xml parsing Programming Software Development by Agni …for the first time i had to do some xml parsing in my code. i have been able to do… fetching the value of each tag from an input XML file, however my concern is that what if tomorrow… new tags? cant i read the i/p xml tags dynamically and fetch the value so that no… matter what the xml is i dont have to change the code? … Xml Parsing Programming Software Development by john butler Hello Everybody, I am working on Parsing right now, So can anybody please through some light pertaining to what XMl Parsing is basically being done and I would appreciate it greatly if somebody who knows it can give me any example for the same. Thanks in Advance, john XML Parsing Error: junk after document element Programming Software Development by Dha_King …fine now it don't. I get this error "XML Parsing Error: junk after document element Location: [url]http://localhost…Indent = true; settings.NewLineOnAttributes = true; Response.ContentType = "text/xml"; XmlSerializerFactory factory = new XmlSerializerFactory(); using (XmlWriter writer = XmlWriter.Create… xml parsing from java Programming Software Development by vijaygandhi559 … trying to use xpath and xml parsing through java. I am completely new to this. I have an xml below and I need… with " Group object missing user " This is the xml .... - <HTML> - <BODY> - <CENTER> - <… Re: xml parsing from java Programming Software Development by ProgrammersTalk There are many ways, but I suggest you to use Java API to do this, read their documentation about XML parsing :) Re: xml parsing from java Programming Software Development by ksaxena … Ezzaral. HTML should no way be a candidate for Java XML parsing, and regEx should be used to achieve what you want… XML parsing in JSP Programming Web Development by selvasmartmccan I want to use XML file to insert some data and want to upload that data into my JSP page. That is "XML parsing in JSP" but i tried using JDOM parser but i cant able to get ... any one know dis??????? Re: Xml Parsing Programming Software Development by iceandrews In way way are you "working on parsing" ? Are you trying to understand the theoretical meaning of of parsing and the DOM processing model? Or are you trying to implement the parsing of an XML document for a specific purpose? Re: XML parsing with namespaces Programming Web Development by pritaeas Have you tried the jQuery way of parsing? You can find an example [here](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/853740/jquery-xml-parsing-with-namespaces). WordPress SEO sitemap, XML Parsing Error: not well-formed Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by webreaker when I click on the link for the posts http://www.telechargercours.com/post-sitemap.xml I receive an error XML Parsing Error: not well-formed Location: http://www.telechargercours.com/post-sitemap.xml Line Number 14427, Column 34: <image:caption>L'Ordre SELECT Élémentaire</image:caption> any idea about this error? VB.NET 2010 XML Parsing Programming Software Development by LucianAdamson … hours trying to figure this out... im new to the XML parsing stuff so I am starting to get frustrated. Here is… a sample of the XMl im trying to parse: <level id="1"… Re: xml parsing with c Programming Software Development by rahul208708 #2 plz send me code of xml parsing with c. Re: xml parsing from java Programming Software Development by Ezzaral … an XPath. Typically the information you are working with in XML is meaningfully marked up in a relational manner with data… are looking at is probably just plain old regex text parsing. Take a look at java regex and see if that… Re: xml parsing from java Programming Software Development by TheGathering I didn't know Java's XML parsers could parse HTML. I'm not sure though that you can use <br/> tags and such with xml though. I'd always thought you'd have to use document.write("<br/>"); with imbedded javascript... I've worked with Java and XMLs before, but never like that. Thanks for the insight :) Re: XML parsing in JSP Programming Web Development by peter_budo Too many question marks on what you actually attempting to do, you will need to do better on problem explanation. Simple examples of using XML parsers including JDOM can be found here in [URL="http://cafeconleche.org/books/xmljava/"]Processing XML with Java[/URL] book Re: Xml Parsing Programming Software Development by john butler I am working on aSpecific Application of finding the Current Location of a Restaurant where I need to dispaly three things:- "Current Temperature", "Humidity" and the "Icon" of the Temperature. I am finding the Current Location by calling a Web Service. Thanks, john Parsing simple XML error Programming Software Development by Diamonddrake …USPS tracking class, very simple calls web api returns xml, parses the xml to an object, passes that object back via … value from the TrackDetails nodes. Here is the xml example [CODE] <?xml version="1.0"?> <TrackResponse…never any of the others. I don't do much xml parsing and normally I just use serialization. So this is … Re: Help with Ajax XML parsing Programming Web Development by iamthwee Not too sure what it is, but a quick search recommends using JQuery to do this... [url]http://stackoverflow.com/questions/649614/xml-parsing-in-javascript[/url] Re: Simple XML Parsing With PHP? Programming Web Development by veedeoo … when there are multiple countryCode . for example, [CODE] <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"… that the above file is named xml.xml. !ADDED LATER ON EDIT! [CODE] $xml = "xml.xml"; $xml = @simplexml_load_file($xml); foreach($xml as $items){ $country = $items… posts in this forum... I got a lot about xml parsing. XML error.. Please help Programming Web Development by jino Hi all, I have created an rss xml file and hosted in my website.. I am getting … i open the same rss feed in Mozilla firefox.... XML Parsing Error: xml declaration not at start of external entity Location: [url…]http://www.photos.keraladaily.com/rss.xml[/url] Line Number 1, Column 5: Please help me...… XML parsing Programming Software Development by 1337455 10534 …stuff, xcept how do you actually parse an XML file? Using; [code] from os import… = '\\' xml = open('%s%sword%sdocument.xml' % (cwd, dirType, dirType)) text = xml.read() line = 0 repr(xml) size = len(xml) while line… != size: .. text = xml[… Re: XML parsing Programming Software Development by 1337455 10534 ….ZipFile("%s" % fp,'r') docx = xml.read('word%sdocument.xml' % dir) xml.close() except IOError: print """Bad file…) else: pass if docx[line:line+26] == '<w:t xml:space="preserve">': openTag(line,2) else: pass… Re: XML parsing Programming Software Development by bgeddy Have you seen "Dive into Python" by Mark Pilgrim ? It's a fine resource and has an excellent section on XML processing. It's available online too.. Re: XML parsing Programming Software Development by jrcagle Yeah, if you think XML is a pain, wait until you try to create the OLE file required for the .doc format. :lol: 300+ pages of documentation, and I gave up in disgust. Jeff Re: XML parsing Programming Software Development by 1337455 10534 …. Any method to access the given .docx's word/document.xml file is welcome, even a full re-write (well its… XML Parsing Programming Software Development by DarkLotus I want to parse strings in an XML file. Example: [code] <TestOptions> <Testing> <… around? Such as below: [code] xml->Load("testfile.xml"); xml->BlahBlah("Tester"); xml->Read(); //return contents between… Re: XML parsing Programming Software Development by apegram …actually pretty good. You can turn the XML document into a jagged array of floats…Linq; using System.Xml.Linq; class Program { static void Main() { string xml = @"<?xml version=""…int size = 3; XDocument document = XDocument.Parse(xml); var query = (from m in document.Descendants("… XML parsing Programming Software Development by bunnyboy … convolution over image. I decided to load convolution cores from xml file. But, as this was the first time me working… with xml I have no knowledge how to effective parse it. So… that there is better solution to this. [CODE=c#] Xml sample: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8… XML Parsing Programming Software Development by belwaer I have this XML data I have this XML data <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?&… Re: XML Parsing Programming Software Development by tinstaafl This page,[XML in Visual Basic](http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb384833%28v=vs.110%29.aspx), has links to a number of tutorials/walkthroughs that deal with reading/writing/accessing xml