mike_2000_17 2,669 21st Century Viking Team Colleague Featured Poster

Since the overhaul, there are some nice feature of the old system that are missing in the thread titles. By thread titles, I mean as they show up in the forum listings (the icon (new, read, etc.), title, # of replies, time of last post, etc.). Some of the features of the old system that I have in mind are the following:

  • When hovering over the title, the first few lines of the question used to appear. Now, there's nothing.
  • The number of up-votes / down-votes associated to the OP used to appear on the right of the title. That seems to be gone.
  • What happened to the view-count on the thread?

I found that these features were pretty useful to determine if its worthwhile clicking and reading the thread. I miss them. Any plans for them to reappear?