Youth Group Forum - again Digital Media UI / UX Design by Duki Hey everyone, I'm wanting to start a phpBB forum for our youth group but I have no clue how. :sad: We have a domain for the church but I don't know where to begin. I want it to be something that is reliable, but I also don't want to spend 20 hours a week maintaining it. Any help would be great! Thanks a bunch! :mrgreen: -duKi Designing Web Page for Youth Group Digital Media UI / UX Design by Artluo100 … looking for help on designing a web page for my youth group. I have some knowledge to this web designing stuff… Question about creating webpage for a Christian youth group. Digital Media UI / UX Design by Artluo100 …, whats up? I'm currently building a website for my youth group based in NYC. I have some knowledge about HTML… Website for Youth Organization Members Programming Web Development by dougbarrett I am starting up a website for the youth organization I work for that is mainly for our members (… Free Computer Classes for youth (JAVA,ORACLE,Linux) Community Center by guru_tech … posted here So i thought i could contribute something for youth. with more than 5 years of Experience in above subjects… Re: Youth Group Forum - again Digital Media UI / UX Design by I believe I could help you, I've installed and setup phpbb before. PM me Re: Designing Web Page for Youth Group Digital Media UI / UX Design by Dani Well, the first thing to do is decide whether you want to use a WYSIWYG editor to design your site, or if you want to learn HTML and design it from scratch in Notepad or a regular ol' text editor. I'm assuming the former. I highly recommend Macromedia Dreamweaver MX as a great place to start. Re: Designing Web Page for Youth Group Digital Media UI / UX Design by yni420 if you have money to invest maybe you can buy one of the Template monster products. you can customise it to your liking. change the color font etc. but the best would be to sit and decide on your own genuine design. then try out either frontpage or dreamweaver i am a web designer if you need any help PM me Re: Designing Web Page for Youth Group Digital Media UI / UX Design by 2ndPlatform I would recommend using Dreamweaver -- it's quite easy to learn how to use and on the back end, writes pretty good HTML code. I'm not a big fan of FrontPage (at all!) simple because of the horrible code it writes in the background -- but I won't get into that here. :) The template route is a good one to go - that way everything is already made… Re: Question about creating webpage for a Christian youth group. Digital Media UI / UX Design by interactive dad you might want to try php nuke. it's free, offers many different templates that you can modify to meet your needs. you can also get a predesigned template and change it. i would however recommend the book php nuke garage which explains the nuances of php nuke in plain english. Re: Question about creating webpage for a Christian youth group. Digital Media UI / UX Design by Artluo100 Yeah I will look into that. Thanks! Any more advice? Re: Question about creating webpage for a Christian youth group. Digital Media UI / UX Design by DaveSW yes you're basically looking for an open source cms [url][/url] Re: Question about creating webpage for a Christian youth group. Digital Media UI / UX Design by Artluo100 Thanks for the advice Re: Free Computer Classes for youth (JAVA,ORACLE,Linux) Community Center by masijade Wow, a [i]whole [b]5[/b] years[/i] in [i]all[/i] of that? Didn't leave a whole lot of time to specialise in anything, did it? You really think you're qualified to train people? Tutor, yeah. Hold classes (judging only from this post, of course), I think not. Contact us form posting to itself Programming Web Development by motieno …quot; content= "jiomoe, jiomoe foundation, youth, youth organization"/> <meta name="Description…quot; content= "jiomoe, jiomoe foundation, youth, youth organization"/> <meta name="Description…quot; content= "jiomoe, jiomoe foundation, youth, youth organization"/> <meta name="… Re: Contact us form posting to itself Programming Web Development by network18 …Keywords" content= "jiomoe, jiomoe foundation, youth, youth organization"/> <meta name="Description…" content= "jiomoe, jiomoe foundation, youth, youth organization"/> <meta name="Description…quot;Jiomoe Foundation is a volunteer community based youth initiative." /> <meta http-… Re: Contact us form posting to itself Programming Web Development by motieno …Keywords" content= "jiomoe, jiomoe foundation, youth, youth organization"/> <meta name="Description…" content= "jiomoe, jiomoe