19,729 Topics

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Member Avatar for riddhi84

hullo frenz, i am designing an employee database. the records are displayed on a master (emp.vb) form whereas the search button is on a seaparate form(emp_search.vb). hw do i code the search button on the 'emp_search.vb' page so that this form closes automatically and den the records are displayed on …

Member Avatar for Putta
Member Avatar for Alphard

Hi. I'm using a datagridview to display data and make updates to my access database. I was able to display data from my database to the datagridview but it is not filtered. The datagridview displays all the records on my database. I tried using query builder to execute sql select …

Member Avatar for Alphard
Member Avatar for Alphard

Here's my SQL Statement: SELECT * FROM tblHeader WHERE Requestor='"&label1.text&"' Why doesn't it work?

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Member Avatar for sgleason

Hello everyone, I am an Intern at a company and I mainly create scripts to update databases. I don't have the opportunity to do much "real" programming, hence the reason I am begging for some help :p I am working in visual studio and my program runs great. There is …

Member Avatar for sgleason
Member Avatar for hery

This is my code: [code] Private Sub cmdHitung_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdHitung.Click Dim tempBASIC As String If strChrDec = "." Then strFormatDec = "#,##0.00;(#,##0.00)" formatSAVE = "############0.#0" Else strFormatDec = "#.##0,00;(#.##0,00)" formatSAVE = "############0,#0" End If If Val(Format(Convert.ToDouble(txtGajiPokok.Text), formatSAVE)) > 0 Then If Trim(txtGPPilih.Text) = …

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for sarabah
Member Avatar for Lori Barber

Greetings - I'm wondering if anyone can assist me with troubleshooting. When I login, my page displays the heading, but not the user record (formview). I am using the default membership and users tables (SQL server 2005) along with the basic login control. I have a table called 'members' where …

Member Avatar for jameswoodhouse

Hi there im very new to VB.net. However ive bee told its the best place for me to start if i want to program a small application for use with my family business. Basically i want to be able to enter the type of employee. Either (Manager, Help Desk or …

Member Avatar for bubbachunk
Member Avatar for jayr05

i downloaded this hotel management system in vb.net 2008 from source coders, the tables and the forms are connected via table adapters and no clear relations among the tables so i cant quite figure it out. Here is the link: [url]http://www.sourcecodester.com/visual-basic/hotel-reservation-system.html[/url]

Member Avatar for danielagaba

hi i designed an application in vs 2008 using vb.net which uses an access db. i would like to add a feature where if one of the users of the application updated the database, another user with the same application on a different computer but with an internet connection can …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for kerek2

Hi Alls, I really need help from u all regarding how to update database using checkbox in datagridview.... i got 4 columns from my access database that is:- Columns1 = Id Coulmn2 = Name Columns3 = Status Columns4 checkbox = I need to update any data in column that have …

Member Avatar for kerek2
Member Avatar for bigtreeworld

Hi there, I'm creating a program and I need to block out the keyboard completely. Including every button and key combo. Is there a way to do this? I already scoured the internet... any help would be greatly appreciated!

Member Avatar for bigtreeworld
Member Avatar for Arunabh Nag

I heard somewhere that i can draw a datatable onto a local form, with the connection open.... How do i do this..??

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for hery

this is my code.. In my code i have succesful get table column name. But i want the first table column name showing not all. Thanks' [code] rs.Open(strSQL, adcLEDGER, ADODB.CursorTypeEnum.adOpenKeyset, ADODB.LockTypeEnum.adLockPessimistic) Flds = adrCURR.Fields TotalCount = Flds.Count For Each fld In Flds MsgBox(fld.Name) Next [/code]

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for manutd4life

hi all i need is the comments for this piece of code here it is: [code=vb.net] Private Sub populate() con = New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & _ System.Environment.CurrentDirectory.ToString() & "\DataBase.mdb") ' con.Open() dAdapt = New Data.OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter("select * from Watches", con) dSet = New DataSet dAdapt.Fill(dSet) dBind.DataSource = dSet dBind.DataMember = dSet.Tables(0).ToString() …

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for kimbula...

