Varbinary to Excel file Programming Software Development by jaejoong Hi, I would like to know to extract varbinary(max) to an excel file. I am currently creating it in windows application. Thank you! Re: Varbinary to Excel file Programming Software Development by ddanbe What do you mean by > extract varbinary(max) to Write a maximum binary value to an excel file? Re: Picture Box Read Image directly from Varbinary Programming Software Development by Momerath varbinary takes values up to 8000, or 'max'. This has to do with DB paging, but you don't have to worry about that. Just set it to max and it will hold images up to 2GB (1000 MB). Re: Representing varbinary as a string Programming Databases by buddylee17 The master database has a scalar function, fn_varbintohexstr, for this. Example: DECLARE @text varchar(256), @varbinary varbinary(256); SET @text = 'A1B2C3'; SET @varbinary = cast(@text as varbinary(256)); SELECT @text OriginalString , sys.fn_varbintohexstr(@varbinary) HexString /* returns nvarchar(max)*/ Re: MySQL VARBINARY Programming Databases by AndreRet … The BINARY and VARBINARY types are similar to CHAR and VARCHAR, except… The permissible maximum length is the same for BINARY and VARBINARY as it is for CHAR and VARCHAR, except that the… length for BINARY and VARBINARY is a length in bytes rather than in characters. Representing varbinary as a string Programming Databases by Fost … using ENCRYPTBYPASSPHRASE and DECRYPTBYPASSPHRASE. The problem is these functions return Varbinary data types which I need to append to a Varchar…;0x010000004C4101804DD79FC3CA2258826140B2A3B66A0130F4AECB34" rather than the actual Varchar conversion of the Varbinary. I'm not limited to using ENCRYPTBYPASSPHRASE if anyone knows… Update Varbinary(max) column with Null value Programming Software Development by PM312 I am trying to update Varbinary(Max) column data with Null value. But unable to do …so. Error "**Implicit conversion from data type varchar to varbinary(max) is not allowed. Use the CONVERT function to run… Re: MSSQL Server problem writing VARBINARY data. Programming Databases by LED555 …'m using TCL and their ODBC package. They provided a VARBINARY example, and this is what I'm using. So I… of data I upload is perfect... it's just this VARBINARY. I know that TCL is doing the right thing, because… Re: MSSQL Server problem writing VARBINARY data. Programming Databases by LED555 …) NULL, # [inserted] [varchar](50) NULL, # filename] [varchar](50) NULL, # [raw_file] [varbinary](max) NULL # ) ON [PRIMARY] # db "INSERT INTO zips (timestamp…) \ VALUES ('09/26/09','09/26/09','',?)" {{VARBINARY}} [list $data][/CODE] Re: MSSQL Server problem writing VARBINARY data. Programming Databases by LED555 …) NULL, # [inserted] [varchar](50) NULL, # filename] [varchar](50) NULL, # [raw_file] [varbinary](max) NULL # ) ON [PRIMARY] # db "INSERT INTO zips (timestamp…) VALUES ('09/26/09','09/26/09','',?)" {{VARBINARY}} [list $data][/CODE] Re: Picture Box Read Image directly from Varbinary Programming Software Development by MrCapuchino Hi, I changed it to VARBINARY(MAX), I saved the picture to the database, then I …).Value = cbCategory2.Text; cmd.Parameters.Add("@picture", SqlDbType.VarBinary, 1024).Value = bImage; cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); conn.Close(); MessageBox.Show("… Re: Picture Box Read Image directly from Varbinary Programming Software Development by MrCapuchino Oh I see the problem hehe I changed the parameter to just VARBINARY instead of VARBINARY(1024) in the save code and now it works. Thanks for your help. MSSQL Server problem writing VARBINARY data. Programming Databases by LED555 …) NULL, [inserted] [varchar](50) NULL, [filename] [varchar](50) NULL, [raw_file] [varbinary](max) NULL ) ON [PRIMARY][/CODE]...nothing too fancy. When I… Picture Box Read Image directly from Varbinary Programming Software Development by MrCapuchino … an image to a database in a column of type VARBINARY(1024) I used 1024 because I think is the number… Re: Picture Box Read Image directly from Varbinary Programming Software Development by Momerath Your varbinary only holds 1024 bytes (1KB) not 1MB. Are your images supposed to be over 1KB in size? Re: Picture Box Read Image directly from Varbinary Programming Software Development by MrCapuchino Ok so you are telling me that the problem is varbinary(1024) right? Thanks MySQL VARBINARY Programming Databases by kv79 Hallo there, does someone knows, where is the use of VARBINARY in MySQL database? Thanks, Danijel how to convert varbinary(MAX) in db to its equivalent data type in c# Programming Software Development by sukhanya … { e_Status = value; } } Now how do I do the samething for 'varbinary(MAX)' type in db to its equivalent in c#? and… Re: SQL - binary / varbinary Programming Software Development by Teme64 Binary (and Varbinary) store binary data in binary format, not digits. I would … Re: Update Varbinary(max) column with Null value Programming Software Development by deceptikon Try using `System.DbNull.Value` instead of `vbNull`. `vbNull` doesn't represent what you think it represents. ;) Re: Update Varbinary(max) column with Null value Programming Software Development by PM312 cmd.CommandText = "UPDATE PDC_CHQ_IN_HAND SET PDF = '" & System.DBNull.Value & "' WHERE RefNo = '" & TxtRefNo.Text & "'" Not working still error is the same. Re: Update Varbinary(max) column with Null value Programming Software Development by Reverend Jim Try cmd.CommandText = "UPDATE PDC_CHQ_IN_HAND SET PDF = NULL " & " WHERE RefNo = '" & TxtRefNo.Text & "'" but if RefNo is defined as a numeric you should use cmd.CommandText = "UPDATE PDC_CHQ_IN_HAND SET PDF = NULL " &… Re: Update Varbinary(max) column with Null value Programming Software Development by PM312 Perfect Thanks Jim Re: MSSQL Server problem writing VARBINARY data. Programming Databases by sknake How are you trying to insert the data? Typically binary inserts are done with applications and not directly from TSQL, and inside of the applications you use ADO.NET/Native SQL parameters. You set the parameter to a byte[] array and execute the query. This all depends on the language you are using though. What language are you developing your … Re: MSSQL Server problem writing VARBINARY data. Programming Databases by LED555 So I looked up the ASCII meaning of [B]0x03[/B] and [B]0x80[/B] that my SQL Server replaces my [B]0x00[/B] with. [B]0x03[/B] means "End of text" and [B]0x80[/B] has no meaning, it's just a character (C with an accent mark below it). Does this ring a bell to anyone? Re: MSSQL Server problem writing VARBINARY data. Programming Databases by sknake I have no idea man. I have never even thought of using TCL to connect with SQL Server and it has been years since i've done anything with the language :( Re: Picture Box Read Image directly from Varbinary Programming Software Development by WildBamaBoy Your buffer needs to be 1048576 if you want to get up to a megabyte. Warning though, reading cuts off when the buffer is full so if your image turns out to be bigger than a megabyte you're not going to have the full image and it will throw an exception like it is now. Re: Picture Box Read Image directly from Varbinary Programming Software Development by WildBamaBoy Try increasing the size to 1048576 and see if it works. Re: MySQL VARBINARY Programming Databases by kv79 I understood your anwer that these things are still theroy that didn't found use in the real world. :) Thanks for letting me know. Re: MySQL VARBINARY Programming Databases by pritaeas > didn't found use Of course it has a use. It's an excellent column type to store encrypted data.