You get butter all around u.

I put in a B'day cake

You get 3 birthday wishes.

I put in purple bananas (??).

You get the taste of yellow ones only

I put in a refrigerator

You get flooded with innundated with ice cubes.

I put in Haskell.

You get ur program working brilliantly

I put in two chocolate ice-creams(obviously one for my girl friend who is yet to come in my life)

You get a girl of your dreams.

I put in a pthread.

you get a pthreaded pthneedle ready for patching your jeans.

I put in my newly patched jeans...

You get ur jeans unpatched again(if u wear it toooooo..... much)

I put in

You get a gmail account(or may be not)

I put in Las vegas city

You win a mega jackpot

I put in Flint Michigan

You get an A K-47...?He...He...He...

I put in osama

You get a billion dollars and a note saying "Thank you" from the CIA

I put in a poodle.

You get a bunch of shaved curls and a ransom note.

I put in an error 404

You get your browser crashing all over itself...

I put in a haha

Due to some crazy acoustic resonance you get the pop group AH-HA

Having already put in the EpIV Death Star, I now put in a "fully operational battlestation", namely the EpVI DS (plus free ewok with every purchase).

You get Deep Space 9; I put in the Apollo Command Module

You get a Zebra

I put in a table

You get a Coaster'd DVD

I put in my cabinet

You get a bunch of papers.

I put in a stack overflow.

You get a runtime error

I put in a debugger

You get your code to work.

I put in NTFS.

You get Windows XP

I put in Windows 98

You get FAT32.

I put in Windows Vista.

You get WinFS (hopefully) ;)

I put in Fedora Core 5

You get a PC from the future running Windows 3025 "This is much better than W3024, honest" Edition.

I put in the "n" from enviroment.

You get to be an environmental lobbyist

I put in myself

You fall into a time portal within the vending machine, that throws you chaotically through space-time to 1608h yesterday, just after you made post 497. Subsequently, the only negative effect of causality, is that you get a second zebra.

I put in The Hungry Catapilla

The Vending Machine gets eaten. Ooops...

I put in Dani's email inviting Paul Thurrott to join DaniWeb :mrgreen:

You get a INBOX-FULL response.

I put in a googleBot.

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