The impending Michelle Obama "whiteys" video: will this derail the Obama campaign?

This was sure a campaign stopping surprise, wasn't it?

This was sure a campaign stopping surprise, wasn't it?

I saw the warnings about the source too late.

If this were a job applicant being interviewed by my my team at work, I'd have to pass on him.

If any of it were true, I imagine so. Fortunately, it is all a pack of lies - the guy quoting all this just hasn't bothered to look (except maybe he looked in his own closet - kind of like Bush looking for bin Laden or WMD).

I know, I know - you didn't get the warning about how bogus this was until it was too late.

That one has already been debunked. C'mon. Is that all ya got?

That one has already been debunked. C'mon. Is that all ya got?

debunking the debunking the debunkers debunking the bull pucky

Is that all you got?

Complete the list for me.



[edit]As a military man, why are not the red flags firing about an individual so scrubbed clean?

I just saw I got post 666 - Yeehaw!


I went there - he is the guy who claims to have invented the blogosphere (he's #2, he's #2). He told me he did not want me there any more, oh well. He does not have much use for nuance, or for that matter careful reading, but that is all right - maybe he will leave after Obama wins.

Here's the full transcript and audio from pastor Arnold Conrad's invocation before Sen. McCain's speech in Davenport this morning. This pastor sees the election as a religious war. Either that, or Bill Maher paid him to promote Religulous.

I also would also pray, Lord, that your reputation is involved in all that happens between now and November, because there are millions of people around this world praying to their god--whether it's Hindu, Buddha, Allah--that his opponent wins, for a variety of reasons. And Lord, I pray that you will guard your own reputation, because they're going to think that their God is bigger than you, if that happens. So I pray that you will step forward and honor your own name with all that happens between now and election day."

Later in the evening I caught a repeat of the whole event with both speaking. Both had me laughing. That was a very nice break at this point in the campaigns.

Each candidate spoke about 15 minutes, the first half being roast-like, the latter half being remarks toward the place they were speaking.

Perhaps you could provide the link.

Side "bet"/curiousity...

Also being contested in this election is the possibility of a Democrat filibuster-proof supermajority in the Senate. My state has a senate race this cycle. Any guesses as to which way I lean?

Side "bet"/curiousity...

Also being contested in this election is the possibility of a Democrat filibuster-proof supermajority in the Senate. My state has a senate race this cycle. Any guesses as to which way I lean?

It must be Al Franken because he has such a great sense of humour.

It must be Al Franken because he has such a great sense of humour.

I do own one of his books, but I'll take other guesses for a day or so.

Let there be truth; and I saw that truth was good.
And let it divide tolerance from bigotry.

commented: Just a sad shell of your former self; can't post to topic and like jw, can't rub 2 thoughts together to make a point - sigh, why do you bother. +0

Side "bet"/curiousity...

Hint: She got my vote for governor in 2006.

The real loser in this continued discussion of Ayers is the poor dead horse.


More so than ever this election has turned into a personality contest. You have candidates all over the media. THere are pictures of candidates in the tabloids of Obama body surfing. I won't vote for McCain because I fear his world policing--I just wish Obama would tell me exactly why I should vote for him, instead of why I shouldn't vote for the other guys.

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