HI!, umm...
well, I have a task, given to me by school, that requires interviewing someone of a profession I am interested in. Rather than wasting the assignment and interviewing someone like a teacher, I decided that I wanted to interview a Programmer, unfortunately however I do not know any programmers personally. So, I came across this website, well..... I would like to ask some questions.....

And that I would appreciate it if any one employed as a programmer would considering answering some of the folllowing questions.

They are,

1. How much money do you get from your programming job per annum?

2. Do we need to learn Math extensively?

3. How many years of traning does it take for you to finally be good at programming?

4. How stressful is programming?

5. Which particular country you are working in?

6. Do you work at home or in the office?

7. Do you work alone or in a group?

8. In how many days would a project you work on be finished?

9. What kinds of programs do you use in your work?

10. How many hours of work do you do per week?

11. Could you please give me your typical daily schedule as a programmer?12.What is the most difficult part of being a programmer?

13. What is your highest goal as a programmer?

14. I am highly interested in pprogramming. What advice would you give me to be a great proprogrammer?15. If we can turn back time, would you still want to be a programmer or you want to choose another profession?Why?

Well... that's all of the questions I conjured up....
thx for taking the time to answer or even read my questions thx!

HI!, umm...
well, I have a task, given to me by school, that requires interviewing someone of a profession I am interested in. Rather than wasting the assignment and interviewing someone like a teacher, I decided that I wanted to interview a Programmer, unfortunately however I do not know any programmers personally. So, I came across this website, well..... I would like to ask some questions.....

And that I would appreciate it if any one employed as a programmer would considering answering some of the folllowing questions.

They are,

1. How much money do you get from your programming job per annum?

2. Do we need to learn Math extensively?

3. How many years of traning does it take for you to finally be good at programming?

4. How stressful is programming?

5. Which particular country you are working in?

6. Do you work at home or in the office?

7. Do you work alone or in a group?

8. In how many days would a project you work on be finished?

9. What kinds of programs do you use in your work?

10. How many hours of work do you do per week?

11. Could you please give me your typical daily schedule as a programmer?12.What is the most difficult part of being a programmer?

13. What is your highest goal as a programmer?

14. I am highly interested in pprogramming. What advice would you give me to be a great proprogrammer?15. If we can turn back time, would you still want to be a programmer or you want to choose another profession?Why?

Well... that's all of the questions I conjured up....
thx for taking the time to answer or even read my questions thx!

1. No Comment

2. It helps

3. About 3 years. But when you find a new job, depending on their database setup you could look stupid up to a year or until you get a feel for the new database(s).

4. It comes in waves of no stress to banging your head on the wall. Depending on the number of priority one issues you are dealing with.

5. US

6. Both

7. Alone within a group

8. Depends on the project. In the real world, things are constantly changing so a project is never really finished entirely. My deadlines range anywhere from 1 hour to 6 months.

9. Dreamweaver, pgAdmin, phpMyAdmin, Zend Studio, Outlook, Notepad, WebDrive, TortoiseSVN, WinMerge. A few others but these are the most common.

10. 40 :)

11. Check email, if there are no issues, work on current project. Have meetings since I am my own analyst.

12. Juggling and prioritizing projects. Right now I am working on 4 different priority one issues/projects so I am like a cpu; I work on one issue until the others can not longer be delayed and then I move on to the next most important issue and then the next and so on and then come back to the first one and run that process over and over again until you finally get somewhere. Making sure that you cover your ass by getting project summaries approved.

13. To increase my library of knowledge and experience.

14. Read the documentation

15. This is what I am good at, I would start earlier in life though. You figure out who likes to write code and who doesn't pretty quickly. Some people just aren't made for it and some people would do nothing else. I love it.

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