… Re: Validate javascript array syntax Programming Web Development by essential …quot;text/javascript"> // <![CDATA[ var validate; var count = 0; var check, show; var… accept its entry. //And duplicated Questions is not allowed either. validate = ( function( form ) { show = function( what ) { …testForm" action="#" onsubmit="return validate.check( this );"> <div&… Re: validate xml string against XSD Programming Software Development by BinodSuman … xml file againt xsd file. [code=java] public boolean validate() throws Exception { VerifierFactory factory = new com.sun.msv.verifier.jarv.… Re: validate float number Programming Software Development by mrnutty … = ""; cin >> num; if( validate(num) == false ) //Error ... [/code] Validate function : [code] bool validate(string num) { if( num[0] <… Re: validate float number Programming Software Development by jupitertrooper … = ""; cin >> num; if( validate(num) == false ) //Error ... [/code] Validate function : [code] bool validate(string num) { if( num[0] <… validate textbox php value against mysql database using javascript Programming Web Development by rori … instead of selecting it from the dropdown, i need to validate the id they entered and it needs to exist in… please tell me how to write the javascript function to validate the id? here is my part of the code that… validate textbox php value against mysql database using javascript Programming Web Development by rori … instead of selecting it from the dropdown, i need to validate the id they entered and it needs to exist in… please tell me how to write the javascript function to validate the id? here is my part of the code that… Validate Sign Up Form/ Regular Expressions Programming Web Development by toradh77 … help with this as I really need this form to validate properly and I'd like to know where I went… tried tutorials online but they all use different methods to validate and as my forms are already built I need to… validate textfield value with database in jsp onchange event Programming Web Development by Sabzar Hi can any one help me please .. i want validate textfield value with database in jsp onchange event .. i am using struts2 ..when i enter a value in textfield on onchage event the value should get validate with database and if the data is present it should display the message value already exist .. pls help me validate vs revalidate Programming Software Development by SasseMan … updatebuttonsToModel() { // some code... SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { // some gui changes... validate() repaint() } } [/code] I am thinking about if changing… validate to revalidate() might do me any good? What are the …