Xcode Hardware and Software macOS by Katana24 Hi, just started using Xcode to code C programs. Im trying to create multiple programs … program - I don't think I would have to otherwise XCode isn't very good. What you think? Xcode: setting license information and dynamic library paths. Programming Software Development by RobBobSmith …to set license information. When I run the code in Xcode, I get this error: Code: dyld: Library not loaded… 2) export LM_LICENSE_FILE=1234@lic-xxx.xxx.xx In Xcode, my understanding is that this information (1 and 2…is, my code is in Code: /Applications . But my Xcode project is saved at Code: /Users/me/Desktop/executableName . … Xcode and ios not able to install Hardware and Software macOS by srini120 …on intel desktop(hacked version) and then it installed xcode 3.2.1 with ios,and it worked fine without…problem everything was working properly such as audio,video,internet,xcode,simulator everything was worked fine.Due to some presonal … and running fine and perfect and when i install xcode and ios it is showing software manufacturing problem and … Xcode with subversion Hardware and Software macOS by lil_panda How do I change the path to the [i]svn[/i] executable Xcode uses, or at least find out which svn executable is being used by Xcode? The version Xcode is using is to old for my repository. Re: Xcode, iOS and C++? Programming Mobile Development by Seattle Slim …C. Cocoa is Apple's version of such. XCode is the development environment as Visual Studio is …for Microsoft. XCode supports C, C++, however if your are … than C. Also if you are new get XCode 4. It still is in development, but soon…I am sure. It is quite different than XCode 3 and worth the 99.00 to join … Re: Xcode C++ help Programming Software Development by vijayan121 > i would reconmend not using Xcode if your working on c++ becuse it uses the std …c++ libray There is nothing fundamentally wrong with Xcode as an IDE for C++. You can't program in… C++ - Xcode or no Xcode - without using the standard C++ library. If Xmod had… Xcode iPhone Hardware and Software macOS by Brandlax … got with the mac, i installed Xcode and Snow Leopard.. but the problem is, in Xcode i only have template for creating… Re: Xcode, iOS and C++? Programming Mobile Development by Vermillion … inherits from an Obj-C class. Also by the way, Xcode 4 was released today in the Mac store: It costs… Mac OS Developers can get it for free. I use Xcode 3, but for what I heard the new… Xcode question Programming Software Development by John Does …me where to place the input file in xcode? It builds and runs the program, but it…That is via the terminal with g++. Here is what xcode gives me. [code] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Little Red Schoolhouse Program … XCode closing OpenGL program quickly? Programming Software Development by dark_sider_1 … to "Build and Run" an OpenGL program on XCode, it seems to debug it and open the window for… try to run a program? Sorry, I'm new at XCode. Xcode 4.3.3 Organizer crash Hardware and Software macOS by Perigee Hi, I just experienced this issue after upgrading Xcode to 4.3.3, and thought the fix might be …/thread/141685) and modified [here](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9325804/xcode-4-3-organizer-crash). Create the file readcert.m with… Re: Xcode C++ help Programming Software Development by epicSHOOTER236 if your using Xcode your probably a mac user, which I am also, therfore i would reconmend not using Xcode if your working on c++ becuse it uses the std c++ libray so it's slightly different then most c++ users are used to Xcode download Hardware and Software macOS by aldebaran31 Hi all, I need to get 'make' on Darwin, so I have downloaded Xcode from apple's website. I am unable to install it, however. I am running Mac OS X 10.4.11. Any suggestions? Thanks. XCode Gotchas Programming Game Development by jasonslater I'm looking at moving development of my games from ActionScript 3 to XCode - has anyone else made this move and are there any gotcha's I should watch out for? Xcode, iOS and C++? Programming Mobile Development by fish234 Can I ask what the programing languege used in iOS? I heard it was Xcode but I'm not 100% what that is, lol if anyone can give me a hand it would be great. Also (and I know this is kind of a supid queston) can you use and C++ knolge with it? Any help would be great, Thanks :) Xcode converter info Programming Software Development by ryanwebber Hi i am requiring some assistance on how to create a converter using the