Why do we Drive on a Parkway and Park on a Driveway?
Why do the packages say "this side up" but we always get them upside down?

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They get it upside down because usually you have the word "up" on the box with an arrow pointing up. But when you turn the box upside down, it now has the abbreviated word "dn" on it with an arrow pointing down.

"dn" is "up" upside down - or is it umop apisdn

Why is abbreviation such a long word?

Anyone for fruitcake hockey?

commented: umop ap!sdn +3

miltary intelligence... quite possibly the dumbest people I know

miltary intelligence... quite possibly the dumbest people I know

hey, don't underestimate my colleagues! :)

How about the old "Press any key" joke?
I wonder if people ever did call in looking for the "any" key???

I shall quote the Evanston Chem/Phys class of 2008:
A computer once beat me at chess but it was no match for me at kick boxing.
Ian Finder, please do not kill me for posting that.

How about the old "Press any key" joke?
I wonder if people ever did call in looking for the "any" key???

According to the stories cataloged at Techtales.com, yes.

I believe my favorite was one where a company actually had specialty caps made for their A keys that followed the 'A' with a smallcaps 'ny'.

Another tale (possibly from the same site; it's been a while since I read it) relates how the 'Any' key is in fact the F10 key. Apparently, they had a system that, at the 'press any key to continue' marker, wouldn't accept keypresses from anything except for F10.

The website mentioned is a fun one to browse around on.

Dogs have dog breath. Cats, however, have fishbreath, which suggests that breath is better described by the eaten items than by the breath's owner. Ergo, it is indeed a dog-eat-dog world out there.
(I actually made that one up!)

A friend of mine assures me that at KFCs in the South, chicken breast is called "chicken keel" due to bible belt philosophy. (Can't have people leering pervertedly at the menus, after all!)

oh no mate :) I served in the field intelligence in the Israeli army. Ireland was a very recent move

>> hey, don't underestimate my colleagues!
I take it you know that the Irish secret-intelligence is so secret that not even the government knows about it, right?

>> I won't embarrass the unit or the female Lance Corporal involved by naming names
i.e. a "close aid to the president", i.e. I made it up!

I take it you know that the Irish secret-intelligence is so secret that not even the government knows about it, right?

from what I've seen in RoI so far that is quite possible :) but as I mentioned before - I served in the Israeli army intel, not Irish

commented: good signature qoute :) +2

and why is it that a child-proof lighter can produce a flame quicker for a small child, than it can an adult?... same goes for child-proof medicine caps

miltary intelligence... quite possibly the dumbest people I know

Be careful, we're watching you!

and why is it that a child-proof lighter can produce a flame quicker for a small child, than it can an adult?... same goes for child-proof medicine caps

Yes, similiar things are often experienced. I'd started another thread for them -- Murphy's Laws :)

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