Hi all, I need a big favor to carry out a task. I want to get information in a exel sheet to a datagrid in VB.Net. For example lets say Excel sheet contains following information. ID,Name,Telephone I want to get these data into the datagrid. Can anyone suggest me a …

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for rcook

I have an application in VB6; I want to put part of its functionality onto the web. I have Visual Studio 2008 using VB, and am familiar with OO programming (in Java), VB6 programming, and with web programming, though not all in one place. I would like general advice on …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for babbu

this is my code [code] dataGridView1.Rows.Add() dataGridView1.Item(0, dataGridView1.Rows.Count - 1).Value = cboColourCode.SelectedText.ToString dataGridView1.Item(0, dataGridView1.Rows.Count - 1).Value = txtQty.Text.Trim.ToString dataGridView1.Item(0, dataGridView1.Rows.Count - 1).Value = cboQty.SelectedText.ToString [/code] only a blank row is added in the datagrid

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Member Avatar for TechSupportGeek

Hello guys, since I'm new here, I did some research to find similar problems but I didn't find what I needed. Well, my problem follows as this: I created a Picture Viewing application in VB.NET and I want to add two functions: a save function and a function that lets …

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for tate-u

Can someone help and show me how to display using (VB.net) these two tables combined into one. I'm really struggling trying to figure this out after hours of work, I decided its time to ask for help! So in SQL Server 2005 I have the following tables... [B]Students[/B] PKId Cart_Id …

Member Avatar for padtes
Member Avatar for mrbillbenson

Wikipedia has most movies well sussed; I would like to take an excel list of movies, call up wiki page using System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("http://www.wikipedia.org/") System.Windows.Forms.SendKeys.Send("Moonraker") System.Windows.Forms.SendKeys.Send("{Enter}") , use sendkeys to enter the name of the movie from the excel list into Wiki's default search text field and {Enter} to launch. What I …

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Member Avatar for S.A.H

hi every body , I want to write a program with vb.net about calculating the GPA in my program I'll ask the user to Enter the number of courses then I'll Generate ComboBox(s) by the number of courses ... So How can I do the dynamic Generate of the combobox …

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Member Avatar for diyerxa

Hello, Is it possible to change the connection string after setting up a Data Source? I'd like to set up a Data Grid View, but the user must be able to change the location of the database file at a later time (over a network). i've been trying: My.Settings.db1ConnectionString1 = …

Member Avatar for Arunabh Nag
Member Avatar for atv161

does anyone know how to subtract a certain number of days from a given date? thanks in advance for your help. Nevermind I figured it out with the help of the help index.

Member Avatar for marc-0
Member Avatar for Loony064

Hey All I'm busy with a program in VB.Net 2008 that performs sales. When a user clicks on the Invoice button, a record with the details of the Transaction is addedd to the Transactions table in the back-end MS Access 2007 database. The Transactions table has the following fields: LogID …

Member Avatar for Loony064
Member Avatar for vinnarasi

How to delete,update records in listview? Changes also affect the database?

Member Avatar for vinnarasi
Member Avatar for hery

this is my code. [code] Private Sub cmdSearch_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdSearch.Click temp = "DaftarGaji" modPY.LookUp("SELECT * FROM MS_UMR ORDER BY TAHUN", strCONNECT, 0, 1, temp) End Sub [/code] [code] Public Sub LookUp(ByVal strRecordtoSearch As String, ByVal strCONNECT As String, ByVal KeyFieldPos As Short, ByVal …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for juliusceasar

Good Day All, I am having issues making reference to .subitems(5) of ListViewStudents below, I can get to .subitems(4) with no issue but it tells me .subitems(5) does not exist. lsvFemaleStudents has 6 columns therefore it should have 5 subitems right? Does anyone know if there is a restriction when …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for whitezombie

I'm new to this forum but I I'm trying to find an answer to my question. I've developed an application in VB.Net using the console option. This program runs from the command-prompt and is very basic. The issue I am having is: 1. I compile the program and copy the …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for ZidaneXero

Hello everyone Im new at this thing of programming and im having trouble in saving a new record to the database, I've searched online for this problem and ive tried all the possible ways that i find in internet but i cant manage to make it work correctly This is …

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The End.