better password can be is know other people can think that like the username what if ur username is kim and the password is also kim just copy and paste but i suggest use capital and small letter and the # as well like P4SsW0rD

thats bad. Never do that.

Anything that looks remotely like Password is a bad idea. You have something unusual that only you would know, such as merging two words and a date for example.

Anything that looks remotely like Password is a bad idea. You have something unusual that only you would know, such as merging two words and a date for example.

I've wondered about that. I mean, using 'password' is just dumb, and something like 'p4ssw0rd' is still pretty easy, but it seems like 'p4S$\/V0rD' might hold out till the brute forcing...

dictionary crackers lists usually include common modified versions of words e.g pa55w0rd

dictionary crackers lists usually include common modified versions of words e.g pa55w0rd

As they'd certainly be expected to, but how far would the above-average dictionary go?

what if use a sample password like " " that space it's simple. and y not use shift key

space is the first thing a dictionary or brite force cracker would try, hell, its probably the first thing a person would try

I think "GeorgeWalkerBush" would be a good password. Nobody would type that without getting pissed. :)


(remember that) ;)


Mine came up with that :P
That would be a hackers nightmare :D

I'll bet this method would be hard to crack.
Take a number between I and CMXCIX,
multiply it by pi,
round off to approximately 117.1416 decimal places,
write that number with text,
convert it to hex,
punctuate heavily,
pick a bunch of varied case letters, numbers, symbols and anything else you can find a key for and use that for your password.
Make sure to delete all your work; a hacker will realize it isn't that, making it that much easier for them to figure out what it really is.

Just a thought.

"SuPeRcAlIfRaGiLiStIcExPiAlIdOcIoUs" works well for me as a password.

a safe and a bit of paper is a good idea ;)

Yes, but for absolute safety, you have to burn the piece of paper before you put it in the safe. Then you have to weld the safe closed and kill anyone who knows the combination.

Hardly anybody would be able to get at it then.

The best password is one that has nothing related to you and has as many characters as possible

"The best" at WHAT?
Everyone presumes the only answer is "best at impenetrability"? Why?
Personally, I prefer "best suited to purpose"
Anyone discussing this, surely has so many logins, passwords, sign-ins and ID's that there is at least 2 dozen they don't even remember HAVING; let alone the password. after they remember their user-name.

Financial, medical, credit related? Brick shithouse all the way. That means "best at impenetrability, with minimal convenience".

But really, is there ANY reason anyone else would even WANT my DaniWeb identity????
I won't use "password" in any flavor. But I sure ain't memorizing a 20 character password. Best at convenience without ignoring security.

And news, recreational forums, product manufacturer, etc. sites? Honestly, I am unable to think of a way you could make me care, even if you DID have my password. They get one of a few standards from me, that are little more than "Bob". Best at nothing but my personal convenience; security is satisfied by anything more complex than hitting enter.
Do others actually "stress" over every registration?

my daniweb one is 8 chars, alphanumeric with a space and a symbol

my daniweb one is 8 chars, alphanumeric with a space and a symbol

That's plenty safe enough.

"SuPeRcAlIfRaGiLiStIcExPiAlIdOcIoUs" works well for me as a password.

Not exactly what I want to have to type in the morning to unlock my workstation ;)

"a a a a a" is a simple but not easy to hack or manipulate the account

Also a lot of people use "qwerty" as their password for Wireless Networks and computers! My neighbour has a totally un-protected wireless network! They are asking to be hacked! :P

ok..... what don.t use password hehehehe

put 5 spaces,,,,,

no just don't type password and just log in it

Strong passwords should be Letters, both upper and lowercase, numbers and symbols.

M!ch@3kn1gHT would take an awful long time to crack, on the other hand, a password such as WHh8PCY965eFtIYyG@6*FvS^bcCGPq%uu$bO$f$cmJxx@&dw1Yju0KdI#BQoh$8I would take 27 years to break, even with the fastest cray computer, the more letters, numbers and symbols the better the bit value (this one is 256bit, and its not even encrypted. If it was, you can forget cracking it in your lifetime without the knowing it or having the public key).

To technogeek_42 Passwords like a a a a a would be cracked in a matter of seconds with a dictionary attack, or even a brute force Xieve attack.

My advice, stick to long passwords of letters, numbers, upper and lower-case and at least one symbol.

If a website or program wont allow that combination, then its security and password policy is weak.

You know the username and password are too long when you can't log in without making a typo.

Save the username and password...
At the time to log in copy and paste??

copy + paste is BAD

dont ever use it for passwords

before IE7 any website could read your clipboard with javascript, so it would only take one rouge ad to steal your online banking details..

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