foundation, youth, youth organization"/> <meta name="Description…quot;Jiomoe Foundation is a volunteer community based youth initiative." /> <meta http-… Contact us form to email Programming Web Development by motieno …" content= "jiomoe, jiomoe foundation, youth, youth organization"/> <meta name="Description…" content= "jiomoe, jiomoe foundation, youth, youth organization"/> <meta name="Description…quot;Jiomoe Foundation is a volunteer community based youth initiative." /> <meta http-… Re: Contact us form to email Programming Web Development by CFROG …Keywords" content= "jiomoe, jiomoe foundation, youth, youth organization"/> <meta name="Description…="Jiomoe Foundation is a volunteer community based youth initiative." /> <meta http-… a Volunteer, Community based Youth initiative founded by the Kenyan Youth to eradicate poverty, create employment… need help with c++ problem Programming Software Development by infernojmd …] Amusement Park Tickets Price Total Children ## 2.00 $$$$.$$ Youth ## 8.50 $$$$.$$ Adults ## 12.50 $$$$.$$ Total Bill… numberOfYouth, numberOfAdult; const double children = 2.00, youth = 8.50, adult = 12.50; double youthCost… Merging two queries Programming Databases by MargateSteve …career with Derby County. Danny captained the Rams’ youth team before progressing to the reserves, playing regularly for… before joining Colchester United, where he made two youth appearances before joining Southend in August 1997. and …/>\r\nStarted off with Ramsgate in their Youth and Reserve sides before leaving for Greenwich University and… javascript script on select menu event problem j Programming Web Development by Venance_1 … groups, the groups are of four category, namely men, women, youth and both(men and women) category, i'm not good… category is men, number is 30, the same apply for youth and women category, but for both(men and women) category…;>Women</option> <option value="youth">Youth</option> <option value="both"… Re: javascript script on select menu event problem j Programming Web Development by vsmash …;>Women</option> <option value="youth">Youth</option> <option value="both"…;text/javascript"> var clection = { 'men': 27, 'women': 23, 'youth': 30, 'both': function() { return parseInt( + parseInt(clection.women… C++ homework Problem Programming Software Development by robase …{ total_number_of_Children_tickets += number_of_Children_tickets; cout << "Enter the number of Youth tickets you would like to purchase and press enter.\n… Total_of_Children_tickets << "\n"; cout << "Youth " << total_number_of_Youth_tickets << " " <… Data between dates again Programming Web Development by harrence … = mysql_num_rows($result); $result=mysql_query("SELECT artist_id FROM artists_details WHERE youth='youth'"); $num_rows_y = mysql_num_rows($result); $result=mysql_query("SELECT artist_id FROM…></tr> <tr><td>Youth</td><?php if (isset($_POST['submit'])){?>… How to dynamically switch the fixed height of a parent div between two values (while Programming Web Development by yofathp …to dedicate myself to the betterment and empowerment of our youth. <a href="javascript:switchit('First')"&…> of a society where the vast majority of youth are growing up in single parent homes (many in…neighborhoods). I have witnessed first hand how heavily influenced the youth are by television, music and movies. More Educators, … Excel Workbooks are not being completely Closed via Programming Software Development by Papa_Don …= CInt(Microsoft.VisualBasic.Mid(txtLine, 49, 4)) youth = CInt(Microsoft.VisualBasic.Mid(txtLine, 54, 4)) …rowXl, 6) = adults xlWorkSheet.Cells(rowXl, 7) = youth xlWorkSheet.Cells(rowXl, 8) = children xlWorkSheet.Cells(rowXl, … Samba roaming profiles Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by absco … any 'faux-pas'. I'm doing some work for a youth helpline charity in the UK and they need to centralise… uucp logon script = logon.bat message command = welcome to GBS Youth Helpline unix password sync = Yes workgroup = charity logon path = \\%L… Can only get one Record into Table. Please Help! Programming Databases by alanos206 …(); ?> <html> <head> <title>Youth-Topia Registration</title> <meta http-equiv="…(); ?> <html> <head> <title>Youth-Topia Registration</title> <meta http-equiv="… XSL call-template parameter problems Programming Software Development by knightsg … a range of parties including local government, shopping centre management, youth services and young people themselves. (This article is based on…;<ispublished>pub</ispublished><keywords>Youth; Young people; Public space; Inclusion</keywords></eprint…