So it turns out...yes, I am a software developer. I am at the moment constructing a protein viewer, partly because I am unhappy with current tools, and partly because I am charting out some interesting discovery. Tools, I would modify or change.....
Except Eugene Selkov's brilliant work. And the holdings .ok. great.
I have recently been reviewing the amino acid residues of avian influenza. I am using some really interesting and teriffic Intel toolbar design tools.

I confess to having 3 desktop units in my office space. Plus... One laptop I am testing to determine an ususual failure and order repair parts to install. Two good techs have rejected as impossible. I love the challenge and have made good progress.
Cost. $ 0.00 to date. Still identifying fail. Have Fluke multi meter to examine values. This was a curious project.
I am working with Linux on a 4th desktop and my daughter and I also play games there.

I am a skate dad. Today, I had the pleasure of watching a solid performance to Christmas music. Friday last, was on the ice with some of those figure skaters. It turns out that to master moving across the ice and moves in the field requires some regular practice. To support a developing skater requires a keen perception of life...really.
All the activity in practice leads to performance. Physical agiliity and strength meet motion to music. And oh yes, meet the budget and have the blades sharpened. Also ,
measure and order products to fit growth curves. (estimated width of foot).
I can tell you about some fun Christmas music to skate to. Now that will put you in a good mood..... The bake table was about 6 feet long.

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Welcome to Daniweb and we wish you all the best on your protein app AND the fluked laptops.:)

It is good to know rather than compete you view thingsas a challenge and just focus on creating. his will allow all the creative forces to gather and help you complete your task. I applaud that , wish you a hearty welcome and say Carpe Diem!

welcome to daniweb

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