I am new to this site and i ve joined this site with the idea of learning programming from the scratch. Can anyone teach me as i am very much interested.

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Hello mdimranullah, welcome to DaniWeb :)

Obviously, teaching someone a programming language is well beyond the scope and purpose of our site, but if you have any idea of what programming language you are interested in or what type of programs you would like to write, I'm sure we can at least give you some good beginner's resources.

On the contrary, I learned PHP nearly exclusively from reading forums. Do some research, choose a language you're interested in, we'll help you find a beginner resource, and then and ask, ask, ask any questions every step of the way. It's also a good idea to peruse all of the existing questions related to your language. For example, if you want to learn Java, read existing threads in our Java forum :) You may not understand everything at first, but just reading questions and answers helps you get a better grasp on syntax, debugging, and so forth. It's almost like being exposed to a new spoken language - you slowly pick things up without understanding everything right away. But, over time, the pieces begin to fit together like a puzzle.

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