xcode, if someone could please provide some suitable material, books, links to relevant websites etc on how this could be done it would be very much appreciated. Warm regards Ryan Re: Xcode converter info Programming Software Development by YourGamerMom What kind of converter? I can only suggest Apples Mac Dev website at: [URL="http://developer.apple.com/devcenter/mac/index.action"]http://developer.apple.com/devcenter/mac/index.action[/URL]. You should be able to search for threads specifically about Xcode. The website also has some resources you could use. XCode 4 - Autogenerate .cpp from .h Programming Software Development by SasseMan Hi! I think the title is quite clear, but is there a way (I'm using Xcode 4) to auto generate the methods defined in a c++ header file to a cpp file? I just want empty methods that are compatible with the definitions in the header. Can't find anything on this. Thanks! Xcode C++ help Programming Software Development by Xmod How can I get this [code](http://www.mediafire.com/?o3kg3nii2sfoigh) to work? I am using xcode 4.5. Thanks Re: Xcode C++ help Programming Software Development by vijayan121 curses for Windows - pdcurses http://pdcurses.sourceforge.net/ OSX is Unix (FreeBSD); ncurses is part of Xcode Tools https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/documentation/Darwin/Reference/ManPages/man3/ncurses.3x.html Xcode version5.o Programming Software Development by shrikanthnk Kindly help me to resolve this issue. I'm using Xcode 5.0 and options (such as check/uncheck storyboard )are not getting displayed whenever I launch new project with single view application. p.s: I used to get above mentioned option till yesterday. Xcode How can I move game pieces from one place to another Programming Software Development by pinkPanda I'm trying to create simple game on xcode (swift) what I'm trying to do is moving player … Re: C Programming using XCode Programming Software Development by abhimanipal Xcode hides lots of stuff from you. If your are going to be using C only for a couple of days then probably X code is the right way to go. But if you want to learn the language from ground up, then probably you want to explore the terminal option Re: Xcode UI Builder != Output Programming Software Development by iamthwee Nice but did you know you create an App using shoes as well, so you don't need xcode. Re: Xcode UI Builder != Output Programming Software Development by matrixdevuk I like Xcode; I have "App Code" too... but the builder breaks there. Any idea how I can fix my issue? Re: Cannot get RE2 to compile using Xcode 5 Programming Software Development by DuffManLight …/Users/Christian/punk2.0 setenv MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET 10.8 /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/clang++ …/Build/Products/Debug -filelist /Users/Christian/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/punk2.0-amlugwfadnrssbdqcornpdaxegpr/Build/Intermediates/punk2.0.build/… Adding gcc 4.9 as a compiler option in Xcode Hardware and Software macOS by WanderingCoder …C11 support), and want to add it to Xcode 4.6.3's build options as a … older version. When I go into an existing Xcode project's build settings, the only compiler options…questions/7531881/no-gcc-4-2-compiler-option-in-xcode-4) on StackOverflow as well, but the …tools that required (and created) this directory into Xcode. How do I add gcc 4.9 as … Basic info on Xcode compilers (C++) Hardware and Software macOS by Annettest …: I need to find out about compile options in Xcode (I'm an Xcode and C++ newbie). The default compiler for OS… 10.6 and XCode version 3.2.2 is apparently LLVM 2.0. Is… related to g++? Also, are there other compilers available within XCode? If so, how would I use them and find out… building c++ program with XCode Programming Software Development by Samuelandjw …Mac OS X, and the IDE of choice is naturally XCode. It is very straightforward in VC++ to build the program… DEBUG configuration or RELEASE configuration. But as a newcomer for XCode, I don't know how to do the equivalent thing… in XCode. There are tons of options involving DEBUG and RELEASE configuration… Programming OpenGL on MacOS without XCode Programming by jwenting …. Glew2 and GLFW3 are installed correctly using Homebrew, XCode and the commandline tools are installed as well. Creating… and compiling/running through XCode works fine, but using the same libraries and C… placing a symlink from their location inside the XCode application libraries in a public location. Problem is…