If you own a gun and have small children please be sure to secure your firearms and make sure any family members that may keep your kids does the same. The depths of this tragedy are so far reaching it is impossible to calculate how many lives have been affected.

Accidental shooting involving a 3 year old

Thank god he is going to be OK!!!


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All 12 Replies

In my humble opinion...
SHOOT GRANDMA for being so damned stupid!

i mean who leaves a loaded gun in the glove compartment that just silly gezzzzzzz

Gotta be prepared for when Hitler is resurrected into Mecha-Hitler Mk. II.


Gotta be prepared for when Hitler is resurrected into Mecha-Hitler Mk. II.


indeed, I have an AK security off fully loaded in my glove department. When I ride an speedbump you better duck.

I mean come on, who has an loaded gun in his glove departement? What happened with to the believe in society?

indeed, I have an AK security off fully loaded in my glove department. When I ride an speedbump you better duck.

I mean come on, who has an loaded gun in his glove departement? What happened with to the believe in society?

Depends on where you live. What good is a gun unless its loaded? afterall, you can't soot someone or something with an empty gun, and a rapist or carjacker sure is not going to wait for you to load it.

Depends on where you live. What good is a gun unless its loaded? afterall, you can't soot someone or something with an empty gun, and a rapist or carjacker sure is not going to wait for you to load it.

Cant we all just get along?

That would be a dream come true!!

Cant we all just get along?

Sadly, no.

Indeed, what good is a gun that's not loaded? It's no more than a rather cumbersome, overexpensive, club.
A sturdy cane or other stick will be much more effective as all you could do with it is try to hit people over the head with it.

But to leave it in such a condition that a child that's not been trained in firearms safety can get at it is criminal (literally, it's a criminal offense to give people who are not legally allowed access to firearms such access).

no guns for us here in the uk (but my friend does have a katana

Not if he heads over into Scotland he doesn't. I saw an article a few months ago on the BBC website about how the Scottish Parliment has passed a law outlawing swords.

hmm i know loads of scottish ppl with swords (they do reinactments or have them on thier walls so maybe they got a licence or something)

According to this article published just last year. It would appear that strict gun control laws does nothing more than increase violent crimes, most likely because criminals could care less about those laws and leave the average good citizen wide open for victimization by criminals.

So we have two countries, both with strict gun control yet one, England, has a hihger violent crime rate than the U.S. while one, Singapore has a far lower crime rate than the U.S. One, England without the death penalty, and one, Singapore, with the death penalty.


England and Wales have the highest crime rate among the world’s leading economies, according to a new report by the United Nations.
The survey, which is likely to prove embarrassing to David Blunkett, the Home Secretary. shows that people are more likely to be mugged, burgled, robbed or assaulted here than in America, Germany, Russia, South Africa or any other of the world’s 20 largest nations. Only the Dominican Republic, New Zealand and Finland have higher crime rates than England and Wales.
Crime in Japan is soaring while the arrest rate of culprits is dropping, a report has shown.

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