whiskey hey, me too. Gibsons Finest is my whiskey of choice.

but daniweb sucks :)

daniweb sucks


Gibsons Finest

is that an american style whiskey?

i dislike whiskeys e.g Jack Daniels, Jamesons but like scitch Whiskys e.g Glen Morangie, Glen Grant, Talisker (single malts are the best, esp. peaty islay ones)

oirish single malts are what I prefer :)

irish single malts are what I prefer

Location: Ireland

you dont say... ;)

i dislike whiskeys e.g Jack Daniels, Jamesons but like scitch Whiskys e.g Glen Morangie, Glen Grant, Talisker (single malts are the best, esp. peaty islay ones)

I also have a hard time with some of the cheaper rye whiskeys, but I hear the expensive ones are quite good. I do appreciate a good whisk(e)y too though :)

I hate whiskeys and burbon. Give me vodka, gin, Kahula, and Irish Mist.

Vodka + Kahula + Cream = nice cocktail

Gin + tonic = nice + refreshing

you dont say... ;)

that preference was there long before I even considered relocating to Ireland :)
but there are good scotch whiskys, like the Famous Grouse, and the extremely rare Balmoral.

BTW, jbennet, if you find Balmoral, buy it. flippin' incredible drink

but daniweb sucks :)

Whatever you are drinking must be a real swill!

aaargh, I'm surrounded by alcoholics :)

Let's let this thread fly off into the sunset.

Yes the swilliest of swill. If i really thought daniweb sucked then i wouldnt use it.
All jokes aside daniweb always gets me through a sometimes boring work day.

Amen to that Woodman!

What is it that most intrigues you, the most important thing you pursue?

Nursing, love, God.

commented: keep the faith +3

Sky diving, ski jumping, car racing, target shooting, sailing, romance.

Nursing, love, God.

Good for you, going to church to save your soul is very important! God bless you!

Good for you, going to church to save your soul is very important! God bless you!

:) Thanks.

oh no, the god thread is coming back ;)

oh no, the god thread is coming back ;)

We haven't had one of those in quite awhile. Since about when christina stopped posting.
But now that she is back we are guaranteed one. ;)

Well, it might not be as frenzied without Josh to stir it up. I guess we'll see.

The second coming?

lol, i like it when they do those messiah programs on TV

You know the ones i mean? they have that balding guy from the building society adverts. if you dont get ITV in ireland, then you probably wont understand what im talking about ;)

We get ITV alright, I just don't watch much television in general so I don't recognise the fella you're on about. Apart from watching eggheads at 6 on BBC2, which I do to relax after dinner and before study, and snooker due to the championship... I watch very little television.

I have an aunt that religiously watches the many church channels on American TV. She donates half her meager pension to these TVangelists. She believes that she will get a spot in Heaven that way. It's her belief, and I am not going to argue with her.

Ok, This is my opinion on religion, mostly Christianity because i know little about any other.

There is no such things as god! There I said it. Its like believing in the Easter bunny.

The bible is a fictitious tale with good intention. The things talked about cannot happen and if it can then why dont it now.

I believe in fact and science (not scientology :) ).

The purpose of the bible is to instil good morals on children and men by giving them stories with lessons to learn at the end. I believe that this can be done without the preachy word of the bible.

I believe in being kind to everyone and sharing wealth and love throughout the world, but I don’t need the threats of going to hell to make me like that.

The universe and all it beauty was formed because it had to be. Not by a being, not by god, but by the vibrations of energy and the infinite ways in which this energy can act and react.
Religion was good when it was needed by a more primitive man to explain things that he couldn’t but all this causes is war because of the im right your not mentality of the common religious fanatic.

Ahhhhhh that feels good ;)

I agree with you there to some extent Steve, However I differ in that I believe that people are entitled to believe (either rightfully or wrongfully) whatever they want to, and I shall judge them not for it , nor enforce my views upon them!lol

I agree with you. i didnt mean to enforce, thats just what i believe.

People are definately entitled to their own opinions and beliefs. Religion has just caused to many wars, it makes me sad that beliefs based on spirituality and love can cause such harm to other people.

The second coming? ;)

>> Well, it might not be as frenzied without Josh to stir it up. I guess we'll see.
Maybe we could get a new Josh...

I volunteer.

Just keep in mind where Josh's abrasiveness landed him.

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