I use IE6 , no problems here.

No problems for me in Safari w/ OS X, IE7 in Vista, FF2 in Vista, IE6 on Win XP, and FF (not sure what version) on Win XP.

It even works on the IE4/5 compatible browser on my PDA

When the status bar hangs at that point

It's site request overload. Doubleclick OVERSUBSCRIBES their service to the point where more requests come in than their server can handle. They have been doing it since 1999, so I doubt they will change their ways.

My latest error message:

Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at ad.doubleclick.net.

It did it again during the posting of the above post. This time it said the following, ending in the iddle of a sentence (the ad window was filled):

Unable to connect

Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at ad.doubleclick.net.

* The site could be temporarily unavailable or too busy. Try again in a few

* If you are unable

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