when death is no longer a scary thought.

... you wish you were young again!

when death is no longer a scary thought.

In some educated circles heaven is the way you live and hell is the way you die!

... you forget how old you are.

Enjoy your life while you are young -- do everything and see everything you can. If you enjoy yourself then you won't even realize you are getting old(er). At your age if you are physically able you should be enjoying lots of sports, and chasing girls.

Doing it all, living the life. I just don't like the idea of getting old :/

When you age is 9 times older than daniweb age

When your nipple hair goes gray!

Everything you do produces that "DEJA VU" feeling with it.

Member Avatar for diafol

You rediscover your vitality, just to find that you are no longer vital to anybody or anything anymore... :(

When you start to wear speedos

btw I am 13

... you drank water from the garden hose and not from a bottle.

Hey, I do that and I am 13!

commented: spammer +0

All your friends are dying out.

When you are older than a normal tree

Here is a chart - only goes to 35 though

How about movie for a 14 year old?

You don't know what "Cyanide and Happiness" is. :)

You don't know what "Cyanide and Happiness" is. :)

You know you are old when you don't get it.


When you use: for (int i=0;i<length;i++) And others use: for (Object o:array)

When you use: for (int i=0;i<length;i++) And others use: for (Object o:array)

When you (me) have no idea what your talking about :)

dammin none of this means I am old

title   Hello World Program                             (hello.asm)

.model small
.stack 100h

hello_message db 'Hello, World!',0dh,0ah,'$'

main  proc
      mov    ax,@data
      mov    ds,ax

      mov    ah,9
      mov    dx,offset hello_message
      int    21h

      mov    ax,4C00h
      int    21h
main  endp
end   main

... you think you know it all.

... you think you know it all.

Most teen agers are like that.

When you are OBL.
You have live long enough and now is time to die

Most teen agers are like that.

Hey! I am not like that! I know I am a newb.

... you think you know it all.

I want to modify it. Not you think you know it all but when you DO know it all.

If you can remember using goto <line #> statements

A Poem by an Aged

I cannot see
I cannot pee
I cannot chew
Oh my God, what can i do?
Me memory shrinks.
My hearing stinks
No sense of smell
I look like hell
My mood is bad
My body's drooping
Having trouble pooping
The ' golden years ' have come at last

When you have more candles than your cake can hold;)

If you remember that, originally, 'PC' was used only to refer to IBM personal computers - all other Microsoft-based machines were called 'clones'.

VIC20, Amiga, Apple, Commodore, and a bunch of others were all 'other'.

They are still clones :)

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