Just took my younger brother to the zoo and we learned that camels have 3 eyelids to protect themselves from blowing sand.

Just took my younger brother to the zoo and we learned that camels have 3 eyelids to protect themselves from blowing sand.

and they can close their nostrils - Though often called the one-humped camel, the dromedary has two humps used for energy storage in the form of fat. The under-developed anterior hump sits over the shoulders and the large rear hump is found in the centre of the back.

I was amazed by some of the things I saw on this site.
but I especially found these ones to be the weirdest :)

  • Male rhesus monkeys often hang from tree branches by their amazing prehensile penises.
  • SCUBA divers cannot pass gas at depths of 33 feet or below.
  • Silly Putty was "discovered" as the residue left behind after the first latex condoms were produced. It's not widely publicized for obvious reasons.
  • King Henry VIII slept with a gigantic axe.
  • Human saliva has a boiling point three times that of regular water.
  • To human taste buds, Zima is virtually indistinguishable from zebra urine.
  • Urine from male cape water buffaloes is so flammable that some tribes use it for lantern fuel.
  • Never hold your nose and cover your mouth when sneezing, as it can blow out your eyeballs.
  • In the weightlessness of space a frozen pea will explode if it comes in contact with Pepsi.
  • Smearing a small amount of dog feces on an insect bite will relieve the itching and swelling.

I was amazed by some of the things I saw on this site.
but I especially found these ones to be the weirdest :)

  • Male rhesus monkeys often hang from tree branches by their amazing prehensile penises.
  • SCUBA divers cannot pass gas at depths of 33 feet or below.
  • Silly Putty was "discovered" as the residue left behind after the first latex condoms were produced. It's not widely publicized for obvious reasons.
  • King Henry VIII slept with a gigantic axe.
  • Human saliva has a boiling point three times that of regular water.
  • To human taste buds, Zima is virtually indistinguishable from zebra urine.
  • Urine from male cape water buffaloes is so flammable that some tribes use it for lantern fuel.
  • Never hold your nose and cover your mouth when sneezing, as it can blow out your eyeballs.
  • In the weightlessness of space a frozen pea will explode if it comes in contact with Pepsi.
  • Smearing a small amount of dog feces on an insect bite will relieve the itching and swelling.

you don't actually believe any of that do you? Do you smear dog feces on your insect bites? Flammable urine? someone drinks zebra urine?

sigh - for my own sanity, I am going to believe that you just have a weird sense of humor.

King Henry VIII slept with a gigantic axe.

No wonder he couldn't produce a male heir.

Never hold your nose and cover your mouth when sneezing, as it can blow out your eyeballs

This one was discussed on another forum, I don't remember where, but it is supposedly impossible.

Smearing a small amount of dog feces on an insect bite will relieve the itching and swelling.

That one may be true. In my teenage years we would come into contact with nettles every so often, and would go to the river and put mud on it, as depriving it of oxygen will stop the itch. I think the itch from an insect bite comes from the mosquito's saliva so cutting off oxygen may help.

BTW, this thread is about suckers being suckered. If you accept any old crap that is published on the internet...you may be one

A rat can last longer without water than a camel can.

[*]Never hold your nose and cover your mouth when sneezing, as it can blow out your eyeballs.

Actually, supressing a sneeze doesn't blow out your eyes... It mearly bursts the arteries and veins in your neck.
And if you sneeze too hard, your ribs can shatter.

Cats can squeeze through any opening big enough to push their head through.

After Benjamin Franklin published instructions on how to make lightning rods, well-dressed ladies in Europe went wild over wearing lightning rods on their hats and trailing a long ground wire.

The only poisonous birds known are the species of Pitohui from Papua new Guinea. Their skin and feathers contain pretty much the same toxin that the Poison Arrow Frogs do.

The most common speed limit sign in the United States is 25 m.p.h.

Until the 1970s ketchup had no tomatoes in it.

that should read 1700s

Some people consider the US $1 bill unlucky because there are so many 13's on it:
13 stars, 13 stripes, 13 steps, 13 arrows and even an olive branch with 13 leaves on it.

Some people consider the US $1 bill unlucky because there are so many 13's on it:
13 stars, 13 stripes, 13 steps, 13 arrows and even an olive branch with 13 leaves on it.

I would be willing to take the risk away from people. Send them to me.

Some people consider the US $1 bill unlucky because there are so many 13's on it:
13 stars, 13 stripes, 13 steps, 13 arrows and even an olive branch with 13 leaves on it.

That was the reason the $2 bill disappeared. There was a $2 window at the race track and they kept losing, obviously it the bill was bad luck.

No piece of paper can be folded in half more than seven times, try it ;)

Edit:.. no normal piece of paper can be folded in half more than seven times.

Love the link - thanks.

On July 28th, 1945, a US Army bomber crashed into the 79th floor of New York's Empire State Building, killing 14 people.

Drinking a bottle of beer a day helps to reduce the chance of kidney stones by 40%.

commented: hooray! +10

This year alone over 6,000 Americans have gone to hospital emergency rooms with injuries resulting from opening the ever so popular (at least with the stores) rigid 'clamshell' packaging.

In an average minute:-

Fact: 79,000,000 couples are kissing.

Fact: 58,000,000 are engaged in intercourse right now.

Fact: 37,000,000 are getting/giving oral sex.

Fact: 1 lonely reader is reading this post...

Hang in there sun shine, things have to get better................

In an average minute:-

Fact: 79,000,000 couples are kissing.

Fact: 58,000,000 are engaged in intercourse right now.

Fact: 37,000,000 are getting/giving oral sex.

Fact: 1 lonely reader is reading this post...

Hang in there sun shine, things have to get better................

Fact: 250,000,000 have just taken an ED pill and are ready for one of the facts above!

The electric chair was invented by a dentist.

The frog throws up its stomach first, so the stomach (inside-out) is dangling out of its mouth. Then the frog uses its forearms to dig out all of the stomach's contents and then swallows the stomach back down again.

A good lunchtime conversation piece!

The frog throws up its stomach first, so the stomach (inside-out) is dangling out of its mouth. Then the frog uses its forearms to dig out all of the stomach's contents and then swallows the stomach back down again.

A good lunchtime conversation piece!

Awesome! I am so going to bring that up the next time I'm with a bunch of people eating very delicious and expensive food! If I make it out alive, I'll let you know!!!

The frog throws up its stomach first, so the stomach (inside-out) is dangling out of its mouth. Then the frog uses its forearms to dig out all of the stomach's contents and then swallows the stomach back down again.

A good lunchtime conversation piece!

I got to get myself a frog!

Is it true that an egotist is a person of low taste, more interested in himself than in me?

The body has 93,000 miles of nerves in it.

A fully loaded supertanker travelling at normal speed takes a least twenty minutes to stop.

Drinking a bottle of beer a day helps to reduce the chance of kidney stones by 40%.

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