First place winner.

I thought you could use different tenses of the same word

Winners are actually second place.

Place the cup on the table.

Table contains rows and columns..

Columns hold up buildings

Buildings can be built by builders..

Builders are constructers.

constructors help construct stuff

stuff them elegantly

Stuff, meaning buildings?

Buildings are not related with me-mentioned stuff, as i'm not an architect

architects have a very important job

Job of mine don't needs much stuff..

Stuff happens.

happenings at the fair are great

Great things happen to great people.

People are not always perfect

Perfect men are impossible to find.

Find everyone including yourself

Yourself, including many others, can be an influence to the world around you.

you and only you

raining stops when there is no more clouds


You should know how to do things alone.

alone??? Are you!!! dont worry i (as a friend)will be there for you always.

Always think positive

Positive emotions are laughs.

Laughs add years to your life.

Life is a fantastic game.

Happiness is nice soft two ply toilet paper. :-P

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