
What happens only in the middle of each month, in all of the seasons, except summer and happens only in the night, never in the day?

That would be 38: floor(2723 * 1/6 * sqrt(3) / 20.25).

New puzzle #11 (posted it somewhere else also):
Is there a sequence of valid moves in chess that leads to the following (explain):

looks no one is good at chess

Was 38 correct, then?

Was 38 correct, then?

i also don't know that is why placing a new puzzle


What happens only in the middle of each month, in all of the seasons, except summer and happens only in the night, never in the day?

its the letter N same mind teaser was in our company's magazine yesterday :D

Puzzle # 13

You have a fox, a chicken and a sack of grain. You must cross a river with only one of them at a time. If you leave the fox with the chicken he will eat it; if you leave the chicken with the grain he will eat it. How can you get all three across safely?

answer is Take the chicken over first. Go back and bring the grain next, but instead of leaving the chicken with the grain, come back with the chicken. Leave the chicken on the first side and take the fox with you. Leave it on the other side with the grain. Finally, go back over and get the chicken and bring it over.


Puzzle 14

A rooster lays an egg at the very top of a slanted roof. Which side is the egg going to roll off on?

Old one :) roosters don't lay eggs.

Puzzle # 15

A princess is as old as the prince will be when the princess is twice the age that the prince was when the princess's age was half the sum of their present ages.

What are their ages?

Answer is princess: 40
prince: 30
You can find the explanation for answer here

The Mississippi River is the dividing line between Tennessee and Arkansas. If an airplane crashed exactly in the middle of the Mississippi River there, where would the survivors be buried?

We never bury survivors I don't know what you do with them :P


What in an automobile engine serves no purpose but without it the engine does not work?

What in an automobile engine serves no purpose but without it the engine does not work?

Pistons!! :P

lol... Its not piston

lol... Its not piston

Ok, then wheels! :P

They are not useless

The person that drives the car?

The person that drives the car?

He Drives!! :O

Yes, but unlike walking or biking, a car doesn't actually need you. That's why it's called an automobile?

Yes, but unlike walking or biking, a car doesn't actually need you. That's why it's called an automobile?

Okay, but without his hand movement it's hard to make the car move.

hahah nice answer but susheel is right ..... :)... keep looking for the answer an please read puzzle carefully

perhaps "automobile"? :s

Time is over that was a tricky question and the answer is "Noise" :D

Puzzle # 18

What letter is next in this sequence?
M, A, M, J, J, A, S, O,__

"N" for November :)... I googled this one :D

Puzzle # 19

What is the next number in this series?
1, 2, 6, 42, 1806?

answer is 3263442 i.e. 1806*1807

Puzzle # 20

I am out of puzzles so Very common puzzle What came first, the chicken or the egg?

The Chess one from the 3 page is simple. In the game of chess, any pawns first move has the choice of moving two spaces forward as-well as one.

Chicken if your religious, egg if your scientific.

I believe Pokemon came first... just saying

Puzzle #11
It is possible if the white makes move with knight.
For example..
White knight moves from g1 to h3,the black pawn move from e7 to e5, again the white knight moves from h3 to g1.

Stop asking chess puzzles

commented: It wasn't a puzzle. +0

New puzzle to be solved
Puzzle #21

Parents with two children - a son and a daughter - came to a wide river. There was no bridge there. The only way to get to the other side was to ask a fisherman if he could lend them his boat. However, the boat could carry only one adult or two children. How does the family get to the other side and return the boat to the fisherman?

That's easy: children across, one back, parent across, child back, children across, child back, parent across, child back, children across.

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